
Digital Counters

What Are Digital Counters?

Digital Counters

Digital counters are devices that count output signals from switches and sensors.

In addition to digital counters that only display the count on a dedicated display device, there are also types that have a function to inform when a preset count value has been reached.

Digital counters are not necessary when simply counting a small number of items, but they are useful when the number of items to be counted is large, or the counting must be done over a long period of time, or when the counting must be done continuously and accurately.

Applications of Digital Counters

For example, a kitchen timer used in a home has a built-in timekeeping function and is used to keep track of the elapsed time when cooking in order to keep track of the prescribed cooking time.

A pedometer counts output signals from a vibration sensor that detects vibrations generated when a person walks and presents the results to the user by displaying them on a dedicated display.

If considered in business applications, pedometers are used in factory production lines, for example, when counting the number of products produced by combining them with sensors that detect when a product has passed a predetermined location.

Principles of Digital Counters

In general, digital counters consist of an LCD or other display that shows the count value, a button for setting the count value, a button for setting the time, and several buttons for resetting the count value.

In addition, most commercial digital counters have a terminal for inputting signals from the outside and a terminal for outputting signals to the outside.

Digital counters for consumer use are generally powered by a DC battery.

Digital counters should be connected to the output of a sensor on the production line.

In advance, the digital counters are set to a predetermined value. When production starts, the product passes in front of the sensor.

In response, the digital counters increase the count value by +1 and simultaneously display the count value on the LCD screen.

When the digital counters receive a signal input from the sensor and the count value reaches its target, they will, for example, sound a buzzer or output a signal to a subsequent process.


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