
Hydraulic Cutter

What Is a Hydraulic Cutter?

Hydraulic Cutters

A hydraulic cutter, a device that utilizes hydraulic power, is capable of cutting steel bars, steel, and various other materials. These cutters come in two types: manual and electric, with the main difference being their cutting power.

A major advantage of hydraulic cutters is their spark-free operation, unlike gas fusion cutting or grinder use, making them suitable for sites with fire restrictions. They are also more convenient for high-altitude or unstable footing situations compared to gas fusion cutting.

Uses of Hydraulic Cutters

Manual hydraulic cutters, mainly used for cutting electric wires, can easily slice through thick cables and materials challenging for ordinary cutters. Their ability to cut with minimal force enhances safety and work efficiency, especially in elevated positions.

Electric hydraulic cutters, powered by an electric hydraulic pump, exert more force than manual versions, allowing them to cut through thicker cables and steel bars.

Principle of Hydraulic Cutters

Hydraulic cutters operate by applying hydraulic pressure to a cylinder within the main body. This pressure is generated manually or by an electric pump, moving a piston to exert a strong force on two arms. While possessing a robust cutting force, these cutters, typically made of carbon steel, are not suitable for harder steel materials.

The effectiveness of hydraulic cutters lies in Pascal’s principle, where pressure applied to an enclosed oil container exerts equal force on all surfaces. This mechanism allows manual hydraulic cutters to cut thick cables with a force significantly greater than the operator’s input.

While manual hydraulic cutters rely on manual force application, electric hydraulic cutters utilize an electric pump to generate hydraulic pressure, providing a much greater cutting force capable of handling thicker cables and steel materials.


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