
Grease Cup

What Is a Grease Cup

Grease cups are a type of lubricator used to supply oil (lubricant) to parts of machines and equipment that require lubrication.

These cups play a crucial role in ensuring smooth operation and reducing friction in various mechanical systems. Grease cups can be attached to machines and equipment to facilitate the easy and controlled supply of a fixed amount of oil. They are known for their simple structure, high reliability, and cost-effective maintenance benefits for machinery and equipment.

Uses of Grease Cups

Figure 1. Example of oil cup use

Figure 1. Example of oil cup use

Grease cups find applications in lubricating, cooling, and maintaining machinery and equipment. Here are some common uses of grease cups:

1. Lubrication and Cooling

Grease cups are used to supply the required amount of oil to frictional and operating parts of machines and equipment. They also provide oil to areas that generate heat, helping to absorb and dissipate heat, thereby preventing overheating.

2. Oil Supply to Gearboxes

Grease cups are used to supply oil to components and mechanisms such as gearboxes to ensure accurate gear operation and reduce friction. They are filled with the required amount of oil to maintain the proper oil level.

3. Bearing Lubrication

Grease cups are installed in the bearings of machines and equipment to provide the necessary amount of oil to reduce friction and wear in the bearings. By filling them with the required amount of oil, the proper oil level can be maintained.

Principle of Grease Cups

Figure 2. Principle of oil cup

Figure 2. Principle of the oil cup

The principle and role of the grease cup are as follows:

1. Capillary Action

Grease cups are equipped with lamp cores that extend from the cup into the machine or equipment. These lamp cores draw in oil through capillary action, causing a small amount of oil to drip into the machine. This phenomenon helps control the rate of oil delivery and prevents excessive oil supply.

2. Oil Reservoir

oil cups also serve as reservoirs that hold a certain amount of oil. The oil level in the cup indicates the oil level in the machine or equipment, allowing for visual monitoring. As the machine operates and consumes oil, more oil is supplied from the cup to maintain the proper oil level.

Types of Grease Cups

Figure 3. Types of oil cups

Figure 3. Types of oil cups

Grease cups come in various types based on their feeding method, shape, and structure:

1. Classification by Feeding Method

Grease cups use the capillary action method and lamp cores for oil delivery. The rate of oil supply can be adjusted by changing the thickness, number, and material of the lamp cores.

2. Classification by Shape and Structure

  • Straight and Elbow: These cups can be straight or bent at a 90-degree angle. They are equipped with a cover that remains closed to prevent dust and particles from entering the cup.
  • Threaded and Punch-in: Cups can be threaded or punched-in for mounting on machines and equipment. Threaded types are screwed into a female thread on the mating side, while punch-in types are embedded in a hole on the mating side.
  • Ball-Loading: These cups contain a ball and spring mechanism. Oil is supplied by pushing the ball with a refueling pot or similar tool. The spring keeps the ball pressed against the cup lid to prevent dust ingress.

Other Information on Grease Cups

Installation Position of Grease Cup

When using grease cups for direct lubrication, it’s essential to consider the mounting position carefully. The cup should be installed so that the oil level in the cup matches the required oil level in the machine or equipment. For light-core types that drip oil, the cup should be mounted at a higher position, regardless of the required oil level in the machine or equipment.


Oil Mist Collector

What Is an Oil Mist Collector?

Oil Mist Collectors

An oil mist collector is a device used to remove oil droplets in the aspirated air. Oil mist is mainly collected when oily smoke is generated due to heating or when oil mist is generated during metal processing in machine tools.

The oil contained in oil mist harms the human body. Removing oil mist improves the working environment and prevents the surrounding floor from becoming sticky. This is essential from a safety standpoint since preventing sticky floors also prevents the risk of people slipping and falling.

Uses of Oil Mist Collectors

There are several types of oil mist collectors.

One is the filter type. This device filters oil mist sucked by a blower by passing it through a filter. Its straightforward structure, lightweight, and compact size characterize it.

