
Water Purification Equipment

What Is Water Purification Equipment?

Water Purification Equipment

Water purification equipment are devices used to provide safe drinking and living water in environments without a water supply system.

When river water or lake water is fed into water purification equipment, activated carbon, filters, and chlorine are used to remove pollution and sterilize microorganisms, thereby purifying the water to a drinkable level.

Home water purification equipment is also a type of water purification equipment in the broad sense of the term. Although it is equipped with the same filtering and filtration functions, its purpose is to remove residual chlorine from tap water rather than pollution, to improve drinkability, and to reduce irritation to the skin.

Uses of Water Purification Equipment

Water purification equipment is used in areas where there is no water supply, or where water supply is not available due to a disaster. It is also used where drinking or domestic water is temporarily needed, such as at work sites or event sites. While freshwater serves as the primary water source, some equipment is capable of desalinating seawater.

In addition, while ordinary water purification equipment may not be able to remove microscopic substances such as viruses, products using reverse osmosis membranes can remove finer components. Although initially developed for water circulation in a closed environment such as a spaceship, they are now universally used.

Features of Water Purification Equipment

Water purification equipment removes impurities from raw water by applying principles such as adsorption, precipitation, and reverse osmosis.

A coagulant is first added to the raw water introduced into the device, and relatively large substances are removed by precipitation by gravity. The treated water is subsequently physically filtered by passing it through a sand filter and then disinfected by adding substances like hypochlorous acid. Some products have a process in which, after filtering and chlorination, the water is passed through an activated carbon filter to remove the previously added chlorine and other toxic substances.

After undergoing processes like sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection, the treated water is suitable for drinking and domestic use. For even higher purity, reverse osmosis membranes made of materials such as cellulose acetate or polyamide are utilized. These membranes selectively permit water to pass through under pressure.

Reverse osmosis membranes are capable of removing all substances and producing water of high purity. Because reverse osmosis membranes are prone to clogging, the cross-flow method is used to concentrate the treated water by allowing water to flow in a certain direction and permeate the membrane perpendicular to the flow.


Drawing Press

What Is a Drawing Press?

A drawing press involves the process of shaping thin metal sheets using a press machine. This method is in contrast to the ‘shallow drawing’ process commonly used for items like cups.

The standard for deep drawing is the relationship between the diameter and height of the bottom surface using a cup, as an example. If (diameter) < (height), the cup is considered to be deep drawn.

A drawing press can only be made by combining a die and a press machine. The quality of the finished product is determined by the processing accuracy of the die, the material of the thin plate used, and the capability of the press machine.

Uses of Drawing Presses

Drawing presses are used to manufacture products and parts in a wide range of fields, including automotive parts, home appliance-related parts, housing equipment-related parts, air conditioning-related parts, stationery-related parts, electric material-related parts, and precision metalworking products.

Drawing presses are used to produce a wide variety of products, such as containers, covers, motor yokes, cases, and housings.

As drawing presses involve the use of press machines, safety regulations govern the manufacturer’s responsibilities during operation.

Characteristics of Drawing Presses

In normal drawing processes, the dies used, such as punches, dies, and blank holders, are one of the factors that greatly affect the quality of the finished product.

Since the material used also has a great influence on the quality of the finished product, the work hardening index (n-value) and plastic strain ratio (r-value) of the material are the criteria for material selection.

A higher work hardening index (n-value) indicates that the material is more suitable for drawing. Typically, values in the range of 0.15 to 0.45 are considered common, with materials ranked from largest to smallest n-value as follows: stainless steel sheet, 7-3 brass sheet, pure copper sheet, pure aluminum sheet, and cold-rolled steel sheet.

The higher the plastic strain ratio (r-value), the easier the material is to draw.

In the drawing process, lubricant is often used because of the slippage between the material and the die when the material is pressed.

Phenomena that occur when the proper lubricant is not selected include rupture, burning, and galling. Two types of hydraulic lubricants, oil-based and water-based, are used for different applications.


