
Gas Pump

What Is a Gas Pump?

A gas pump refers to a device used for injecting or discharging air or gas.

Gas pumps are found in a wide range of applications, including medical, industrial, and aeration processes. In aeration, they provide oxygen to activate aerobic microorganisms by sending air into the drainage process or a septic tank. Some gas pumps are capable of both pressurizing and depressurizing. Devices that allow significant pressure changes are also referred to as compressors or vacuum pumps.

Common types include diaphragm and piston pumps. Piston pumps are known for their large single-stroke capacity and long lifespan, whereas diaphragm pumps use a motor-driven diaphragm for movement. Although diaphragm pumps have a smaller single-stroke capacity than piston pumps, they are preferred in situations requiring precise and constant gas injection or discharge due to their high accuracy.


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