
Electronic Component Cleaners

What Is an Electronic Component Cleaner?

An electronic component cleaner is a specialized cleaning agent designed to clean and remove flux residues from mounting boards in electronic devices. Commonly known as flux cleaners, these cleaners are essential for maintaining the integrity of electronic assemblies.

Electronic component cleaners also refer to contact cleaners used for cleaning various electronic equipment parts, such as harnesses, connectors, and sensors, especially in automotive applications. Typically available in spray form, these cleaners are convenient for use in maintenance workshops. Unlike contact revitalizers, they generally do not contain oil, making them safe for plastics and minimizing the need for post-treatment.

Uses of Electronic Component Cleaners

Flux residues often remain on printed circuit boards after soldering electronic components. As residual flux can adversely affect the performance and longevity of electronic devices, its removal is crucial. Electronic component cleaners are formulated to safely clean these delicate boards and components without causing damage. However, given the variety of cleaners available, it’s essential to choose a cleaner compatible with the specific components and boards in use.

Principle of Electronic Component Cleaners

Historically, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were the mainstay in electronic component cleaning, but their usage has been phased out due to their ozone-depleting properties and regulations under the Montreal Protocol. Alternatives like HCFCs and HFCs have been used, but their usage is also being curtailed due to environmental concerns.

Other types of cleaners include glycol ether-based cleaners, quasi-aqueous cleaners, and non-halogenated cleaners. Quasi-aqueous cleaners, in particular, are gaining popularity as they are non-flammable, non-hazardous, user-friendly, and water-soluble, making them easier to rinse off.

Additionally, the development of no-clean solders, which leave behind minimal, non-corrosive flux residue, has reduced the necessity for electronic component cleaners in some applications.


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