Vacuum Packaging Machinery

What Is Vacuum Packaging Machinery?

Vacuum Packaging Machinery

Vacuum packaging machinery is a device designed to remove air from airtight bags, typically made of plastic film, creating a vacuum. This process extends the shelf life of perishable goods by preventing oxidation and spoilage.

These machines come in tabletop and stationary models, catering to different space and budget requirements.

Applications of Vacuum Packaging Machinery

Used across the food industry, vacuum packaging machinery plays a crucial role in preserving food quality, enhancing storage efficiency, and maintaining hygiene. It’s employed by food factories, restaurants, and supermarkets to streamline food storage and improve operational hygiene.

Principle of Vacuum Packaging Machinery

Vacuum packaging machinery operates on the principle of removing air to prevent spoilage and microbial growth. Impulse sealing is often used to seal the packages thermally. There are two primary types of machines: nozzle and chamber, each supporting various packaging techniques including vacuum, degassing, and gas displacement packaging.

1. Nozzle Type

Uses a nozzle to suck the air out of the bag, ensuring tight contact between the bag and its contents.

2. Chamber Type

Places food-filled bags in a vacuum chamber to remove air from the entire container.

Types of Vacuum Packaging Machinery

These machines are categorized into commercial and household models, with commercial units offering broader capabilities, including liquid packaging and household units being more limited in scope and compatible bag types.

How to Choose Vacuum Packaging Machinery

Selection should be based on intended use, considering factors like space availability, the types of products to be packaged, and specific requirements such as liquid packaging capability or the need for compact equipment.



What Is a Level?

A level is an instrument for checking the degree to which an arbitrary surface (surface to be measured) is inclined relative to a reference (horizontal or vertical). It is also called a leveler.

A level is a cylindrical, sealed glass tube filled with a liquid such as alcohol or ether and partially filled with air bubbles. When the level is placed on the surface to be measured, the position of the bubble moves in accordance with the inclination of the surface. The inclination of the surface is checked by reading the scale waved on the glass tube at that position.

Some levels display the reading digitally, while certain laser levels are equipped with a laser pointer to check the level at a “distance.”

Uses for Levels

Levels are employed to ensure the proper alignment of equipment during installation. These levels are positioned on the reference surface of the equipment to be installed, and the equipment’s adjusters are then calibrated to align the reference surface accurately.

Levels are also used to check the distortion of the outer circumference of rollers and to check the parallelism of conveyor rollers on printing presses.

They are also used in construction, civil engineering, and surveying. They are used not to check the levelness of an object, but to establish a reference.

Principle of Levels

As mentioned above, levels are cylindrical glass tubes filled with liquid and partially filled with air bubbles. This glass tube is held in an enclosure with a surface parallel to the glass tube. If the horizontal glass tube is parallel to the ground, the bubble is located in the middle of the glass tube. If the right side of the glass capillary is higher than the left side, the bubble will move to the right side. Since the glass capillary is marked with a scale, the tilt is checked by reading the scale at the position of the bubble. These types of levels are also called bubble levels.

Laser levels have a built-in laser pointer. The laser pointer can be used to level a distant location and is mainly used on construction sites.

A laser level is attached to a tripod and adjusted so that it is parallel to the tripod. Once parallelism is achieved, the laser pointer (horizontal light) can be used to determine the point of parallelism, even at a distance. For example, when laying a pipe, it is possible to point out the position where a hole is to be drilled in the wall where the pipe is to be extended. When installing speakers on a wall in a gymnasium, for example, it is necessary to install them at the same height on the left and right sides.

Due to their simple construction and relatively easy operation, laser levels are used in a wide variety of applications.


Water Treatment Equipment

What Is Water Treatment Equipment?

Water treatment equipment is a term that refers to all equipment that treats water.

The history of water treatment is long, dating back to BC. In the Mesopotamian civilization, sewage systems were already in place to detoxify water by allowing it to percolate underground. Until modern times, when combined septic tanks were used to render sewage harmless, various methods were used to treat sewage and contribute to public health.

