
Choline Chloride

What Is Choline Chloride?

Choline chloride is an organic compound classified as a quaternary ammonium salt with the chemical formula C5H14ClNO. It has a pivotal role in the body, either as a component of phospholipids or as the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, similar to its derivative, phosphatidylcholine.

While the body can synthesize choline, inadequate protein intake may lead to insufficient production, potentially resulting in a fatty liver.

Uses of Choline Chloride

Choline chloride is widely used in health food supplements and animal feeds, particularly in the poultry industry, reflecting its growing market. It is essential for maintaining cell membrane integrity, acting as a neurotransmitter via its conversion to acetylcholine, and serving as a methyl group donor through its metabolite, trimethylglycine (betaine), in the metabolic pathway for synthesizing S-adenosylmethionine.

Properties of Choline Chloride

This compound appears as a white crystal or crystalline mass with a characteristic odor, identified by CAS No. 67-48-1. It melts at 305°C and is highly soluble in water and ethanol, with sensitivity to light and hygroscopic properties. When handling, precautions are necessary due to the potential release of hazardous decomposition products like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and hydrogen chloride gas.

Other Information on Choline Chloride

1. Safety

While not classified under GHS, handling choline chloride requires caution and appropriate protective gear. Instructions cover procedures for inhalation, skin or eye contact, and ingestion, emphasizing immediate medical attention or thorough washing as needed.

2. Handling Instructions

Protective measures include using dust-proof respirators, gloves, and safety glasses. Workplaces should implement local exhaust ventilation and provide emergency wash stations.

3. Storage

Choline chloride should be stored in airtight glass containers in cool, well-ventilated areas, away from light and strong oxidizers, to prevent moisture absorption. Compliance with disposal regulations is also advised.

4. Fire Fighting Measures

In the event of a fire, various extinguishing media such as water spray, carbon dioxide, foam, or sand may be used, taking care to wear protective equipment due to the risk of toxic gases.

5. Market

The choline chloride market is projected to expand at a CAGR of 4.11% from 2021 to 2026, driven by demand from the livestock industry and its benefits as a human supplement for liver health, brain development, muscle metabolism, and nervous system function.


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