
Portable Tank

What Is a Portable Tank?

A portable tank is a transportable container designed for storing and moving liquids, made from durable materials like high-density polyethylene through rotational molding. These tanks are used across various sectors due to their resistance to impacts, chemicals, and extreme temperatures.

Uses of Portable Tanks

Portable tanks support a wide range of applications, from agricultural water storage and pesticide transport to industrial chemical handling and domestic rainwater collection. Their versatility also extends to emergency water supply during disasters and temporary storage of liquid food products.

Features of Portable Tanks


  • Enhanced durability and resistance to environmental factors.
  • Efficient liquid transport and storage solution with easy handling features.
  • Contributes to water conservation when used for rainwater harvesting.


  • Regular cleaning is required to prevent interior contamination.
  • Large volume demands significant storage space.
  • Material properties limit bonding and printing capabilities, with the potential for odor release.

Types of Portable Tanks

  • By Capacity: Ranges from small 50-liter home lorries to 3,000-liter super lorries, suitable for various scale operations.
  • By Color: Available in multiple colors, with black tanks offering UV resistance and reduced algae growth.
  • By Shape: Includes square and round designs, each catering to different spatial and functional requirements.
  • By Specifications: Features like liquid inlets, drain outlets, and additional accessories vary, influencing ease of filling, draining, and transport.

How to Select Portable Tanks

Selection criteria should include intended liquid storage, capacity needs, operating temperature range, and specific feature requirements such as valves and ventilation. Choose based on usage context, whether for household, agricultural, or industrial purposes.

How to Use Portable Tanks

Before use, perform a leak test and rinse. Ensure lids are securely fastened during transport and regularly clean the tank post-use. Proper draining is facilitated by strategic outlet placement or additional valves for complete liquid removal.

For effective and safe operation, adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines on capacity, temperature, and maintenance to extend the lifespan and functionality of the portable tank.


Hole Puncher

What Is a Hole Puncher?

A hole puncher is an agricultural tool designed for efficiently drilling holes in ridges and mulch. This hand-operated device significantly reduces the time and physical effort required in the drilling process.

Usage of Hole Punchers

Hole punchers are versatile tools used for various tasks, including transplanting seedlings, planting fruit and cedar trees, applying stick fertilizers, and setting up greenhouse poles and stakes. The type of hole puncher used may vary based on soil hardness and other factors.

Features of Hole Punchers


1. Enhances work efficiency and reduces physical strain.

2. Some models can drill holes, remove soil, and plant seedlings simultaneously.


1. Not ideal for fields with many pebbles as they can damage the blade.

2. Some models may require manual collection of cut mulch.

Types of Hole Punchers

1. Normal Type

Compact and affordable, ideal for small-scale gardening. Some models come with a soil removal function.

2. Long Type

Allows drilling while standing, reducing physical strain and increasing work pace.

3. Holer

Used for standing operation, suitable for drilling mulch holes, planting holes, and fertilizer application holes. Blades can be sharpened with a whetstone for maintained efficiency.

4. Multi-Burner

Rapidly drills holes through heat treatment, requiring a gas cylinder for operation. This type does not tear the mulch and is efficient for large-scale use.

How to Select Hole Punchers

Choose a hole puncher based on the intended hole size and application. Models with replaceable cutting edges offer longevity even with decreased sharpness.

How to Use Hole Punchers

Usage depends on the type of hole puncher. It’s recommended to remove foreign objects like pebbles from the field before using to prevent damage to the tool.

Tune Up Insect Repellent

What Is Tune Up Insect Repellent?

Tune Up insect repellent, marketed by Agro Kanesho Co., is a pest control agent containing 10% Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) spores and crystal toxin as the active ingredients. The remaining 90% comprises surfactants and other substances. This microbial insecticide is available as a dark brown, wettable powder.

Uses of Tune Up Insect Repellent

As a microbial product, Tune Up insect repellent targets specific pests in agricultural settings without causing harm to fish, birds, and bees. It is used to control various pests in rice fields, orchards, and vegetable gardens.

Effective against rice pests like dipterocarps, cobweb beetles, and rice beetles, Tune Up is also suitable for combating apple tree pests, including chewing insects, and vegetable pests such as caterpillars, leafhoppers, and cucurbit moths.

Characteristics of Tune Up Insect Repellent


  • Specifically targets a range of agricultural pests.
  • Environmentally friendly with minimal impact on non-target species like fish, birds, and bees.
  • Utilizes microbial action for effective pest control.


  • May require specific application methods for maximum efficacy.
  • Not a broad-spectrum pesticide, so may need to be used in combination with other pest control methods for comprehensive protection.

