
Hydrogen Gas Generator

What Is a Hydrogen Gas Generator?

Hydrogen Gas Generators

A hydrogen gas generator is a device designed to produce hydrogen gas. It allows for the generation of hydrogen gas without the need for gas cylinders. Hydrogen gas finds applications in various fields, including research experiments, analytical instruments, and as fuel for fuel cell vehicles.

Uses of Hydrogen Gas Generators

Hydrogen gas is utilized in a wide range of applications, spanning from research and industrial sectors to general use.

1. Research Applications

Hydrogen gas serves as a carrier gas in gas chromatography (GC), as well as a fuel gas in experiments. It is commonly used as a fuel for hydrogen flame ion detectors (FID).

2. Industrial Applications

In industrial settings, hydrogen gas plays a significant role in various processes. This includes the desulfurization of petroleum products, serving as a raw material for ammonia synthesis, and acting as a hydrogen source for applications such as diamond synthesis via microwave plasma CVD and thin-film silicon production. Hydrogen and oxygen or air gas mixtures are used in burners due to their ability to maintain a stable flame at high temperatures without soot contamination.

Other promising applications involve the cleaning of silicon wafers using hydrogen-infused water, as well as the practical implementation of hydrogen-reduced ironmaking technologies aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

3. Fuel and General Use

Hydrogen gas holds potential in fuel cells for automobiles and household batteries. It is also employed in hydrogen fuel engines for power generation facilities and internal combustion engines in vehicles, contributing to the realization of carbon-neutral societies.

4. General Use

Hydrogen gas inhalers find applications in industries like cosmetics, medicine, sports, and relaxation.

Principle of Hydrogen Gas Generators

Hydrogen gas generators can be categorized based on the method they employ to produce hydrogen gas.

1. Electrolysis of Water


Figure 1. Production of hydrogen gas by electrolysis of water

Hydrogen and oxygen can be extracted through the electrolysis of water. While pure water has low efficiency in this process, it can be improved using electrolytes such as potassium hydroxide, solid polymer electrolytes, or ion-exchange membranes. Some hydrogen gas generators incorporate a purification system with a catalyst like palladium to enhance the purity of the produced hydrogen gas.

Electrolysis of water is suitable for producing hydrogen gas in small quantities and is ideal for research purposes and indoor use.

2. Steam Reforming


Figure 2. Production of hydrogen gas by steam reforming

Steam reforming involves the high-temperature steam reaction with hydrocarbons or coal in the presence of a catalyst, resulting in the generation of hydrogen gas. Carbon in the hydrocarbons combines with oxygen in the water to form carbon monoxide, effectively separating molecular hydrogen from both the hydrocarbons and water. The hydrogen produced via steam reforming often requires purification using methods like pressure fluctuation adsorption (PSA) due to impurities.

Steam reforming is commonly used in industrial applications to efficiently produce large volumes of hydrogen gas.

While there are various methods for hydrogen gas generation, the above two methods are the most prevalent.

Additional Information on Hydrogen Gas Generators

1. Advantages of Hydrogen Gas Generators Compared to Gas Cylinders

Hydrogen gas generators offer two key advantages compared to gas cylinders: reduced risk of gas leakage and elimination of the need for cylinder replacements.

Reduced Risk of Gas Leakage
Hydrogen gas is flammable and poses an explosion risk when mixed with oxygen. The risk of explosion is lower outdoors or in well-ventilated spaces due to hydrogen’s light and diffusive nature. However, in small, poorly ventilated areas, gas leakage from cylinders can lead to an increased risk of explosion if the hydrogen content in the air exceeds 4 vol%. There is also a potential for indoor asphyxiation.

Hydrogen gas generators can produce only the required amount of hydrogen gas, and excess gas is safely exhausted, significantly reducing the aforementioned risks. They are considered relatively safe for indoor use.

No Need for Cylinder Replacements
Once installed, hydrogen gas generators do not require cylinder replacements. This eliminates the need to transport and replace gas cylinders, reducing labor costs and carbon dioxide emissions.

2. Renewable Potential in Hydrogen Production


Figure 3. Color coding of hydrogen according to production method

Hydrogen is gaining attention as a clean energy source since its use results in the emission of only water, without carbon dioxide or other harmful substances.