The other is the centrifugal separation type. This device uses centrifugal force to separate the oil in the oil mist. Like the filter type, the structure is simple. It is characterized by easy maintenance and installation. Also, there is no filter.

Principles of Oil Mist Collectors

The filter-type oil mist collectors consist of multiple filter layers. First, a primary filter removes large oil droplets, and a secondary filter removes even finer oil droplets. Multiple filters prevent contamination of the blower.

The centrifugal oil mist collectors contain a high-speed rotating device like a disk or drum. The high-speed rotating device centrifuges the suctioned air, and only the oil droplets blow outward. The oil droplets are collected by impacting the inner wall of the device. Based on this principle, submicron particles smaller than 1 micrometer cannot be separated because they are too light.

In the electrostatic precipitator type oil mist collectors, the oil mist passes through the charged electrode, which charges the particles. This process generates corona discharge. The electrostatic force of the grounding electrode plate adsorbs the oil mist. Because of this collection method allows even sub-micron particles of less than 1 micrometer to be collected.


Ozone Generator

What Is an Ozone Generator?

Ozonators & Ozone Generators

An ozonator or ozone generator is a device that produces gaseous ozone used for deodorization, sterilization, and infection control. Ozone is a gaseous allotrope of oxygen, comprising three oxygen atoms. It is volatile, decomposing into oxygen at room temperature, has a specific gravity 1.54 times that of air, and is about ten times more soluble in water than oxygen.

Ozone offers robust effects like sterilization, deodorization, decolorization, and oxidation, with its oxidizing power second only to fluorine. However, ozone is toxic and has a distinct odor, potentially harmful to humans at certain concentrations.

Uses of Ozone Generators

Ozone generators are used to remove mold, bacteria, viruses, and organic matter due to their high oxidizing properties. They find applications in water treatment, as ozone is highly soluble in water and effective in sterilization and deodorization. These devices are commonly utilized in industries like water & sewage treatment, medical facilities, residential areas, food manufacturing processes, and for the treatment and storage of food raw materials.

Principle of Ozone Generators

Ozone generators produce ozone using discharge, ultraviolet, and electrolysis methods. The most common industrial method is the silent discharge method, a type of discharge method. There are three main types:

  1. Discharge Type: Oxygen is converted to ozone by electrons in a discharge filled with an oxygen-containing gas. It includes silent discharge, corona discharge, and creepage discharge types, each used in various applications.
  2. Electrolytic Decomposition Type: This method produces ozone by electrolyzing water with a polymer electrolyte membrane. It generates highly concentrated ozone but is unsuitable for large-scale production.
  3. Ultraviolet Method: Ozone is generated by irradiating oxygen-containing gases with ultraviolet rays. This method has lower efficiency and is used for small-scale sterilization.

Hazards of Ozone Generators

While effective in sterilization, ozone generators can be hazardous, especially when used outside their intended scope, potentially increasing ozone concentration to harmful levels. Commercial ozonators produce significantly more ozone than residential ones, so choosing the appropriate model based on the usage environment is crucial.

Points to Note When Introducing Ozone Generators

It is essential to distinguish between commercial and residential ozone generators, considering factors like ozone production amount, air volume, and usage environment. Unknowingly using a commercial-grade ozonator in a home setting can lead to dangerously high ozone concentrations, highlighting the importance of selecting a suitable model for the intended use.


Key Seat Milling Machinery

What Is a Key Seat Milling Machinery?

Generally, digging a groove in a circular hole is called key seat milling machinery. The machine used for this cutting process is called key seat milling machinery.

Key seat milling machinery is used for products with large outside diameters, long cutting lengths, and wide keyway grooves. Compared to slotter machining, the key seater provides a cutting process suitable for larger products.

A keyway width of about 50 mm can be cut in a single pass. The high-precision key seat milling machinery cutter moves up and down for cutting. Therefore, multiple products can be stacked and processed simultaneously within the stroke range.