How to Use Tune Up Insect Repellent

For effective use, apply Tune Up in accordance with the pest type and infestation levels. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for application rates and methods to ensure optimal pest control while maintaining environmental safety.


Insect Trap

What Is an Insect Trap?

An insect trap, particularly a pheromone trap, is a device used to capture moths and other insect pests. These traps utilize attractants, often composed of insect pheromones, to lure and capture specific types of insects.

Uses of Insect Traps

Pheromone traps are frequently used for monitoring insect populations and understanding the dynamics of pest outbreaks. By exploiting the natural behaviors and instincts of insects, these traps effectively attract and capture them.

Using these traps allows for accurate predictions of pest outbreak timings and scales, aiding in the decision-making process for pest control. Additionally, by reducing the number of adult insects, these traps can indirectly lower mating rates and subsequent pest populations.

Characteristics of Insect Traps


  • Effective for monitoring and controlling specific pest species.
  • Helps in predicting and managing pest outbreaks more efficiently.
  • Non-toxic and environmentally friendly compared to chemical pest control methods.


  • Specificity to certain insect species means they might not be effective against all pests.
  • Regular maintenance and attractant replacement are necessary for optimal performance.

Types of Pheromone Traps

There are two primary types of pheromone traps: adhesive and funnel type. The adhesive type captures insects on a sticky surface, while the funnel type uses a container to trap insects lured by the pheromone. Each type has its advantages and is chosen based on the specific pest management needs and environmental conditions.

How to Select and Use Insect Traps

When selecting a pheromone trap, consider the target insect species and the environmental context of the area. Regular monitoring and maintenance of the trap ensure effective pest control and accurate data collection for managing pest populations.


Sun Shade Net

What Is a Sun Shade Net?

A sun shade net is a specialized net used in agriculture to protect crops from pests. Made of polyester, these nets are available in black or white and come in various mesh sizes to cater to different pest prevention needs.

Uses of Sun Shade Nets

Sun shade nets are primarily used in plastic greenhouses to prevent the entry of harmful insects. They are effectively installed in areas such as gable ends, sides, and entrances of greenhouses where pests are most likely to infiltrate.

Choosing the right mesh size is critical and should be based on the specific insect threats to the crops. Finer meshes provide better protection against smaller pests but may restrict ventilation, which is an important factor to consider for certain crops.

Characteristics of Sun Shade Nets


  • Effective in preventing a wide range of pests from entering greenhouses.
  • Available in various mesh sizes for targeted pest control.
  • Can be used in conjunction with plastic greenhouses to create a protected environment for crops.


  • Finer mesh nets may impede ventilation, which could affect the growth of certain crops.
  • Choosing the wrong mesh size could either be ineffective against pests or overly restrictive for plant growth.

How to Select Sun Shade Nets

When selecting sun shade nets, consider the types of pests you’re aiming to keep out and the ventilation needs of your crops. Selecting a net with the appropriate mesh size is crucial for balancing pest protection with adequate air flow for healthy crop growth.


Grain Bag

What Is a Grain Bag?

A grain bag is a durable, lightweight bag designed for the agricultural sector to support the harvesting, transportation, and storage of crops like rice, wheat, corn, and soybeans. Made from materials such as polyethylene and polypropylene, these bags offer good ventilation and are engineered to withstand the rigors of mechanical harvesting operations.

Uses of Grain Bags

Primarily used for collecting and transporting unhulled rice, grain bags also serve various purposes across agriculture, including the transportation of husks, compost, and root crops. Their utility extends to the temporary storage of a wide array of crops.

Features of Grain Bags

Typically measuring 60 x 80 cm with a capacity of around 30 kg of unhulled rice, grain bags are designed for visibility of contents in some variants, promoting easy monitoring of crop volume.


  • Ease of handling, thanks to top and bottom handles and resistance to slipping and stretching.
  • High durability allows for reuse across multiple harvesting seasons.
  • Efficiency in harvesting and moving crops directly from the field to storage or transport.


  • The weight of filled bags can pose handling challenges.
  • Potential transportation issues if bags exceed vehicle loading capacities.
  • Age-related deterioration necessitates regular inspection for damage.

How to Use Grain Bags

Ensure crops are dry before storage to prevent spoilage, seal bags tightly to protect against pests and moisture, and adhere to safe transportation practices to avoid load instability or vehicle issues.

Other Information on Grain Bags

While grain bags offer substantial resistance to water and tearing, the quality of the bags can affect their durability and water resistance. Proper disposal involves adherence to local government guidelines, with consideration for the removal of metal parts before disposal.


Support Arch

What Is a Support Arch?

