
Document Management Software

What Are Document Management Software?

Document Management Software is a general term for available software with the function to efficiently handle important documents and information.

Document Management Software enables efficient information sharing, retrieval, and information security. They include digitization, which digitizes paper documents; classification management, which classifies, organizes, and stores documents; access management, which manages document usage and access privileges; and disposal and storage management, which manages document disposal and storage deadlines.

In recent years, Document Management Software using cloud services and artificial intelligence (AI)-based document classification and retrieval systems have been attracting attention. These technologies enable more advanced document management software.

Uses of Document Management Software

Document Management Software is used in various situations in companies and organizations.

Here are some of the uses:

1. Improving Efficiency of Information Sharing

Document Management Software allows centralization of information and efficient sharing of information within a company. Even in cases where documents are scattered or handwritten, digitization and software can be used to quickly locate necessary information.

2. Information Security

Proper document management software can reduce the risk of information leaks and unauthorized access. Access authorization management, disposal and storage management can prevent information leaks and unauthorized use.

3. Compliance

Document Management Software based on laws and regulations is useful in situations where compliance is required.

4. Improvement of Workflow

Document Management Software can be used to improve workflow. For example, sharing documents and automating the approval process can improve work efficiency and prevent errors.

5. Analysis for Business Improvement

Document Management Software enables the collection of data that can be used to improve business operations. For example, document usage and access logs can be analyzed to derive ideas for business improvement.

Principles of Document Management Software

Document Management Software consists of the following functions:

1. Formulation of Document Management Software Rules

Formulation of document management software rules is an important step that forms the foundation of document management. By clearly defining document types, retention periods, access privileges, disposal criteria, etc., The software can centralize document management and prevent information leaks and unauthorized use. 

2. Document Classification

There are different methods for classifying documents according to business processes and document types. Appropriate setting of the classification method enables quick retrieval of necessary information. In addition, common classification rules and periodic review of the classification master are used to classify documents.

3. Access Control

Access privileges are set for viewing and using documents to prevent information leaks and unauthorized use. Access privileges are set according to position and job description. In addition, access logs are recorded and access privileges are periodically reviewed.

4. Disposal and Storage Management

Document Management Software reduces the burden of information leakage and information management by managing document disposal and retention deadlines. Disposal and retention deadlines are determined in accordance with laws and internal company regulations.

Other Information on Document Management Software

1. ISO9001 Definition

Documents are defined in ISO 9001 as “information and the media in which it is contained”. Information can be in various forms, such as text, program code, or blueprints, and the medium can be paper or electronic.

Similar to documents are records. Records are a form of documentation, defined in ISO 9001 as “document that describes the results achieved or provides evidence of activities performed.”

2. Document Life Cycle

In general, documents managed by document management software are documents other than records. Since records have the nature of evidence of facts, any change is falsification and is prohibited. On the other hand, documents such as contracts and specifications may be changed according to circumstances and are called updates or revisions.

Document Management Software reviews and approves the created documents for appropriateness before issuing them. After issuance, when updates are made as necessary, they are also reviewed and re-approved. Change Management Software is also required to identify where a document has been changed, its change history, and the version in effect.

When issued documents are disseminated or distributed internally or externally to share information, it is necessary to maintain document management software to determine who has access to the documents. In addition, a storage deadline should be set, and a method for disposing of documents after the storage deadline is over should also be determined in advance.

In document management software, it is important to clarify the rules at each stage of the document lifecycle, from creation, distribution, storage, and disposal.


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