Uses of Key Seat Milling Machinery

Key seaters are used to make keyways and splines. The shaft and gear are integrated by digging a groove inside, preventing them from spinning when transmitting rotational motion. Shafts and spindles are divided into two types: those with grooves for inserting keys and those without grooves. The type with grooves is used for power transmission, while the type without grooves is used for light loads. In addition, most keys for power transmission are “parallel keys” where the key height does not change. When power torque transmission is important, “sloped keys” with shallower key heights are applied.

Key seat milling machinery is characterized by cutting that takes advantage of its long machining width. Workpieces with large outside diameters can be machined. Cut can be done in a single operation, depending on the cutting size.

Principles of Key Seat Milling Machinery

The basic principle of key seat milling machinery goes back to slotter machining. Slotting is a processing method mainly used for keyway processing. Cutting is performed by moving the blade up and down along the shape of the keyway to be made.

The depth direction is adjusted manually. During the process, the tool is moved slowly to dig the groove. The movement is done by hand, so it is done gradually by sight, sound, and feeling. In this image, the cutting process is similar to a carpenter’s hammers, which are repeated many times and take time to complete.

On the other hand, slotter processing is characterized by a high degree of freedom in the size and length of the keyway to be machined for each shape one by one. Any value can be entered for the settings. Specifically, input the inside diameter, key width, key depth, depth of cut, number of zero cuts, and crown amount. All that remains is to set the jig by hand and start.


Coolant System

What Is a Coolant System?

Coolant Systems

A coolant system is a device designed to supply cooling liquid. It plays a critical role in various applications by cooling heat generated during processes involving tools and objects, such as engines. Coolant systems come in various types, ranging from those used in large machine tools to those employing two fluids (coolant and lubricant) to enhance cutting efficiency and maintain tool quality.

Uses of Coolant Systems

Coolant systems find extensive use in industries such as automotive manufacturing, metalworking, cleaning equipment, and any field where heat dissipation is required. These systems serve multiple purposes, including cooling, lubrication, filtration, cleaning, rust prevention, and removal of sludge and chips.

In the automotive sector, coolant systems are essential to prevent defects and breakdowns caused by excessive engine heat. In metal processing, they are employed in various cutting machines, such as NC lathes, machining centers, milling machines, grinding machines, and specialized equipment, to prevent tool and object deterioration and distortion due to heat and foreign materials.

Principle of Coolant Systems

1. For Machine Tools

Coolant systems for machine tools consist of components like a coolant tank, pump, piping hose, nozzle, recovery system, and regeneration system. These systems spray high-pressure coolant from nozzles onto the cutting tool area to cool, lubricate, clean, and remove chips from the workpiece and cutting tools.

The used coolant undergoes various regeneration processes, including cooling, filtration, sludge removal, chip removal, and modification as necessary. The regenerated coolant is then pressurized and reused.

2. For Engines

Coolant systems for automobile engines consist of coolant, piping hoses, radiators, cooling fans, pumps, and temperature controllers. The coolant absorbs heat generated during combustion in the engine and transfers it to a heat exchanger known as a radiator.

Radiators serve as heat exchangers between the coolant and the external air, dissipating the coolant’s heat to the surroundings. Temperature controllers are employed to maintain the coolant at the appropriate temperature.

The coolant used in engines is typically a mixture of water and rust inhibitors like ethylene glycol or propylene glycol. This mixture prevents engine corrosion and freezing during winter, and it should be replaced periodically.

Engine coolant systems, similar in concept, are also used in ships, construction machinery, civil engineering machinery, agricultural machinery, power generation equipment, pump equipment, and more.

Types of Coolant Systems

1. High-Pressure Coolant System

This system pressurizes and injects coolant, efficiently cooling chips in contact with tools. It can also separate, crush, and discharge chips.

A supply pump draws coolant from a tank, and a filter (typically ceramic) effectively removes fine chips. The coolant is maintained at the desired temperature and can be reused after proper regeneration. High-pressure coolant pumps increase the coolant’s pressure, allowing it to flow out through the nozzle at high pressure.