The history of water treatment is mainly documented from the 19th century. In modern times, water treatment plants have been installed throughout the world.

Uses of Water Treatment Equipment

Water treatment equipment is an integral part of our daily lives, yet it is rarely visible in the market; rather, it serves as essential infrastructure.

A typical example is a water purification plant. The water treatment plants owned by each municipality are huge water treatment equipment. They mainly submerge and filter drinking water, add chlorine to make it suitable for drinking, and then deliver it to homes and commercial facilities.

When it comes to wastewater treatment, sewage treatment plants form an integral part of the infrastructure that supports our daily lives. They are responsible for detoxifying sewage from the sewage system and safely discharging it into the ocean.

Principle of Water Treatment Equipment

Water treatment equipment is classified into two main categories: feedwater treatment and wastewater treatment. Feedwater treatment is divided into desalination and purification. Wastewater treatment is divided into sewage treatment and industrial wastewater treatment.

Desalination treatment now uses a component called a reverse osmosis membrane. Reverse osmosis membranes are membranes that do not allow electrolyte ions such as chlorine to pass through. When seawater is filtered under pressure through a reverse osmosis membrane, only pure water is discharged to the filtrate side. In areas where there is no rainfall, seawater is sometimes desalinated and used as drinking water.

Water purification processes are installed throughout Japan. After sediment is submerged at dams and other facilities, chemicals are added to adjust the PH and submerged filtration is repeated. Finally, chlorine is added to sterilize the water, which is then sent to various locations.

In general, a combined septic tank is used for sewage treatment. Anaerobic microorganisms are used to treat the sewage into relatively harmless wastewater, which is then discharged into the ocean.

Industrial wastewater treatment shares a similar structure to water purification, with the key distinction being that the wastewater is ultimately discharged into the ocean. Due to the nature of the wastewater, PH treatment is performed by adding additives. The treated sludge is separated and filtered before being transported to a disposal site or other facility. The filtrate is discharged into the ocean after being treated as treated water in accordance with the agreement with the government and other authorities.


Hydrogen Generator

What Is a Hydrogen Generator?

Hydrogen GeneratorsA hydrogen generator is a device that produces hydrogen from water, using a process called electrolysis.

Hydrogen used to be produced in large factories and transported to where it was needed using cylinders, etc. However, because it is a flammable gas, it must be handled with care.

A hydrogen generator can produce hydrogen on-site, reducing the risks associated with transportation and storage. Moreover, the required raw materials, such as water, electricity, and natural gas, are readily available, and the machine is easy to maintain.

Uses of Hydrogen Generators

Small hydrogen generators are mainly used to supply hydrogen fuel to FIDs used in gas chromatography.

Depending on the product, the generated gas may be treated with palladium or other chemicals to increase the purity of the hydrogen produced.

On the other hand, large hydrogen generators are used in metal production, crude oil desulfurization, fuel cells, and other applications requiring substantial hydrogen volumes. Nevertheless, issues pertaining to the cost of electricity consumption and the management of carbon dioxide byproducts need to be addressed.

Principle of Hydrogen Generators

The most common hydrogen generators use the principle of water electrolysis.

There are two methods of electrolysis: alkaline water electrolysis using a KOH solution and solid polymer water electrolysis using an ion exchange membrane. The former method is superior in generating efficiency, but the latter, which does not use an alkaline solution and requires careful handling, is preferred, especially for small-sized devices.

On the other hand, large hydrogen generators use the steam reforming method, in which natural gas or naphtha reacts with water to extract hydrogen.

Hydrogen generated by steam reforming contains more impurities than hydrogen generated by electrolysis, so it is purified by separation using the pressure fluctuation adsorption method. When city gas is used as the raw material, equipment is required to remove the sulfur content contained in the gas for odorization.


Submersible Pump

What Is a Submersible Pump?

Submersible Pumps

A submersible pump is designed to be fully submerged in water. It eliminates the need for a pre-installed suction port by allowing direct water intake through an inspection port, making it ideal for diverse industrial applications.

