

What Is an Optocoupler?

An optocoupler, or opto-isolator, is a circuit that exchanges electrical and optical signals.

It converts electrical signals into optical signals, transmits them through optical fibers, and then converts the optical signals back into electrical signals at the other end. The operational principle involves a combination of an LED (light emitting diode) and a photodiode. When a current flows through the LED, it emits light, and this light is received by the photodiode, generating a corresponding electrical current. The LED and the photodiode are connected by optical fibers, allowing for the transmission of electrical and optical signals while keeping them separated.

Optocouplers are used to prevent the mixing of electrical and optical signals due to their ability to separate these signals. Additionally, their use of optical fiber for transmission makes them suitable for environments where long-distance communication or immunity to electromagnetic noise is essential.


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