2. Two-Component Mist Coolant System

This system utilizes both coolant and lubricating oil. It generates a mixed mist of vegetable oil and water-soluble coolant. By combining the lubricating properties of vegetable oil with the cooling effect of water-soluble coolant, semi-dry machining is achieved. This approach offers several advantages, including maintaining tool quality and reducing machining time, making it suitable for deep-hole drilling and challenging materials.

3. Engine Coolant System

Engine coolant systems are typically integrated into the engine’s components rather than being standalone units. They consist of components like pumps, radiators, cooling fans, and more.

Characteristics of Coolant Systems

Coolant systems for machine tools exhibit several characteristics:

1. Prevention of Stagnation

The flow path within the coolant tank is designed to prevent coolant stagnation, as stagnation can lead to the accumulation of sludge and chips.

2. Filtration Accuracy

Combination filtration devices can be employed to achieve filtration accuracy suitable for the specific machine tool application.

3. Temperature Control

Coolant systems can incorporate temperature controllers to maintain the coolant at the optimal temperature for machining processes.

4. Optional Functions

Additional components such as magnetic catchers, cyclone separators, and bucket separators can be installed to further enhance coolant cleanliness.


Cooling Tower

What Is a Cooling Tower?

Cooling Towers

A cooling tower is a device designed to produce cooling water by lowering its temperature, utilizing the heat of vaporization caused by water evaporation. This principle is similar to the cooling effect of waterfalls in nature. The water used in cooling towers is typically heated by heat exchange in compressors and chillers and is cooled for reuse, enhancing the efficiency of chillers.

Uses of Cooling Towers

Cooling towers are widely used for air conditioning in buildings, shopping malls, and hospitals, as well as for cooling machinery in district heating and cooling systems, factories, and power plants.

There are two types of cooling towers: open and enclosed. Open cooling towers allow direct contact between the outside air and the cooling water, making them more efficient for air conditioning. Enclosed cooling towers, on the other hand, cool by passing the water through a heat exchanger tube and spraying water on the tube, thus avoiding contamination of the cooling water.

Principles of Cooling Towers

Cooling towers leverage the latent heat of water evaporation, which is about 2500 kJ/kg at room temperature, with the specific heat of water being 4.2 kJ/(kg-K). Evaporating 1% of the water can lower the temperature of the remaining water by approximately 6°C.

In open-type cooling towers, a fan draws in outside air, and the liquid to be cooled is efficiently contacted with the air by being poured from above. By dispersing water onto filling material with a large surface area, the contact area with the outside air is increased, enhancing the cooling effect.

For closed cooling towers, the process is similar in terms of air intake, but there is no filler material, and instead, a tube is present. The liquid to be cooled passes through these tubes, and by spraying water over them, the sprayed water vaporizes, indirectly cooling the liquid inside the tubes.

Both open and enclosed cooling tower systems require regular maintenance and cleaning to ensure sanitation and prevent the growth of legionella bacteria, which is a legal requirement.


Creep Tester

What Is a Creep Tester?

A creep tester is a device to measure the creep phenomenon that occurs when a certain load is applied to a material.

Creep phenomenon is a phenomenon in which strain increases and deformation progresses when a load is continuously applied to a material. This phenomenon generally occurs in plastic materials at room temperature, but it also occurs in metal materials at high temperatures.

Creep phenomenon causes deformation and rupture of the material, which in turn affects product failure. Estimation of material life by understanding the creep phenomenon is also important for quality control.

Uses of Creep Testers

Creep testers are used to reduce failures of equipment that are subject to high temperatures and to extend the life of metal and plastic materials by understanding and controlling creep phenomena.

One product that is particularly affected is gaskets. Gaskets are a type of sealing material that fixes the joints between pipes, and are often used in equipment through which fluids pass, including plant piping.

Since pressure is applied to the gasket part, the sealing performance may decrease due to the creep phenomenon. In order to prevent the deterioration of sealing, it is possible to select a PTFE resin that is less prone to creep phenomenon by using a creep tester, or to use a gasket under conditions where creep phenomenon is less likely to occur based on the measurement results of the creep tester.