However, in current scenarios, carbon dioxide and other emissions are associated with hydrogen gas production and transportation. To achieve truly clean energy use, the sum of carbon dioxide emissions from raw material acquisition to production and consumption must be reduced to less than zero. Hydrogen produced under these conditions is referred to as green hydrogen and is considered a completely clean energy source.

By generating hydrogen gas on-site, the need for transportation from production to consumption can be eliminated. Achieving green hydrogen production entails reducing carbon dioxide emissions to zero during hydrogen gas production. This can be achieved by using electricity from renewable sources like solar and wind power for electrolysis. Steam reforming with biomass is another method for producing green hydrogen, though it is less suitable for large-scale production due to raw material collection costs.

While still in the research phase, methods such as water and methane pyrolysis and artificial photosynthesis are being explored for green hydrogen production.


Water Treatment Plant

What Is a Water Treatment Plant?

Water Treatment Plants

A water treatment plant is a facility that purifies and treats water.

Its main purpose is to purify water to provide people with safe and clean drinking water. However, it may also treat industrial water and sewage. Sewage and wastewater contain various impurities, many of which are toxic.

If toxic substances in water are discharged into the environment without treatment or used as domestic water, they can cause serious damage to the human body and the environment. Water treatment plants can remove or detoxify these harmful substances by treating water. Water treatment plants are indispensable for the safe use of water in an environmentally friendly manner.

Uses of Water Treatment Plants

Water treatment plants are used for diverse purposes. The main applications are to secure drinking water, to supply water for industrial and agricultural use, and to treat sewage.

1. Drinking Water Supply

Water treatment plants provide safe and clean drinking water. They purify, filter, disinfect, and treat raw water before it is supplied as tap water.

2. Industrial and Agricultural Water Supply

Water is essential for cooling and cleaning in industrial activities, such as in factories and facilities. Water treatment plants treat and supply water that meets the quality requirements for industrial use. They are also used for supplying agricultural water for irrigation and crop cultivation.

3. Sewage Treatment

Factory wastewater and sewage must be treated before being discharged into rivers or the sea. Water treatment plants process sewage and purify it, ensuring it meets environmental discharge standards.

Principle of Water Treatment Plants

Water treatment plants operate on various principles, depending on the substance to be treated. Key elements of these plants include:

1. Filtration

Filtration removes suspended solids from raw water. Techniques like sand filtration, charcoal filtration, and microfiltration are used to eliminate impurities.

2. Sedimentation

This process uses gravity to separate impurities in water. Coagulants or coagulating agents are added to agglomerate minute suspended solids and microorganisms, forming large particles. These are then removed in the sedimentation tank.

3. Chemical Treatment

Chemical treatment alters substances in water, such as by adjusting the pH level. It is also used for extracting valuable metals and other substances. For example, adding sodium hydroxide to water causes heavy metals to precipitate, allowing for their separation.

4. Sterilization

Sterilization methods, including chlorination, ultraviolet irradiation, and ozone treatment, remove pathogens and bacteria, rendering microorganisms harmless.

5. Reverse Osmosis or Deep Filtration

Reverse osmosis involves using a thin film and high pressure to remove impurities from water. It is effective in desalinating seawater and removing microscopic impurities. Deep filtration uses microscopic filter media for purification.

Types of Water Treatment Plants

There are various types of water treatment plants, each serving different purposes:

1. Water Treatment Plant

These facilities treat raw water to supply drinking water, using processes such as filtration, sedimentation, and disinfection.

2. Sewage Treatment Plant

Sewage treatment plants process domestic wastewater, transforming it into environmentally safe water for discharge. Techniques used include filtration, sedimentation, and biological decomposition.

3. Seawater Desalination Plant

Seawater desalination plants convert seawater into freshwater using reverse osmosis membranes. The desalinated water is further sterilized for use as drinking or industrial water.

4. Industrial Water Treatment Plant

These plants treat and supply water for industrial facilities, adapting the treatment method to the water’s intended use. Rainwater treatment is also common, involving filtration, sedimentation, and disinfection.


