
Spatter Sheet

What Is a Spatter Sheet?

A spatter sheet is a protective sheet designed to catch flying sparks, which can potentially burn or cause a fire if they adhere to surrounding objects. Spatter sheets are primarily made from materials like glass fibers and carbonized fibers, known for their flame-resistant properties.

Uses of Spatter Sheets

Spatter sheets are commonly used in welding operations. Welding involves the fusion of separate materials by applying heat or electric current to melt and bond metal surfaces. In particular, arc welding, which is a common but spark-prone method, greatly benefits from the use of spatter sheets to prevent burns and fire hazards. Besides welding, spatter sheets have also found applications in fire prevention measures, such as during campfires.

Principle of Spatter Sheets

The two main materials used in spatter sheets, glass fiber, and carbonized fiber, have unique properties:

  • Glass Fiber: Made by stretching molten glass into thin fibers, glass fiber is flame-resistant due to its high melting point and chemical structure. It is composed of SiO2, which is already an oxide and therefore less likely to burn. Glass fiber also serves as an excellent insulator, which is beneficial in welding processes that involve electricity.
  • Carbonized Fiber: This fiber is created by treating polyacrylonitrile resin at high temperatures, resulting in carbonization. Although carbon can bond with oxygen and burn, the strong bonds in carbonized fiber restrict oxygen penetration, making it less flammable. Carbon fiber is notable for being lightweight and strong.


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