Principle of Creep Testers

The creep tester measures the temperature and strain of a test specimen by heating the specimen in an electric furnace and applying a load to cause the creep phenomenon.

The principles of creep testers include “tensile creep,” “compressive creep,” “torsional creep,” and “creep rupture.”

The creep phenomenon to be tested differs depending on the material of the test specimen. Creep testers for metallic materials are generally uniaxial tensile. The metal specimen is set in an electric furnace and tensile load is applied in one direction by a rod.

Creep testers for plastic materials are designed to deal with the viscoelastic properties of plastics. Due to its sensitivity to test temperature and humidity, it is necessary to test a larger number of specimens or over a longer period.

Additional Creep Tester Information

Creep Testing Challenges

The creep phenomenon of plastic materials is influenced by the viscoelasticity of the resin. Viscosity is a property whereby strain increases when an external force is applied to an object and does not disappear when the external force is removed. Viscosity is a liquid-like property.

Elasticity is a property in which a certain amount of strain occurs when an external force is applied to an object and the strain disappears when the external force is removed. Elasticity is a solid-like property.

Viscoelasticity is the combination of liquid and solid properties, with an increase in strain when an external force is applied and a partial loss of strain when the external force is removed. Understanding creep phenomena is important for product control, but care must be taken to avoid the following challenges in measurement.

1. Obtaining Data
Creep phenomena of plastic materials are not well described in public information on the Internet or in literature, making it difficult to obtain the data you want. If you need the data, you need to measure it by yourself.

2. Time Consuming
It takes several weeks to several months to measure the creep phenomenon. Also, since it depends on measurement conditions such as temperature, it is easy for variations to occur, and in some cases, measurements need to be redone. 

3. Not Easy to Perform
Many companies do not have their own creep testers due to the size of the equipment. In such cases, measurement requires external testing, which is costly.


Grease Pump

What Is a Grease Pump?

Grease Pumps

A grease pump is a device used to fill sliding parts of various machines with grease for smooth operation.

Grease can be filled by engaging a grease nipple attached to a joint or rotating part and pumping grease. In addition to manual pumping, electric and air-driven pumps are also available to shorten the time required for maintenance.

There is also a type that periodically fills a predetermined area with a fixed amount of grease, which is sometimes referred to as an “auto-greaser.”

Uses of Grease Pumps

Grease pumps are used for parts that repeatedly slide during machine operation. The purpose is to prevent metal parts from coming into direct contact with each other, thus preventing wear of the sliding parts.

In particular, construction machinery such as dump trucks and wheel loaders that travel on unpaved roads such as sandy soil and construction sites, as well as agricultural machinery such as tractors, are used for long periods of time in an environment where sand and dust are flying around. For this reason, grease pumps must be used to fill the machinery with new grease frequently.

In addition, air-driven ones are sometimes used in factories that service such machinery to improve work efficiency. Grease pumps range from small to large, and can be used in different ways depending on where the work is to be done.

Smaller pumps are lighter and can be used to fill grease in tight and difficult-to-work-in areas, but require frequent replenishment of grease. It is not uncommon for different types of grease to be used at different sites, and it is not uncommon to have a grease pump for each type of grease.

Principle of Grease Pumps 

Grease pumps are filled with grease via grease nipples, and the shape of the nipple and nozzle must match. If the shapes do not match, grease pushed out at high pressure will not enter the grease nipple and will be blown out through the gap.

In addition to the multiple types of nipples, there are also various types of nozzles. The straight type, which extends straight from the Grease Pump, provides a stable grease fill.

If the grease nipple is located in an intricate area inside, there are hose types that bend freely, so it is important to use different types depending on the area of use.

Types of Grease Pumps

A grease pump is a device for pumping grease. There are two types of grease pumps: manual and electric/air-driven.

1. Manual Type

The manual type has the advantage of being relatively small and portable. However, it has the disadvantages of requiring frequent replacement of grease cartridges and not being suitable for work in a confined space due to the pumping being done by hand.