A support arch is a curved structure used in agriculture and horticulture to provide overhead support for plants. Typically made of steel tubes coated with polyethylene or other resin, these arches are used in conjunction with nets and plastic sheets to create protective coverings over plants.

Uses of Support Arches

Support arches are utilized for a range of purposes, such as creating rain shelters, providing a greenhouse effect with vinyl covers, and supporting vine plants like cucumbers and pumpkins. They are also used to protect plants from birds by attaching bird nets.

Features of Support Arches


  • Versatile and suitable for various purposes.
  • Easy to set up, even for beginners.
  • Cost-effective compared to more permanent structures like plastic greenhouses.


  • Limited weight capacity, and unsuitable for supporting heavy loads.
  • Size confirmation is essential before purchase to ensure suitability for specific crops.
  • May occupy significant storage space when not in use.

Types of Support Arches

Support arches are available in various sizes and designs, some of which can be linked together to form taller structures. There are also designs with widened ends for easier soil insertion.

How to Select Support Arches

When choosing support arches, consider the area’s size and the type of netting or cover that will be used. Selecting the appropriate size and style is crucial for effective application.


Grafting Clip

What Is a Grafting Clip?

A grafting clip is a tool used in the process of joining two plant segments, known as the scion and the rootstock, to promote growth as a single plant. These clips are commonly used in agriculture, home gardening, and horticulture.

Uses of Grafting Clips

Grafting clips are used to secure the scion and rootstock together in vegetables and fruit trees like cucumbers, watermelons, tomatoes, grapes, eggplants, and large chrysanthemums.

Features of Grafting Clips


  • User-friendly, and suitable for beginners and the elderly.
  • Protects the scion and rootstock from damage.
  • Available in various sizes for different plant thicknesses.
  • Lightweight and gentle on plants.
  • Durable against ultraviolet light and can be reused.


  • Often sold in large quantities, which may be excessive for small-scale gardeners.

Types of Grafting Clips

Grafting clips come in three main types: tube type, clip type, and pin type.


Tube-type grafting clips are transparent and flexible, allowing for easy alignment and natural detachment as the plant grows.


Clip-type grafting clips resemble clothespins and are adjustable to the stem thickness. They are suitable for a wide range of plants, including tomatoes and melons.


Pin-type grafting clips are inserted through the center of the cut surfaces and are effective for both diagonal and flat grafting. They are known for increasing work efficiency and ease of use for beginners.

How to Use Grafting Clips

When grafting, cut both the scion and rootstock at an angle to ensure a tight fit. Tube-type clips are used for tube grafting, while clip-type clips are suitable for split and nominal grafting.

How to Select Grafting Clips

Choose the appropriate type and size of grafting clip based on the seedling type, shape, and thickness. Product descriptions often include recommended plant types as a reference.

Other Information on Grafting Clips

Advantages of Grafting

  1. Reduces the risk of continuous cropping damage.
  2. Facilitates the growth and management of taller plants.
  3. Helps in shortening the harvest period and increasing fruit yields.

Grafting onto related rootstock species can increase resistance to diseases and pests, contributing to healthier plant growth.


Soil Fungicide

What Is a Soil Fungicide?

A soil fungicide is a chemical agent used to eradicate harmful pathogens and bacteria in the soil. These fungicides have been essential in agriculture, but their chemical nature requires careful handling to avoid harm to humans and the environment. The correct application and dosage are crucial to minimizing soil damage and residual chemical effects.

Uses of Soil Fungicides

Soil fungicides are used to prevent crop failure, reduce soil diseases, and control pests. They are particularly useful in managing consecutive cropping issues and in situations like post-flooding where pathogens are likely to proliferate.

Characteristics of Soil Fungicides


Soil fungicides provide quick and accurate control of soil pathogens when compared to natural methods like sunlight sterilization or insecticidal plants. They can be a vital tool in managing soil health and ensuring healthy crop growth.


Their chemical nature poses risks if misused, potentially harming the soil, crops, and human health. Additionally, they can be more expensive than other sterilization methods.

Types of Soil Fungicides

Various soil fungicides are available, each suited to specific pathogens, seasons, and field conditions. The effectiveness of a fungicide often depends on its active ingredient.

1. Chloropicrin

Chloropicrin is effective against a broad spectrum of fungi, bacteria, pests, and weeds. It is usually applied by soil injection and requires covering to prevent vaporization. Its effectiveness decreases at lower soil temperatures.

2. DD

DD is mainly effective against insect pests and should be applied similarly to chloropicrin.

3. Chloropicrin + DD (Mixture)

Combining chloropicrin and DD harnesses the advantages of both, providing a broad-spectrum effect. This mixture is particularly effective against centipedes and is easier to handle due to its less irritating odor.

