
Remote Sensor

What Is a Remote Sensor?

A remote sensor is an essential detection device in remote sensing technology, enabling the investigation of objects without direct contact.

Various remote sensors have been developed to detect various parameters such as temperature, humidity, and other conditions. Their performance continues to evolve daily with the development of sensor elements.

Remote sensors are employed in satellites, which have garnered significant attention recently. They must adhere to stringent specifications, encompassing detection performance, durability, heat resistance, and other requirements specific to the non-Earth environment.

Uses of Remote Sensors

Remote sensors are often used in places and environments where they must be remote, so durability is an especially important requirement.

Remote sensors are used to measure temperatures in various locations, including forests, agricultural lands, polar regions such as the North and South Poles, as well as at sea and on Earth’s surface.

Remote sensors are also used to measure cloud cover, rain intensity, and the eye of the typhoon in the air, which are important factors in weather forecasting, and the information obtained is valuable.

In addition to numerical information such as temperature and humidity obtained using sensors, many other types of information, such as camera images, are also being obtained using sensors.

Characteristics of Remote Sensors

Remote sensing is a technology that can only be realized when it is possible to provide remote sensors, which are important terminal devices, as well as the technology to transport the information signals obtained, and the power supply to the remote devices.

Information obtained by remote sensors includes temperature and humidity, which are typical environmental factors, wind speed, wind direction, and rainfall, which are valuable sources of information for weather forecasting, as well as camera images at fixed points.

Additionally, satellites are used to gather information, including river and dam water levels crucial for mapping, as well as elevation data and tidal currents essential for fisheries.

Furthermore, information obtained from satellites, which are subject to harsh environmental conditions, is regarded as extremely valuable information that cannot be obtained without remote sensors and is mainly acquired by observation satellites.

The sensors used in earth observation satellites include optical sensors, which obtain a variety of information such as temperatures on the earth’s surface and at sea, and microwave sensors, which obtain various types of information from reflected electromagnetic waves.


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