Since it is inexpensive and does not require a power source, the manual type is basically chosen if the frequency and filling points are not particularly large. 

2. Electric/Pneumatic Type

In contrast, the electric/pneumatic type pumps grease by simply operating the trigger, allowing greasing in a small space as long as the tip of the gun can fit. This reduces the burden on the operator, but has the disadvantages of poor portability and the need to secure a power source.

Air-driven ones are sometimes used in factories that maintain construction machinery and other equipment to improve work efficiency. In addition, air (air bubbles) often get trapped in the grease path when replacing grease cans with electric or air-driven ones.

Since it takes some time to remove air bubbles, it is necessary to fill the grease pump with grease to some extent to prevent air bubbles from being trapped during the grease replacement process.

Other Information on Grease Pumps

How to the Replenish Grease

Grease pumps are also classified by grease replenishment. The direct-fill type, in which grease is directly replenished into the grease pump, offers a variety of grease pump shapes to choose from, while the other type requires replenishing grease into the grease pump as it is.

If you want to replenish grease easily, use the one for cartridges, which can be replenished with cartridge grease by means of the mounting screw. There are both direct-in and cartridge types, but the shape is made to fit the cartridge grease.


Crossed Roller Bearing

What Is a Crossed Roller Bearing?

A crossed roller bearing is a bearing in which the rollers are arranged orthogonally between the inner and outer rings.

Cylindrical rollers are arranged orthogonally and alternately at an angle of 90°, supporting loads from all directions simultaneously while maintaining high rotational accuracy. The crossed roller bearing is characterized by its high rigidity; in many cases, only one roller bearing is needed, whereas two average roller bearings are used.

Uses of Crossed Roller Bearings

Crossed roller bearings are used in robots and other components for various applications because of their high rigidity and space-saving capability. The following are applications of cross-roller bearings, taking advantage of their respective characteristics.

1. High Rigidity

Applications that take advantage of high rigidity include industrial and industrial robots. Specifically, welding robots that combine a variety of movements. It may also be used in the swiveling parts of machine tools.

2. Compact and Precise

Applications that take advantage of the characteristics of compactness and precision include humanoid robots that require lightweight, joint parts of robot suits for agricultural work, nursing care, and logistics, and measuring and medical equipment that require precision. Other applications include IC manufacturing equipment, which requires compact and precise movements.

Other applications include cutting-edge fields in the aerospace industry.

Principles of Crossed Roller Bearings

Unlike standard bearings, which have balls or rollers between the inner and outer rings, crossed roller bearings use cylindrical rollers arranged at 90° angles in alternating directions. This structure allows the bearing to support loads in a variety of directions. It can also support larger loads due to the increased contact surface area.

The principle is illustrated by using crossed roller bearings on a rotating table. To increase the moment rigidity of the table, two bearings are installed as far apart as possible to increase the distance between the points of action in the case of a standard bearing. On the other hand, if crossed roller bearings are used, it is possible to obtain very compact and high rigidity because of its sizeable stand-alone working point distance.

Other information on Crossed Roller Bearings

1. Precautions for Crossed Roller Bearings

A high-precision rotating mechanism requires attention to the bearing and the machining accuracy of the mounting parts and the assembly method.

Rigidity of mounting parts
In designing the housing and the push flange of crossed roller bearings, the rigidity of the parts, as well as the size and number of tightening bolts for the push flange, must be considered. Insufficient strength can cause deformation of the bearing or uneven roller contact inside, leading to premature failure or worsening rotational accuracy.

Housing Design
The housing should be designed so that the wall thickness is at least 60% of the bearing cross-sectional height. Also, if a threaded hole called a “pull-out tap” is machined for dismounting the bearing, the bearing can be dismounted without putting a load on it, preventing bearing damage during dismounting.

Design of push flange
The wall thickness of the push flange should be designed to be 50 to 120% of the bearing thickness, and the clearance between the flange and housing should be about 0.5 mm. Iron is the recommended material for the push flange.

