
Server Security

What Is Server Security?

Server security involves measures taken to secure servers that store essential data for business operations, including confidential and personal information.

In recent years, there has been an increase in attacks targeting servers holding confidential information and vital data. If a server is attacked and brought to a halt, it not only halts business operations until recovery but also poses the risk of losing access to critical files and systems, leading to potential theft and leakage of confidential information.

To prevent the damages caused by information leakage and server downtime and continue business activities, implementing security measures on servers is crucial. However, server security is not a one-size-fits-all concept; the risks, types of attacks, and required measures vary.

Uses of Server Security

Server security is employed to manage the risks of cyber attacks and prevent or minimize the resulting damages.

Cyber attacks can be broadly categorized into “targeted attacks” and “indiscriminate attacks.” Targeted attacks focus on specific companies or organizations, while indiscriminate attacks target a large number of individuals through means such as email or websites.

Ransomware attacks, which have been on the rise in recent years, traditionally involved sending viruses indiscriminately via email. However, these attacks have become more sophisticated, with a growing number of targeted attacks on specific companies or organizations. For example, attackers exploit vulnerabilities in VPN equipment or operating systems, gain unauthorized access, encrypt data stored on servers, steal important data, and demand ransom. Additionally, a new threat known as “double extortion” has emerged, where stolen confidential data is threatened to be publicly disclosed on the dark web.

Principles of Server Security

The fundamental principles of server security are to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Confidentiality prevents unauthorized access to data, integrity prevents data tampering, and availability minimizes service interruptions. Specific measures such as robust access control, encryption, and timely application of patches are crucial. Since security is generally maintained through a balance of measures, education of users and monitoring of processes over time are also essential aspects.

How to Choose Server Security

Server security measures can be broadly categorized into “network” and “server.”

1. Network

One aspect of network security measures involves implementing security devices such as UTM (Unified Threat Management) and firewalls to defend against external attacks. These devices detect and block malicious unauthorized access, and the logs from the server are monitored for suspicious activities or unauthorized errors.

Examples of monitored logs include:

  • Firewall communication logs
  • Communication logs of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)
  • Authentication success/failure logs
  • Access logs for file servers
  • Access logs for database servers
  • Detection of unauthorized access to websites
  • Detection of cyber attacks, such as malware or ransomware intrusion

2. Server

Key security measures for servers include “vulnerability response” and “access control and tampering prevention.”

A common occurrence in ransomware attacks is exploiting vulnerabilities or misconfigurations in devices such as UTM or VPN equipment to infiltrate internal networks. Attackers who have penetrated the internal network use techniques such as port scanning to identify accessible terminals and servers.

It is challenging to prevent infiltration through route-based countermeasures, as attackers legitimately establish routes to terminals and servers. Vulnerabilities refer to states where security is compromised due to design flaws or program bugs in operating systems or software. When vulnerabilities are discovered, program providers may release patches.

However, there are cases where vulnerabilities are left unaddressed due to difficulties such as “difficulty stopping server operations,” “lack of IT personnel,” or “attacks occurring before corrective programs are provided.” Therefore, it is common for servers to be attacked by exploiting unaddressed vulnerabilities. While regular application of security patches and daily operations are essential for server safety, when selecting server security products, it is essential to consider products from the perspective of “access control,” “tampering prevention,” and “prevention of exploiting vulnerabilities.” Introducing products that automatically detect unauthorized access and prevent unexpected processes initiated on the server can alleviate the burden on IT personnel.

Other Information on Server Security

1. Examples of Attack Damage on Servers

Examples of damage caused by attacks on servers include:

  • Encryption, data theft, and information leakage of confidential information stored on servers
  • Destruction of databases stored on servers
  • Unauthorized access and tampering of corporate websites
  • Server downtime due to attacks on websites

2. Methods to Counter Cyber Attacks

Vulnerabilities present in operating systems and software can be the cause of cyber attacks. When corrective programs are released, applying them promptly is necessary to eliminate vulnerabilities.

Attention must also be paid to unsupported operating systems, as they do not receive patches for newly discovered vulnerabilities. Exploiting vulnerabilities allows attackers to easily gain unauthorized access to servers.

Additionally, preparing regular backups to mitigate the impact of data destruction and considering data protection measures such as database encryption in the event of information leakage is crucial. Strengthening security to prevent threats to servers that support business operations is essential.


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