
Aluminum Cutting Machinery

What Is Aluminum Cutting Machinery?

Aluminum Cutting Machinery is a machine that cuts aluminum molds or plates to a specified size.

Aluminum Cutting Machinery varies in performance, functions, and necessary accessory tools depending on the size and shape of the desired material, the number of lots, and the functions to be provided. Therefore, machines that specialize only in cutting are available, as well as those that can be equipped with optional transport and feeding mechanisms.

Since it is important that the specifications be in accordance with the required cutting accuracy, some manufacturers offer custom-made Aluminum Cutting Machinery after hearing the customer’s requirements.

Applications of Aluminum Cutting Machinery

Aluminum cutting machines are mainly used for cutting aluminum, and are therefore used in a wide variety of situations where aluminum materials are required. Fields where they are used include semiconductors, construction, medical care, and the environment and energy. Specifically, the following materials are used for cutting.

  • Aluminum frames, aluminum sashes, aluminum building materials, aluminum light metals
  • Heat sinks
  • Frames for solar power generation

In addition, the following manufacturers’ plant facilities also use our products:

  • Vehicles (trains, auto parts, special purpose vehicles, bicycles)
  • Conveyors (conveyors, elevators)
  • Machines (electric wires, copper pipes, heat sinks, bakelite)
  • Hardware (ladders, stepladders)
  • Airplanes, etc.

Types of Aluminum Cutting Machinery

Aluminum Cutting Machinery has a wide range of features because the specifications required vary greatly depending on the application and the size and shape of the workpiece to be cut.

1. Specialized in Cutting Accuracy

The cutter position is constant, enabling stable cutting even if the material size changes. The cutter is designed to prevent the return blade from hitting the cutter in order to improve the accuracy of the cut surface.

2. Specializing in Safety

The cutter moves only inside the cover to ensure safety during operation.

3. Specialized in Operability

Processing is automated by numerical control, and workpieces of specified specifications can be cut out simply by inputting dimensions and the number of pieces. Small workpieces are easy to position.

Other types of cutting machines exist that produce less noise, have a choice of cutter speeds, can feed automatically, and can cut at high speeds. Along with the wide variety of features, it is important to select a product that is appropriate for the size of the workshop or production line where the cutting machine will be installed.


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