Tightening Bolts
The bearing outer diameter dimensions determine the size and number of fastening bolts. For example, for bearings with outer diameters of 100 to 200 mm, the flange fastening bolts should be M4 to M8 in size, with a minimum of 12 bolts.

When installing the push flange, the order in which the bolts are tightened is also essential. To tighten the bearing evenly, tighten the diagonal screws little by little and assemble the bearing so that the tightening is even.

2. Pressurizing Crossed Roller Bearings

Crossed roller bearings can be pressurized similarly to standard ball bearings. However, since the rotational friction increases, it is necessary to calculate the rotational force.

Pressurization is usually applied by setting the radial clearance to a negative value. The recommended dimensional tolerance of the housing and shaft for mounting a pressurized bearing is g5/H7, and the fit should be set to avoid a tight fit. If the fit is tight, the internal stress will be high due to over pressurization, which may lead to bearing failure.


Chemical Filter

What Is a Chemical Filter?

Chemical Filters

A chemical filter is a specialized device used to eliminate toxic gases and minute acidic and basic particles from the air or fluids. These filters are primarily employed in the treatment of liquid and gaseous substances and are proficient in removing molecular contaminants present in the air. Chemical filters are widely utilized in the manufacturing of precision equipment and medical applications. Due to the diverse range of harmful substances that need to be removed, chemical filters are often designed with combinations of different filter media.

It’s important to note that chemical filters have a limited lifespan and must be replaced periodically. This replacement incurs costs for filter media and waste disposal.

Uses of Chemical Filters

Chemical filters find applications in various fields, and here are some examples of their uses:

1. Semiconductor Device Manufacturing and Processing: Chemical filters are crucial in the semiconductor manufacturing process to prevent device malfunctions caused by minute particles and to eliminate acidic or basic gases that can lead to insulation defects.

2. Protection of Cultural Assets: These filters are used in art galleries and museums to safeguard valuable cultural artifacts from the effects of harmful gases present in the air.

3. Medical Institutions: Chemical filters play a role in sterilizing medical equipment and maintaining sterile environments in medical facilities.

Principle of Chemical Filters

Chemical filters utilize various adsorbents and resins to remove specific toxic substances. Common types of chemical filters include:

1. Ion Exchange Resin: These filters are used to eliminate acidic and basic toxic substances. They operate by exchanging harmful ions with harmless ions through ionic reactions. Acidic substances (containing hydrogen ions) and basic substances (containing hydroxide ions) are exchanged for water or carbon dioxide, which are safe byproducts.

2. Activated Carbon: Activated carbon filters have microscopic pores through which gases pass, enabling them to adsorb a wide range of harmful substances.

3. Giga Soap: Giga Soap is a combination of polyurethane with numerous pores and microscopic spherical activated carbon. It offers highly efficient removal and minimal pressure loss due to excellent air permeability.

How to Select a Chemical Filter

When choosing a chemical filter, it’s essential to consider the Space Velocity (SV) value, which represents the amount of airflow passing through the filter with adsorbent per hour. The SV value is calculated as:

SV value (1/h) = airflow rate (m³/h) ÷ adsorbent fill volume (m³)

A lower SV value indicates that a smaller amount of air passes through the filter per hour, which is beneficial for collecting airborne hazardous substances efficiently. Smaller SV values also extend the lifespan of the adsorbent. Hence, selecting a chemical filter with a lower SV value is advantageous for applications requiring high-efficiency removal of harmful substances.

Lifetime of Chemical Filters

Chemical filters have a finite lifespan, and as they approach the end of their service life, their ability to adsorb hazardous substances diminishes. Manufacturers typically specify the standard lifespan of a chemical filter, but the actual lifespan can vary depending on environmental factors. These factors include temperature, humidity, the concentration and composition of hazardous substances in the environment, and the number of hours the filter is in use daily. Performing service life tests that consider these factors can help calculate the expected service life of a filter.

In some installations, multiple chemical filters are used in series, allowing other filters to continue removing hazardous substances even when one filter reaches the end of its service life.