
Volumetric Flask

What Is a Volumetric Flask?

Volumetric Flasks

A volumetric flask is a type of laboratory glassware used to measure and maintain a precise volume of liquid, offering greater accuracy compared to a graduated cylinder. Unlike graduated cylinders, volumetric flasks are designed for high precision in volume measurement.

Typically made of glass, some volumetric flasks are also constructed from plastic or resin. The flask features a flat, spherical bottom extending into an elongated cylindrical neck, which can be sealed with a stopper. Volumetric flasks are available in transparent colorless types or a brownish tint known as a tea flask.

Uses of Volumetric Flasks

Volumetric flasks are primarily used for maintaining a specific volume of a solution. They are essential in ensuring consistent concentrations in various solutions.

While clear, colorless volumetric flasks are commonly used, brown volumetric flasks, referred to as “brown flasks,” are utilized for light-sensitive materials. An example is the use of brown flasks for silver nitrate solutions, which are prone to light-induced discoloration. Volumetric flasks come in various shapes, including designs with wider cylinders for convenient handling of liquids.

Principle of Volumetric Flasks

Volumetric flasks are designed for precise volume control, particularly when maintaining constant concentrations. They are more accurate than graduated cylinders due to their specialized design.

One key feature is the placement of the measurement scale, or the “mark line,” in the narrow neck of the flask. This design reduces the diameter at the measurement point, enhancing scale accuracy and minimizing errors. The term “TC” on the flask stands for “to contain,” indicating that the volume of liquid up to the mark line corresponds to the volume specified on the display. Each flask has a defined volume tolerance, ensuring the accuracy of measurements.

Difference Between Volumetric Flasks and Graduated Cylinders

While both volumetric flasks and graduated cylinders are glass laboratory instruments used for measuring liquid volumes, they have distinct purposes and characteristics.

A volumetric flask is designed for diluting a liquid to a specific volume with high precision, as exemplified by a 100 ml flask used for creating specific volume solutions. On the other hand, a graduated cylinder has a scaled cylindrical body for reading the volume of liquid it contains, making it more suited for general volume measurements rather than precise dilutions.


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