
Rainwater Harvesting Facilities

What Are Rainwater Harvesting Facilities?

Rainwater harvesting facilities store rainwater during heavy rain events. By temporarily storing rainwater, these facilities help reduce the amount of water reaching the ground, thereby mitigating flood damage.

Large rainwater harvesting facilities are particularly crucial in urban planning and building construction to protect communities from flood damage. These facilities often work in conjunction with rainwater infiltration facilities.

Uses of Rainwater Harvesting Facilities

Rainwater harvesting facilities store rainwater, serving as a crucial countermeasure against flood damage. Large-scale facilities are found in public areas like parks and train stations.

Smaller facilities can be installed in homes for watering gardens, washing cars, and other domestic uses. In emergencies, they provide non-potable water for toilets. However, rainwater is not suitable for drinking without proper treatment.

Types of Rainwater Harvesting Facilities

1. Rainwater Harvesting Tank

Rainwater collected from roofs is stored in tanks, often equipped with a faucet for easy drainage. Tanks range from small 100L versions for residential use to larger 500L+ models.

Installation involves modifying rain gutters and attaching a water intake device. Securing the tank, possibly with an anti-tipping chain, is advisable in windy conditions.

2. Underground Storage Tank

Underground cisterns, made of concrete or, increasingly, plastic, store rainwater in basements or parking lots. Plastic cisterns are flexible, lightweight, and earthquake-resistant. Some include internal partitions for easier sediment removal.

3. Surface Storage

Lowered ground areas collect rainwater, functioning as multipurpose regulating ponds, biotopes, or playgrounds, typically with concrete or other embankment materials. These reservoirs discharge rainwater through an orifice into water bodies.

Maintenance of Rainwater Harvesting Facilities

Regular maintenance is essential to prevent moss, debris, and damage. Tanks and reservoirs are polished using brushes and washing machines, and pumps in regulating reservoirs require routine inspections.

For underground storage tanks, cleaning filters and removing sediment are labor-intensive but critical for functionality. Filters help prevent flora growth in tanks.


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