Applications of Submersible Pumps

Submersible pumps are extensively used in various settings, including sewage systems, where they help to minimize odors by being completely underground. Their affordability and portability also make them perfect for draining rainwater from construction sites, ensuring efficient water removal during adverse weather conditions.

Principle of Submersible Pumps

There are several types of submersible pumps, including electric, hydraulic, and flexible models. Electric submersible pumps, which may use either 100V single-phase or 200V three-phase power, are the most common. Hydraulic submersible pumps require a hydraulic unit but offer the advantage of compact equipment integration. Flexible submersible pumps, powered by an engine on land through a flexible shaft, avoid electrical and oil leakage risks, providing excellent cost performance for the same output.

Structure of Submersible Pumps

A submersible pump is composed of a protective casing, a power component, and a driving mechanism. The casing, often equipped with a metal mesh at the suction port, prevents large objects from obstructing the impeller. The power part, mainly the motor, is insulated from the liquid and casing, ensuring operational safety. The driving parts, including impellers and bearings, are essential for moving the liquid efficiently to the outlet.

Types of Submersible Pumps

Submersible pumps can be categorized into sewage pumps, freshwater pumps, corrosive liquid pumps, shallow water pumps, and construction drainage pumps, each tailored for specific applications ranging from sewage treatment to handling corrosive chemicals.

How to Choose a Submersible Pump

Selecting the right submersible pump depends on the application, from managing wastewater and supplying fresh water to dealing with corrosive liquids and construction site drainage. Each type has distinct advantages, addressing various environmental and operational challenges.


Molding Machinery

What Is Molding Machinery?

Injection molding machinery is well known as molding machinery for plastics, but there are also press molding machines that create shapes by applying pressure, blow molding machines that create shapes by air pressure, and molding machines that use simple molds (e.g., lost wax machines).

Besides plastics, metals can also be molded. Die cast molding of aluminum and zinc can be done automatically, which often leads to cost reductions during mass production.

Uses of Molding Machinery

Molding machinery is used to mold materials to fit a mold.

Molding machines are often used when the annual production volume is large or the lot size is large. Most plastic products sold at 100-yen stores are manufactured using molding machines, because the unit price can be reduced by using molding machines. They are also used for design parts, which are becoming more demanding, since even complex shapes can be easily produced.

Aluminum die-cast parts, which are molded from aluminum, are widely used in automobile engines, internal components of measuring instruments, and tobira.

Principle of Molding Machinery

Mass production molding machinery, one type of molding machinery, is very expensive, ranging from several thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars, due to the robustness of the molds and other components. Therefore, it is necessary to produce a sufficient quantity of molds to amortize them. In addition, when a mold is changed due to a shape change, at least several hundred hundred dollars is required because of the labour hours required to remove the mold from the molding machinery and process it. To address these issues, there is a method in which the mold is divided into sections and only the necessary sections are taken out for modification. This method not only shortens the modification period but also reduces the cost of modification.

If the quantity is not large but the shape is complex and cutting is difficult, a simple molding machine is used to produce the product at a low cost. This equipment can produce only a few to several dozen pieces, but has the advantage of making the molds inexpensive. It is also possible to make multiple simple molds by producing a master.

Recently, a pressure forming method called “press forming” is increasingly used in sheet metal processing. Although there are some restrictions on the shape, mass production is possible at a low cost, and shape changes can be accommodated with relative flexibility. For example, drawing, one of the forming processes, requires a welding process, which used to be expensive, but now it reduces the cost of parts and improves the shape stability of products.


Garbage Disposal

What Is Garbage Disposal Equipment?

Garbage Disposals

Garbage disposal equipment refers to machines designed to reduce and deodorize the volume of food waste produced by both businesses and households.

With food waste constituting approximately 30% of general waste, these machines significantly decrease waste weight and volume by removing moisture, simplifying waste management and disposal processes.

Key types of food waste disposal systems include heating, bio, and carbonization methods, each employing different techniques to process and reduce food waste effectively.