Resin Ball

What Is a Resin Ball?

Resin Balls

A resin ball is a generic term for a spherical object made of polymer compounds, such as polyurethane, polyester, or acrylic.

They are used in a wide range of applications, from everyday objects to essential parts of medical and industrial machinery. Resin balls vary in size, ranging from a few millimeters to several centimeters in diameter, depending on the specific application.

There are numerous types of resin balls, manufactured using a wide variety of materials, and designed to meet various purposes and applications, each tailored to the characteristics of the respective plastic material.

Uses of Resin Balls

Due to their high transparency, acrylic resin balls find applications in everyday objects such as decorations, ball lenses, toys, and game consoles. In medical and industrial equipment, they serve as crucial components, acting as bearings for rotating and reciprocating mechanical parts, referred to as bearings. They are also used in valves, including safety valves and check valves, within liquid and gas piping systems.

Resin balls prove exceptionally effective in specialized environments, such as medical equipment where electricity or magnetic force should not be applied, where metal parts are unsuitable, or in the presence of chemicals (acids, alkalis, organic solvents, etc.), thanks to their insulation and abrasion resistance properties.

Principle of Resin Ball

Resin balls can be broadly categorized into thermosetting resin and thermoplastic resin, each of which is manufactured differently.

1. Thermosetting Resin

Thermosetting resins, such as phenol, epoxy, and unsaturated polyester, are liquid resins that cure when subjected to heat during the molding process. They are characterized by their hardness, insulation, resistance to voltage and heat, and resistance to solvents.

2. Thermoplastic Resin

Thermoplastic resins, such as polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polyurethane, and acrylic, soften when they reach their glass transition temperature or melting point. These resins become pliable when heated and then solidify during cooling, forming the molding process.

Unlike thermosetting resins, thermoplastic resins can be recycled because they soften when heated and can be molded repeatedly. All Resin balls exhibit superior insulation, corrosion resistance, and chemical resistance compared to metals, making them environmentally friendly as they do not leach out harmful substances like lead over time.

Types of Resin Balls

1. Polypropylene (PP) Balls

Polypropylene is a plastic known for its excellent heat, chemical, and abrasion resistance. PP balls are lightweight, durable, and generally cost-effective. They find widespread use in various industries, including food containers, packaging materials, and cookware in the food sector.

In addition to the food industry, polypropylene is employed for test tubes and components of laboratory equipment in the chemical and medical fields, and battery containers within the automotive industry. Its durability and long service life make it suitable for a wide range of applications.

2. Polyethylene (PE) Balls

Polyethylene is a flexible and durable plastic, making PE balls lightweight yet resilient with high impact resistance. As a result, they are widely used in the production of playground equipment, sporting goods, and medical devices.

PE balls also serve as storage containers for agricultural liquids and chemicals, as well as in liquid piping systems, among other applications. Their environmentally friendly nature and high recyclability contribute to reducing the environmental impact.

3. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Balls

PVC is a commonly used resin that combines durability and flexibility. PVC Balls are lightweight, strong, and resistant to chemicals. They are primarily employed in the manufacturing of aquarium decorations, toys, construction materials, and electronics.

PVC also possesses excellent insulating properties and is widely used in electrical wiring and electronic components. However, it’s important to note that some PVC products may contain plasticizers, such as phthalates, which must be properly controlled due to their potential adverse effects on the environment and human health.

4. Polyester (PET) Balls

Polyester is a tough, transparent, durable, and heat-resistant resin commonly used in various applications, including food packaging, beverage containers, medical devices, and textiles. In the food industry, its transparency and durability make it a preferred choice for beverage and food packaging.

In the medical field, polyester’s transparency and sterilizability are essential, making it suitable for the production of syringes and medical instruments.


Resin Tube

What Is a Resin Tube?

Resin Tubes

Resin tubes are tubes made from plastic.

Materials include polyolefin, polyurethane, and fluoropolymers. The durability, chemical resistance, and hardness of the tubing vary depending on the material and thickness. Therefore, the appropriate tubing should be selected according to the application.

