
Electric Lift

What Is an Electric Lift?

Electric Lifts

An electric lift is a work platform for loading and moving loads in situations requiring work at heights.

Even if the load is heavy, it can be raised and lowered stably and stopped immediately when necessary.

The speed of lifting and lowering can be controlled, and by lifting and lowering at a constant speed, efficient and regular motion can be achieved.

Compared to hydraulic lifts, electric lifts have the advantage of generating less noise during lifting and lowering, as well as eliminating the risk of oil leaks.

Uses for Electric Lifts

Electric lifts are used in a variety of workplaces that require lifting goods and people to and from high places.

In factories such as food, automobile plants, chemical plants, and household appliance plants, electric lifts can be integrated into production lines to adjust the height of goods as they are transported to and from the lift.

Electric lifts are also used in stage sets to adjust the position of tools according to their performance.

Other uses include the docking of parts when assembling robots.

Principle Uses of Electric Lifts

On factory production lines and other sites requiring work at heights, there are situations where lifting and lowering of loads is necessary.

The main types of equipment used to raise and lower heavy loads are electric lifts, hydraulic lifts, and electro-hydraulic lifts.

Electric lifts do not use oil as the driving force for lifting and lowering. Therefore, there is no oil leakage and no risk of spontaneous lowering. They also do not require oil changes.

Hydraulic lifts use hydraulic pressure to raise and lower loads by manually adjusting the lift height. They are suitable for lifting relatively light loads. The lift itself is easy to move and can be used even in small spaces. It also has the advantage of not requiring a power supply.

Electric hydraulic lifts have a hydraulic unit built into the main body, are highly durable, and are widely used for a variety of applications.

Most electric lifts use an X-shaped arm (scissor lift) to raise and lower the load in order to maintain the load’s installation surface horizontally.

The effect of this scissor lift prevents the lift from swaying sideways, allowing it to be raised and lowered safely.


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