Applications of Garbage Disposal Equipment

Garbage disposal systems are instrumental in managing food waste from various sources, including food production facilities, restaurants, and households, facilitating waste reduction and recycling efforts.

Processed waste can be repurposed as feed or fertilizer, with bio-based products being particularly suitable for such reuse. Moreover, household garbage disposals may receive subsidies from local authorities to encourage waste reduction.

Principle of Garbage Disposal Equipment

Diverse garbage disposal technologies—such as heated, bio-based, pulverizing, drying, carbonizing, and hybrid systems—employ unique mechanisms to process food waste.

1. Heating Type

This method involves heating food waste to evaporate moisture, significantly reducing its volume. Exhaust gases are treated to eliminate odors.

2. Bio-Type

Food waste is mixed with a base material and decomposed by bio-bacteria through aerobic digestion, transforming waste into compost within 4 to 20 hours.

3. Pulverizing Type

Installed under the kitchen sink, this device grinds food waste with water, allowing for easy disposal directly through the drainage system.

4. Drying Type

Food waste is dried using hot air, effectively reducing its moisture content and volume.

5. Carbonizing Type

This process steams and then carbonizes food waste, turning it into charcoal, further reducing its volume.

6. Hybrid Type

A combination of bio and drying methods, this system rapidly converts food waste into compost using a special treatment agent and warm air.

How to Select Garbage Disposal Equipment

Choosing the right garbage disposal system requires understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each type, considering factors such as operational costs, processing capabilities, and end-product usability.

1. Heating Type

Offers a straightforward process without the need for additional materials, though operational costs can be high due to energy consumption.

2. Bio-Type

Requires a base material but operates at lower temperatures and produces compost, offering an eco-friendly disposal solution.

3. Pulverizing Type

Ideal for direct kitchen waste management, but may be subject to installation constraints and noise considerations.

4. Drying Type

Reduces volume by drying, suitable for composting, albeit with lower volume reduction efficiency and higher energy costs.

5. Carbonizing Type

Provides a high volume reduction by transforming waste into charcoal, useful as a soil conditioner or fuel, but with higher energy requirements.

6. Hybrid Type

Less energy-intensive than drying alone, this method requires a treatment agent for effective waste conversion.


Precision Grinding Vise

What Is a Precision Grinding Vise?

A precision grinding vise is a jig used on a machine tool to grip and fix a workpiece. The term “precision” is used because it is intended for use on a machine tool and enables high-precision parallelism of the material to be fixed.

Precision grinding vises, also called “machine vises,” are manufactured to maintain parallelism of various contact surfaces, such as parallelism with the base surface of the machine tool to which they are attached, parallelism between the fixed and movable end caps of the main body, and parallelism with the sliding surface of the movable end cap.

Uses of Precision Grinding Vises

Precision grinding vises are used on various types of machine tools, such as cutting machines, milling machines, and machining centers. Since the size of the workpiece varies with the machine tool of the same type, the most suitable precision device is selected for each machine tool.

As it is said that the machining accuracy of a machine tool is affected by the parallelism accuracy of the precision device, various types are manufactured according to the size of the workpiece and the machine tool, and it is important to choose the right type for each application.

How to Select a Precision Grinding Vises

The selection criteria for precision grinding vises are as follows:

  • Size of Workpiece
    The dimensions of the “opening,” “width,” and “depth” of the vise are determined according to the length and height of the two sides of the workpiece that are parallel to the base surface.
  • Types of Machine Tools
    The type of machine tool and its machining direction may also affect the selection of machine tools.
  • Machining Method
    The number of processes, machining conditions, and machine tools, as well as the difference between small-lot production and mass production, also affects the selection of machining methods, while machining efficiency also affects costs.
  • Processing Precision
    Although precision grinding vises are manufactured with higher precision than general vises, it is important to consider this when further processing precision is demanded. Factors related to machining accuracy include sufficient clamping force, measures to prevent floating of the workpiece, machining accuracy of the precision grinding vise itself, materials used, structure, durability, and other factors.