Resin tubes are used to transport chemicals at various manufacturing sites for pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and inorganic materials. They are also useful as conductor sheathing due to their excellent electrical insulation properties. Resin tubes are also useful for coating conductors. While Resin tubes are conductive, some products have been developed to be electrically conductive, although normal tubes are easily electrically charged.

Applications of Resin Tubes

1. Medical Industry

Resin tubes play a vital role in the medical industry. They are used for intravenous catheters, conduits, drain tubes, and tubes for blood tests. The flexibility and smooth inner surface of resin tubes ensure patient comfort and safety during medical procedures.

2. Automotive Industry

In the automotive industry, resin tubes are widely employed in engine components, brake systems, and fuel delivery systems. Resin tubes are increasingly being used as alternatives to metal tubing in automotive parts where durability and chemical resistance are required.

3. Food Industry

Resin tubes are used for piping and transportation in the food industry. The tubing is suitable for transferring food and beverage fluids, exhibits high chemical resistance, and meets food safety standards. Resin tubes are commonly used in production lines for dairy products, beverages, and seasonings.

4. Electronics Industry

In the electronics industry, resin tubes serve as insulating material for electrical wires and coating circuit boards. The properties of resin tubes are crucial because they require high electrical insulation and heat resistance.

5. Agriculture and Horticulture Industry

Resin tubes also find applications in the agricultural and horticultural industries. They are used as sprinkler tubes for watering and fertilizer application and are sometimes integrated into agricultural machinery parts. Being lightweight and durable, they enhance the efficiency of agricultural operations.

6. General Industrial Use

Resin tubes are also extensively employed in various industrial applications. They are used in piping for a range of industrial machinery, including hydraulic and pneumatic equipment, gas supply systems, etc. Notably, their light weight and ease of handling facilitate installation and replacement work.

Features of Resin Tubes

1. Flexibility and Bendability

Resin tubes are crafted from flexible resin material. Thanks to this flexibility, they adapt easily to bending, twisting, and other deformations, making them suitable for installation in tight spaces and complex geometries.

2. Durability and Chemical Resistance

Resin tubes are made from durable resin material, providing them with exceptional durability for long-term use. Resin materials are also generally resistant to chemicals, playing a crucial role in industries handling chemicals due to their resistance to corrosion and deterioration.

3. Low Friction and Smooth Inner Surface

The smooth, low-friction inner surface of resin tubes enables smooth fluid movement, making them suitable for transporting liquids and gases with minimal energy loss.

4. Electrical Insulation Properties

Resin tubes typically exhibit high electrical insulation properties, making them widely used as insulating materials for electric wires and electrical equipment. They prevent the leakage of electrical signals, ensuring the safety of electrical systems.

5. Lightweight

Resin tubes are constructed from lightweight materials, making them easy to handle. Particularly in industrial fields where they are used in large quantities, their light weight contributes to cost reduction.

Types of Resin Tubes

1. PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) Tubing

PVC tube is the most popular type of resin tube in general. Due to its flexibility and cost-effectiveness, it is widely used in various applications, including industrial and domestic applications such as water and air supply, drainage, and plumbing. Its excellent chemical resistance also makes it suitable for chemical transfer.

2. PU (Polyurethane) Tubing

PU tubing is characterized by excellent abrasion and oil resistance, high strength, and flexibility. These qualities make PU tubing widely used in industrial fields requiring high reliability, such as pneumatic tools, robots, and automotive braking systems.

3. Silicone Tubing

Silicone tubing offers excellent heat resistance and is suitable for high-temperature environments. It is commonly used in medical equipment and the food industry and is ideal for transporting chemicals and high-temperature liquids. Silicone tubing is highly durable and can withstand long-term use.

4. Fluorine Tubing

A Fluorine tube is a specialized resin tube with high chemical and heat resistance. It exhibits excellent resistance to strong acids, strong alkalis, and organic solvents, making it suitable for use in the semiconductor and chemical industries. It is also appropriate for transferring chemicals and solvents at high temperatures.

5. Nylon Tube

Nylon tubes offer excellent abrasion and oil resistance. They are used in fuel supply and brake systems in the automotive industry and pipelines for industrial machinery. The high tensile strength of these tubes makes them suitable for pneumatic tools and power transmission in robots.


