
Furnace Tube

What Is a Furnace Tube?

A furnace tube is a tube used to protect samples and equipment from the heat inside a furnace, such as high temperatures and combustion gases.

The primary purpose of a furnace tube is to shield samples and equipment from the high temperatures and combustion gases within the furnace. This allows for control of reactions and protection of equipment. The material of the furnace tube is crucial and is selected based on the temperature and environment inside the furnace. Metals, ceramics, and glass are commonly used. The shape of the tube is also chosen to fit the samples and equipment inside the furnace, with options including circular, square, and elliptical.

Additionally, the size of the furnace tube must be compatible with the size of the samples and equipment. If the size is too small, there is a risk of damage, while if it is too large, there is a possibility of reduced thermal efficiency. Therefore, when selecting a furnace tube, it is advisable to choose a slightly larger size based on the intended application.


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