
Order-Picking System

What Is an Order-Picking System?

An order-picking system streamlines the process of locating and retrieving specified items from a warehouse’s diverse inventory, enhancing efficiency and accuracy.

Such systems reduce picking errors and enable newcomers to quickly locate necessary products or items. They range from physical tools, like carts with indicators and handheld terminals, to software solutions accessible via smartphone or tablet apps.

Uses of Order-Picking Systems

Order-picking systems manage product shipments in distribution warehouses and industrial plants, vital for selecting the required products from extensive inventories swiftly.

With the rise of e-commerce, the speed and accuracy of product retrieval from distribution warehouses have become critical for online retailers. Order-picking systems in these warehouses ensure precise and rapid sorting operations.

Moreover, these systems find applications in dispensing pharmacies as drug monitoring systems, aiding in verifying the accuracy of medication types and quantities, thereby preventing dispensing errors, enhancing pharmacists’ efficiency, and reducing patients’ wait times.

Principles of Order-Picking Systems

Order-picking systems, irrespective of size, are founded on three principles: instructing workers and transport machines, recording results, and interfacing with inventory management and other systems, managed via PCs, tablets, and smartphones.

Systems range from small-scale, like digital picking systems (DPS) assisting operators via handheld devices, to large-scale systems automating the entire process in sizable warehouses and factories.

How to Choose an Order-Picking System

1. Single Picking and Total Picking

Single picking suits small orders by retrieving goods individually, whereas total picking batches items for later sorting, reducing travel time and effort.

2. Wireless and Wired Systems

Wireless systems offer easy installation without the need for wiring but require regular recharging. Wired systems, though recharge-free, necessitate installation efforts and adjustments when changing locations.

3. Cloud Computing and On-Premise Types

Cloud-based systems minimize server management and initial costs but demand internet security considerations. On-premise systems, though initially costlier, seamlessly integrate with existing setups and can be more cost-effective with existing infrastructure.

Other Information on Order-Picking Systems

Examples of Introduction in Pharmacies

Two primary identification methods in pharmaceutical picking systems include:

1. Systems Utilizing Built-In Cameras for Image Recognition
These systems, capable of identifying items without barcodes and documenting them with images, may be larger and costlier than alternatives.

2. Barcode Scanning Systems
Barcode scanning systems are comparatively cost-effective, compact, and easy to install, suited for environments where quantity audits are not necessary. Their proper implementation ensures error-free picking, allowing pharmacists to focus on their primary duties and enhancing operational efficiency in ordering and inventory management.


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