Aerator Pump

What Is an Aerator Pump?

An aerator pump is a device designed to introduce air into a liquid. Its primary application is in the aeration process of sewage treatment, where aerobic microorganisms are employed. The purpose is not just to transport air but to enhance its dissolution into the liquid by compressing it further. Many products mix the air with water before releasing it as microbubbles, facilitating the efficient dissolution of oxygen as the bubbles rise gently through the liquid.

Uses of Aerator Pumps

Aerator pumps find essential usage in sewage treatment facilities, industrial waste treatment plants, and various sewage treatment processes. They serve as integral components within aeration tanks responsible for treating sewage and other substances using aerobic microorganisms. Their primary function is to supply oxygen to the aeration tank.

When selecting aerator pumps, several factors must be considered, including discharge volume, discharge pressure, mixing range, water depth to be handled, power consumption, and size. Many products incorporate motor parts designed for underwater use, potentially requiring fewer noise mitigation measures.

Principle of Aerator Pumps

This section outlines the fundamental operation principle of aerator pumps. An aerator pump typically consists of an air inlet, compression section, mixing section, and outlet. With the exception of the suction inlet, all these components are often submerged underwater. The compression section utilizes an impeller, blower, or compressor, commonly powered by a 3-phase power supply. In the mixing section, measures are in place to prevent sewage-related clogging through the use of highly sealed and secure structures.

During operation, air is drawn in through the inlet by a high-speed rotating impeller or similar device within the compression section. At this point, the air pressure is increased beyond the water pressure. The depth of the water, the impeller’s speed, and its design all impact the air compression process. The compressed air is then finely dispersed into minute bubbles within the mixing section using a diffuser plate. Subsequently, the aerated air is expelled through the outlet. The outlet is often tapered, allowing the pump to distribute air over a wider area while maintaining a single directional flow.


Vibrating Sieve Machine

What Is a Vibrating Sieve Machine?

A vibrating sieve machine is a machine used to classify or separate powder or granular materials.

Its main function is to sort materials into different particle sizes. Granular material is placed on a sieve with a fixed mesh size and vibrated, facilitating the separation of materials based on particle size.

Vibrating sieve machines are used to separate materials into varied grain sizes, producing products with distinct model numbers, and removing foreign matter. This process enhances the value and quality of granular products, making these machines vital for efficient and effective material sorting and separation.

Applications of Vibrating Sieve Machines

Vibrating sieve machines are used across a diverse range of industries. Here are some examples of their applications:

1. Construction Industry

The sieves classify the particle size of sand, aggregates, and other construction materials. In the construction industry, the quality control of aggregates for concrete and asphalt production is crucial, requiring specific particle size standards. Vibrating sieve machines are instrumental in classifying sand and aggregates into desired particle sizes and sorting materials according to required specifications.

Additionally, they play a key role in managing construction waste from demolition and reconstruction by sorting it for recycling and reuse based on grain size and type.

2. Mining Industry

In the mining industry, vibrating sieve machines are essential for ore and coal beneficiation processes. Ores and coal consist of various particle sizes and densities of ore and impurities. These machines are crucial for sorting these materials, enhancing ore or coal quality, and eliminating impurities.

Furthermore, in coal combustion, Vibrating sieve machines are used to remove larger coal grains to prevent blockages caused by large powder inflows in furnaces.

3. Food Industry

These machines classify and separate powder and granular materials in the food industry. Quality control of raw materials like flour, sugar, and spices is essential. Vibrating sieve machines help in classifying these ingredients according to specific particle sizes and quality standards, ensuring consistency in quality.

Principle of Vibrating Sieve Machines

A vibrating sieve machine comprises the following main components:

1. The Frame

The frame is the machine’s basic structure, made from sturdy materials like steel or aluminum. It supports the entire machine, ensuring stability and durability.

2. Vibration Generator

These machines are equipped with a vibration generator, typically an eccentric shaft combined with an electric motor. The motor provides rotational force, while the eccentric shaft transforms this motion into vibratory motion.