4. Dazomet

Dazomet is effective against fungi, bacteria, and weeds, with less efficacy against pests. After mixing, it requires covering or watering to control gas production. Proper soil temperature maintenance is crucial. It’s easily applied by hand or sprayer.

5. Carbam Sodium Salt

This fungicide is effective against fungi, bacteria, and weeds, and is applied as a liquid spray, making it easier to handle than soil-injected types.

6. Mitc + DD (Mixture)

A mixture of methyl isothiocyanate oil and DD, this fungicide offers broad-spectrum control and is relatively easy to handle, applied mainly by soil injection.

How to Use Soil Fungicides

The effective use of soil fungicides involves removing damaged residue, cleaning equipment to prevent contamination, and following specific treatment methods for each chemical type. Observing fumigation and degassing periods is crucial for safety and effectiveness. Spreader and other specialized machines can make the application process more efficient.



Qu’est-ce que l’heptane ?

L’heptane est un liquide incolore et clair, à l’odeur spécifique.
Selon la loi japonaise, il est notamment désigné comme “substance dangereuse”, “substance dangereuse et nocive à étiqueter”, etc.

Utilisations de l’heptane

L’heptane (n-heptane : heptane normal) est utilisé comme solvant pour la polymérisation des polyoléfines, comme solvant pour les adhésifs, les peintures et les encres, ainsi que pour l’extraction des huiles et des graisses.

Il sert également de diluant et de réactif de mesure dans l’analyse spectroscopique utilisant le plasma, ainsi que dans l’analyse GC (chromatographie en phase gazeuse), l’une des méthodes d’analyse des gaz, et dans l’analyse de l’indice d’octane de l’essence, bien connue des utilisateurs d’automobiles. Il peut aussi être utilisé comme agent de nettoyage dans le cadre d’expériences de recherche.

Propriétés de l’heptane

Le n-heptane a un point de fusion de -91°C, un point d’ébullition de 98°C, un point d’éclair de -1°C et un point d’inflammation spontanée de 204°C. Il présente une odeur volatile et pétrolière.

L’heptane est généralement appelé n-heptane. Il est extrêmement soluble dans l’éthanol et l’éther diéthylique mais insoluble dans l’eau.

Structure de l’heptane

Il existe 11 isomères de l’heptane, y compris les isomères optiques. Le n-heptane a une formule chimique de CH3(CH2)5CH3 et un poids moléculaire de 100,20. Il s’agit d’un alcane linéaire et d’une substance indicatrice dont l’indice d’octane est de 0.

Autres informations sur l’heptane

1. Isomères structural de l’heptane (Chaîne principale : C7)

Il existe neuf isomères de structure de l’heptane. Le seul heptane dont la chaîne principale comporte 7 atomes de carbone est le n-heptane.

2. Isomère structural de l’heptane (Chaîne principale : C6)

Il existe deux types d’heptane avec 6 atomes de carbone dans la chaîne principale : le 2-méthylhexane et le 3-méthylhexane. Le 2-méthylhexane est également connu sous le nom d’isoheptane.

3. Isomère structural de l’heptane (Chaîne principale : C5)

Le seul heptane ayant cinq atomes de carbone dans la chaîne principale et une chaîne latérale est le 3-éthylpentane. Il existe quatre types d’heptane avec cinq atomes de carbone dans la chaîne principale et deux chaînes latérales :

  • 2,2-diméthylpentane (anglais : 2,2-dimethylpentane)
  • 2,3-diméthylpentane (anglais : 2,3-dimethylpentane)
  • 2,4-diméthylpentane
  • 3,3-diméthylpentane

Le 2,2-diméthylpentane est également appelé néoheptane.

4. Isomère structural de l’heptane (Chaîne principale : C4)

Le seul heptane ayant quatre atomes de carbone dans la chaîne principale et trois dans les chaînes latérales est le 2,2,3-triméthylbutane.

5. Stéréoisomères de l’heptane

Il existe 11 stéréoisomères de l’heptane, si l’on distingue les stéréoisomères : le 3-méthylhexane et le 2,3-diméthylpentane ont des stéréoisomères.

Il existe deux types de 3-méthylhexane :

  • (3R)-3-méthylhexane (anglais : (3R)-3-methylhexane)
  • (3S)-3-méthylhexane

En revanche, le 2,3-diméthylpentane existe sous les deux formes suivantes :

  • (3R)-2,3-diméthylpentane
  • (3S)-2,3-diméthylpentane

Le 3-méthylhexane et le 2,3-diméthylpentane sont également les plus petits alcanes possédant un carbone chiral.