
Pneumatic Balancer

What Is a Pneumatic Balancer?

A Pneumatic Balancer is a device for handling heavy objects.

It is a device that assists the operator in lifting, turning, and moving heavy objects, and is sometimes called a balancer or hand crane.

Pneumatic Balancers are usually fixed to the floor or ceiling and do not operate unless external force is applied. Pneumatic Balancers can be moved within their range of motion by grasping the handle and applying light force in the desired direction.

Since the operator does not need to exert much force when lifting heavy objects, the operator can move heavy objects as if handling a lightweight object.

Uses of Pneumatic Balancers

Pneumatic Balancers are often used at workplaces where handling heavy objects is difficult with large equipment such as cranes and inverters, or when automation with robot arms or other devices would be dangerous to workers.

They are used at sites with a lot of human traffic because they do not operate when no external force is applied, and they do not perform active movements other than those intended by the worker.

There is also a type of Pneumatic Balancer that can be mounted on a ceiling rail, which is useful for transporting heavy objects over long distances while they are being lifted.

Principle of Pneumatic Balancers

Variable force, etc., can be set by air pressure for the air type and by electric power for the electric type.

In the air type, the air cylinder works to counteract the weight of the workpiece, allowing the operator to move the workpiece without being aware of its weight.

1. Pneumatic Principle

Balance is taken by the air cylinder and air control circuit. The pilot regulator adjusts the pressure in the air cylinder according to the load, no load, or vertical movement of the arm to maintain the necessary pressure for balancing.

Once balanced, the workpiece can be moved freely.

2. Automatic Weight Sensing Control

When a load is lifted, the balance is automatically switched from no-load to load by feeding back the cylinder internal pressure to the control circuit.

This makes it possible to handle loads of different weights at random.

3. Pressure Control

By setting the pressure for load and no-load in advance, the pressure can be switched and balanced.

This control is effective for continuous transfer of the same weight.

4. Interlock Control

Some models can be fitted with attachments. More advanced functions can be realized by interlocking the attachment operation with the main unit control.

Functions that enhance workability and safety can be implemented, such as automatically balancing the load when the attachment is held, or locking the attachment while the load is balanced.

Types of Pneumatic Balancers

Pneumatic Balancers are broadly classified into three categories: installation method, driving method, and degree of freedom, each of which is different from the others.

1. Installation Method

For installation, there are floor-mounted types, ceiling-fixed types, and types that are mounted on ceiling rails. The choice should be made in consideration of the installation range and the range of movement.

2. Driving Method

There are two types of drive methods: pneumatic and electric. The pneumatic type can be used simply by connecting high-pressure air, while the electric type has the advantages of support force setting and complex control.

Another advantage of the pneumatic type is that it is safe, as it does not generate motor heat or sparks.

Both drive methods are equipped with a function to hold a heavy object in the same position when the operator removes his/her hand from the supported object. There is also a drive method called hybrid barraman that combines air and electricity.

3. Degree of Freedom

There are two types of freedom: 1-axis and 2-axis types. 1-axis type has a doughnut-shaped movable area because it simply swivels around the installation position, while 2-axis type has a circular movable area because its height can be adjusted by bending its arm.

Pneumatic Balancer also offers a variety of attachments for various applications, such as those with vacuum suction, fork-shaped attachments, and attachments with a reversing mechanism.


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