3. Sieve Mesh

The sieve mesh is where the material is vibrated. It is usually a metal mesh with holes or slots arranged to classify materials by particle size. The sieve mesh type and size are selected based on the material’s characteristics and processing purpose.

4. Vibration Control Mechanism

Vibrating sieve machines feature a mechanism to control vibration amplitude and frequency. This allows adjustment of vibration strength and speed to suit the processed material. The control mechanism is typically adjusted using eccentric weights and vibration motor settings.

How to Select a Vibrating Sieve Machine

When choosing a vibrating sieve machine, consider these factors: material characteristics, processing capacity, and ease of maintenance.

1. Material Characteristics

Select a machine based on the type and characteristics of the material. Consider factors like particle size, humidity, and density. Also, consider the particle size range and classification accuracy required for the material.

2. Processing Capacity

Based on the material’s properties and the required throughput per hour, choose a vibrating sieve machine with suitable capacity and throughput for the production line.

3. Durability and Maintainability

The machine’s durability and maintainability are also crucial. Vibrating sieve machines have numerous moving parts and require regular maintenance. Choosing a durable machine ensures stable operation and easy maintenance over time.


Indicating Micrometer

What Is an Indicating Micrometer?

An indicating micrometer is a type of external micrometer, with an indicator built into the anvil side, sometimes called a snap meter.

The body has a pushbutton to allow the anvil to be moved back and forth. This mechanism makes it easy to attach and detach the measuring object while the spindle is fixed. The amount of movement of the anvil is indicated on the indicator. With the center set at zero, the anvil moves with an approximate runout of 40 to 60 µm. When no measuring force is applied, the anvil swings out to the minus direction.

Uses of Indicating Micrometers

An indicating micrometer is used to measure many external dimensions of similar shapes. Since the anvil side can be moved to attach and detach the object to be measured easily, numerous parts can be measured efficiently. Since the spindle needs to be fixed during measurement, the parts must be of variable dimensional value within the tolerance range when using the anvil.

In addition, since the anvil swings out in the negative direction, the spindle is pushed in during measurement so that the needle is zeroed each time, thereby keeping the measuring pressure constant.

Principle of Indicating Micrometers

The parts of an indicating micrometer are divided into two main structures. The structure can be thought of as a combination of an outer micrometer, and a dial indicator. The spindle part has the same structure as the outer micrometer, and the scale reading is the same. The indicator section indicates the scale by replacing the amount of pushing in of the anvil with the rotation of the needle, and the needle moves with an amplitude of plus or minus 40 to 60 µm, with zero at the center.

When measuring, both the instrumental error of the main unit and the indication error of the indicator section must be taken into account. The repeatability of the indicator’s indication is also an error factor, so the degree to which measurement error affects the measurement results must be considered when applying the measuring instrument.

When in use, the anvil is pushed in slightly and the indicator and spindle scale are both set to zero as the base point. Some models have an adjustment mechanism for the zero position, so the base point of the indicator section can be shifted to match the variation of the measurement target.


Micro flow meter

What Is a Micro Flow Meter?

  • A micro flow meter is a flowmeter that can measure very low flow rates. In the case of liquids, a micro flow meter is a flowmeter that can measure fluids with flow rates lower than a liter per minute. However, there is a wide range of microflow meters that can measure flow rates as low as microliters (0.001 milliliter/minute).

The measurement methods of micro flow meters vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, and the performance of micro flow meters is improving day by day as the stability of measurement, the range of viscosity of the fluid that can be measured, and the minimum flow rate that can be measured are all contested.

Uses of Micro Flow Meters

Microflow meters are used in chemical, food, and pharmaceutical plants where small amounts of chemicals must be handled accurately. In these plants, the continuous supply of small quantities of chemicals in constant quantities affects the quality of the products, making micro flow meters highly necessary.

Microflow meters are also indispensable for lens polishing and silicon wafer polishing operations, where very small amounts of abrasives must be supplied regularly.

Principles of Micro Flow Meters

There are various methods of measuring micro flow rate and new measurement methods are still being developed, but the following three methods are representative.

