
Pipe Hangers

What Is a Pipe Hanger?

A pipe hanger is a fixture constructed with a screw and nut on each end.

A pipe hanger allows the slope of the object to be used to be adjusted at any level, regardless of the level or inclination of the floor surface and the height level of the object.

Some pipe hanger models are designed for one-touch use, corrosion resistance, durability, etc., allowing you to select the appropriate Pipe hanger for your uses.

Uses of Pipe Hangers

The uses of pipe hangers are explained here.

Pipe hangers can adjust the slope level of piping over a wide range by fixing the piping with nuts and screws attached to both ends and changing the band’s inclination.

As such, they are used for installing and securing drainage pipes and piping under floors and ceilings and are sometimes also known as drainage pipe support fittings.

In addition to drainpipes, which are water-related components, they are also used for pumps and hydraulic equipment.

Principle of Pipe Hangers

The following is a description of the principle of pipe hangers.

The structure of a pipe hanger is straightforward. A semi-circular metal band is attached to two rods mounted on a base, with upper and lower metal fittings, and a pipe is placed between the metal fittings and held in place by the upper and lower fittings.

In this process, by changing the height of the lower fitting, the position of the piping height and the slope level can be changed, thus adjusting the slope to any desired level.

There is also a pipe hanger called a slide level, which holds the piping in place by sliding the piping in place. Slide levels are mainly used in areas such as bathrooms and kitchens where temperature changes are significant.

Expansion and contraction of piping due to temperature changes can cause problems. Therefore, considering the expansion and contraction of piping due to temperature changes, a play space between the piping and the pipe hanger can be provided to accommodate the expansion and contraction of the piping instead of fixing it firmly like a level band.


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