
Self Loader

What Is a Self Loader?

A self loader is a special-purpose vehicle used to transport industrial vehicles from a garage to a job site. A self loader is a special vehicle used mainly for transporting industrial vehicles from garages to job sites.

They are mainly based on the chassis of medium- to heavy-duty trucks and are equipped with a special bed to transport heavy industrial equipment and vehicles that cannot be driven on public roads.

The safety loader is similar to the self loader, but only the bed moves backward when loading and unloading the vehicle and is distinct from the self loader in that the entire vehicle tilts backward.

Uses of Self Loaders

Self loaders are mainly used to transport vehicles with wheels or crawlers to construction sites, mountainous areas, and other locations where it is difficult to drive on their own.

Although it is possible to move a vehicle with a crawler by self-propulsion, it may obstruct traffic and damage the paved surface of the road. Also, self-driving in mountainous areas is not practical due to fuel consumption and the burden on the operator.

Self loaders can transport vehicles quickly and reduce the burden on the operator.

Principle of Self Loaders

To facilitate the loading of industrial vehicles, the main feature of self loaders is that the entire body of the vehicle can be tilted backward by approximately 7.0-13.0° using a jack equipped in the front of the load bed.

A ramp is provided at the rear end of the cargo bed to eliminate the difference between the road surface and the vehicle, which further improves loadability.

In many cases, the rear overhang is extended in relation to the base vehicle, so the driver must be careful to avoid swinging the rear end of the vehicle when turning.


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