  • Anemometer Method
    In this method, a heater is heated to a certain temperature in the liquid flow. The higher the flow rate, the more heat is lost from the heater, requiring more power to maintain the heater at a certain temperature, while the lower the flow rate, the less power is required. The anemometer method uses this amount of power to measure the flow rate.
  • Calorimetric Method
    This method places two temperature sensors upstream and downstream in the fluid, with a heater between the sensors. The presence of the heater between the sensors creates a temperature difference between the upstream and downstream of the fluid, which is measured. In other words, a faster flow velocity will create a smaller temperature difference between upstream and downstream. Conversely, a slower flow velocity equates to a larger temperature difference, making it possible to measure the flow velocity.
  • Time of Flight (TOF) Method
    In this method, a heater is installed upstream of the fluid and a temperature sensor is installed downstream. The temperature of the fluid heated by the upstream heater when it reaches the downstream temperature sensor is measured to determine the flow rate.

Constant Flow Valve

What Is a Constant Flow Valve?

A constant flow valve is a control valve designed to maintain a constant flow rate of fluid, even in the presence of pressure fluctuations. These valves eliminate the need for additional control devices, offering cost and space savings. They are typically easy to install and do not require a power supply, making them suitable for handling hazardous fluids safely.

Uses of Constant Flow Valves

Constant flow valves find applications in various sectors, including:

  • Manufacturing industry for plant flow control.
  • Chemical processes and food processing for consistent flow.
  • Building air conditioning systems for temperature control.
  • Thermal power plants and industrial furnaces for fuel supply regulation.

Principle of Constant Flow Valve

Constant flow valves regulate flow by adjusting the opening area in the pipeline. They typically have moving parts like discs or plates that generate resistance to control the flow rate. These valves can be part of a feedback control loop, using sensors to monitor and adjust the flow rate as needed.

Types of Constant Flow Valves

Different types of constant flow valves include:

1. Flow Washer Type

Uses a rubber flow washer with small holes to limit and adjust the flow path area.

2. Orifice Type

Employs an orifice plate to control fluid flow by altering the hole size.

3. Needle Type

Features a needle-like part for precise flow control, ideal for advanced control requirements.

4. Diaphragm Type

Uses a flexible diaphragm, typically made of durable materials like PTFE, for accurate flow control in various fluids and environments.

Constant flow valves are essential in industries where maintaining a consistent flow rate is crucial for efficiency and safety.


Board Processing Machine

What Is a Board Processing Machine?

A board processing machine is a device that creates a circuit board by depicting a circuit pattern on a base on which a copper plate, the original of the board, is stretched. Board processing machines are equipped with a set of processing software. The software processes the board by loading the drawings to be processed on the board into the software. There are two types of substrate processing methods: the cutting method, in which substrates are made by cutting a copper plate covered base, and the photosensitive method, in which substrates are made by exposure and etching.

Uses of Board Processing Machines

Board processing machines are used to create circuit boards. They are used by companies that specialize in the creation of substrates, by factories that produce substrates for use in their products, and by laboratories that need immediate access to substrates. When selecting a board processing machine, it is necessary to consider the accuracy of wiring and other processing, the widths supported, the materials, and the size of the boards that can be processed. Attention should also be paid to the equipment used to remove cutting debris and the equipment used to dispose of waste fluid used in etching and other processes.

Principle of Board Processing Machines

The operating principles of board processing machines are explained separately for the cutting type and the photosensitive type.

  • Cutting Type
    A cutting type board processing machine consists of a stage for fixing the board, a cutting machine, and a cleaner for removing the cut dust. During operation, the machine obtains processing information on the board from the software and processes the board by cutting the board based on the information. Debris generated by cutting is inhaled by the cleaner and removed. Some products have a built-in deburrer to remove burrs and other debris generated during cutting.
  • Photosensitive Type
    Photosensitive board processing machines consist of a stage for fixing the substrate, a light source, a photomask, and an etching container. During processing, light from the light source is irradiated onto the substrate base, which is coated with a photosensitive material, passing through a photomask that depicts the drawing in advance. The area shaded by the photomask remains unchanged by the photosensitive material. Subsequently, etching removes the light-sensitized areas, and by removing the light-sensitive material, wiring is created. The processing speed is faster than that of the cutting type and is suitable for mass production.