
Fire Alarm System

What Is a Fire Alarm System?

A fire alarm system is a safety device designed to automatically notify the fire department in the event of a fire. It can be activated manually or automatically interlock with a detector from an automatic fire alarm system. The system is capable of making calls and transmitting pre-recorded voice messages with essential information like the location of the fire.

One key feature of these systems is the playback of pre-recorded information during a call, ensuring that vital details are conveyed to the fire department even in situations where individuals may be unable to provide clear information due to panic or stress.

Fire alarm systems are typically integrated with automatic fire alarm systems in buildings. When activated, the automatic system triggers the fire alarm system, which in turn automatically contacts the fire department with the relevant details.

Uses of Fire Alarm Systems

The installation of fire alarm systems is often mandated based on the building’s use. Medical facilities like hospitals, maternity centers, and elderly care institutions such as group homes and special nursing homes are required to install these systems, regardless of building size.

For other types of facilities, the requirement to install fire alarm systems is determined by the total floor area. Accommodation facilities, day services, stores, and department stores, for instance, are obliged to install fire alarm systems if their total floor area exceeds 500 square meters.


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