

What Is AI OCR?

AI OCR is a combination of AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology and OCR (Optical Character Reader) technology.

OCR is a technology that reads handwritten or printed text with a scanner or digital camera and converts it into text data. AI OCR is a new OCR processing technology that utilizes and combines AI technology with conventional OCR technology.

AI OCR incorporates deep learning, capabilities within AI (artificial intelligence) to learn text features and patterns and improve the accuracy of text recognition and analysis of text ranges and layouts. AI OCR is also able to read ruled lines, strike-through lines, and textual habits, which have been difficult to do in the past.

Usage of AI OCR

AI OCR is used in the following applications, which require more accurate recognition of handwritten characters, forms with mixed layouts, and other operations where conventional OCR is not suitable.

1. When Dealing With Handwritten Characters

Used in operations that often handle handwritten documents such as handwritten slips, questionnaires, medical questionnaires, application forms, daily work reports, etc.

2. When Multiple Layouts Are Mixed

It is suitable for operations where layouts cannot be standardized, such as order forms and invoices received by fax, which are common in small and medium-sized companies. 

3.When You Want to Improve the Accuracy of Character Recognition

In the field where a large number of documents are read and digitized, even a 1% difference in reading accuracy can greatly affect the man-hours required for correction.

Principle of AI OCR

AI OCR uses a deep learning method to recognize characters. The principle of character recognition by handwriting is the same as the principle that an AI that has learned “dog” through deep learning, for example, can look at an image of a dog and recognize it as a dog. Recognizing an image of a dog as a dog is inferred by learning a large number of dog images and using the results of feature extraction and classification.

Similarly, when recognizing handwritten text, features are extracted and classified by learning a large number of images of handwritten text. As a result, AI can automatically determine the content of handwritten characters and improve the accuracy of reading them.

In other words, whether it is atypical text data, handwritten text memos, or slips that differ from client to client, it is possible to determine the item and convert it into data.

The challenge with the deep learning method is that it requires a large amount of training data to combine each processing. Also, high-performance computing devices (e.g., GPUs) may be required to process large amounts of data.

How to Select an AI OCR

When selecting an AI OCR product, please keep the following points in mind:

1. The Character Type of the Target Document

The product you choose depends on whether the text in your document is handwritten, printed, or a mixture of both. Each product is suited for different purposes, and if the wrong product is selected, the accuracy of character recognition will be low. 

2. Format of Target Forms

It depends on whether the format of the forms to be read is limited or not. If the format is limited, the type that defines the format in advance will have higher reading accuracy.

On the other hand, if the format is not limited, a type that allows AI to learn the format of the form and extract it is suitable. 

3. Integration With Other Systems

In many cases, AI OCR reads the text on paper media and converts it into text data, which is not completed, but becomes input data to other business systems.

You should check whether the system can be connected to the business systems that need to be linked in your company without any problems. Another point to check is the compatibility with RPA, which has recently become popular.

4.Cost Performance

AI OCR’s fee structure varies. There are fixed monthly fees and pay-per-page fees. A service that is advantageous to your company should be selected, taking into consideration the usage scenario and scale of your company.


AI OCR is actually used not by users in the system department but by accounting, human resources, marketing, etc. In order to have them utilize AI OCR, it is important to introduce a system with excellent operability suited to their business.

6. Track Record

It is also important to check the track record of the system. If possible, it is recommended to select a product that has similar cases to your business.


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