
Three-Phase Inverter

What Is a Three-Phase Inverter?

A three-phase inverter is a device that converts direct current (DC) into three-phase alternating current (AC), adjusting voltage value and frequency according to need. It consists of three main components: a converter, which converts AC to DC; a capacitor, which stabilizes the DC output; and an inverter circuit, which converts DC back to AC.

Applications of Three-Phase Inverters

Three-phase inverters are versatile, supporting various control methods for different applications:

1. VVVF (Variable Voltage Variable Frequency)

Used for precise control over both voltage and frequency, this method is ideal for AC motor control in railway vehicles and air conditioners.

2. CVVF (Constant Voltage Variable Frequency)

This maintains constant voltage while allowing frequency adjustment, suited for applications like IH cookers, where varying the frequency can control heating intensity.

3. CVCF (Constant Voltage Constant Frequency)

Ensuring stable power supply without voltage drops, CVCF is critical for computer power supplies and UPS systems.

Principle of Three-Phase Inverters

The inverter first converts incoming AC to DC, which is then fed into the inverter circuit. Using pulse width modulation (PWM), the inverter controls the output by adjusting the ON/OFF ratio of switches, efficiently generating AC with desired characteristics.

1. Inverter Circuit

PWM is a key technique in inverter circuits, enabling efficient power conversion and size reduction by modulating the switch’s ON/OFF durations.

2. PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)

PWM controls output through the comparison of sine and triangular waves, toggling the switch between ON and OFF states to match desired output characteristics. Variable frequency modulation (VFM) is another method offering efficiency at low loads.

3. RL Transient Response

The inverter’s output, when applied to loads like induction motors, shows an RL transient response, which is a gradual voltage increase to a steady state. Adjusting the switching frequency can smooth the AC supply to such loads.

Other Information about Three-Phase Inverters

What Is 3-Phase AC?

Three-phase AC consists of three alternating currents, each offset by a 120-degree phase difference, ensuring efficient power transmission with no need for a return circuit. Three-phase inverters are essential for converting DC to this efficient AC form, widely used in power lines for its superior efficiency over single-phase AC.


Load Cell Scale

What Is a Load Cell Scale?

Load Cell Scales

A load cell scale is a sensor that converts force (such as mass or torque) into an electrical signal for output. Essentially, a load cell is a transducer that transforms a physical force into an electrical response.

The strain gauge type is the most commonly used load cell, known for its high accuracy, minimal temperature influence, simple structure, ease of manufacturing and maintenance, few moving and friction parts, and long-term performance stability.

Uses of Load Cell Scales

Load cells are integral in applications where force measurement is essential. Often built into equipment, they are found in devices such as industrial scales, balances, platform scales, and testing machines. Available in various types, including beam, S-shaped, column, and diaphragm types, each is suited for specific applications: beam type for platform scales, column type for industrial scales, and S-shaped type for tensile force measurement.

Principles of Load Cell Scales

The working principle of strain gauge load cells is based on the property of metals that change electrical resistance when mechanically deformed. Strain gauges capitalize on this property to detect strain via changes in electrical resistance.

A load cell comprises a strain generator and a strain gauge. The strain generator induces strain, while the strain gauge, attached to it, measures this strain. There is a direct proportionality between the strain gauge’s resistance change and the strain, represented by the equation:

ΔR/R = K × ε

Here, R is the original resistance, ΔR is the change in resistance due to strain, K is the gauge factor (proportional constant), and ε represents the strain.

The electrical resistance change is detected using a Wheatstone bridge circuit, an arrangement of four resistors configured in a diamond-like pattern, ideal for detecting minute changes in electrical resistance.


Near Field Communication (NFC) Tag

What Is a Near Field Communication (NFC) Tag?

Near Field Communication (NFC) Tags

A near field communication (NFC) tag is a small wireless device that enables short-range communication between compatible devices. Utilizing technologies such as pulse width modulation (PWM), NFC tags allow for data exchange simply by bringing devices into proximity.

Recognized globally, NFC tags are used in various applications, including Felica—a Type F NFC standard commonly employed in Japan’s “Osaifu-Keitai” (mobile wallet).

Applications of NFC Tags

NFC tags are used in a range of contexts, including:

1. Home Appliances

Utilized in devices like smartphones, credit cards, and transport cards (e.g., Suica), NFC tags enable quick and secure transactions such as fare payments and auto-charging.

2. Industrial Equipment

Used in industrial settings for automated equipment control and monitoring.

3. Power Supply Adapters

AC-to-DC converters, serving as power supply adapters, are essential in charging portable devices like smartphones and laptops.

4. Electric Vehicles

In electric vehicles, AC-to-DC converters are crucial in the charging systems, supplying DC power to the vehicle’s battery from an AC source.

Principles of NFC Tags

NFC Tags function based on various standards like Type A, B, F, and ISO/IEC15693, standardized by ISO and IEC:

1. Type A

Developed by NXP Semiconductors, this inexpensive standard is used in applications like Taspo.

2. Type B

Created by Motorola, this standard features a built-in CPU for high-speed processing and security, suitable for driver’s licenses and basic resident registration cards.

3. Type F

Sony’s Type F standard is the basis for Felica technology, offering twice the communication speed of standard NFC.

4. ISO/IEC15693

This standard is commonly used for IC tags in logistics applications.

Other Information on NFC Tags

1. NFC Tags and NFC Readers

NFC tags and NFC Readers form the core of NFC technology, facilitating electronic transactions and data exchange. Modern smartphones can also function as NFC Readers.

2. NFC Tag Pairing and Handover

NFC tags can pair devices similar to Bluetooth and facilitate data exchange handovers to Bluetooth or Wi-Fi for larger data transfers. This functionality enhances NFC’s utility in various technological applications.


Silicone Rubber Sheet

What Is a Silicone Rubber Sheet?

A silicone rubber sheet is a thin sheet of silicone rubber processed into various shapes with different properties.

It finds applications in a wide range of uses, from everyday necessities to industrial products, and offers diverse functionalities. The natural color of silicone sheets is translucent milky white, but they can be dyed, providing a variety of color options. Different manufacturers may refer to it as a “silicone rubber sheet” or simply a “silicone sheet,” but they all refer to the same material.

Uses of Silicone Sheeting

Silicone sheets are highly versatile and serve various purposes in the following applications:

1. Cushioning and protective materials for precision equipment

When silicone sheets are processed to a thickness as thin as 100 μm and achieve a transparency of 95%, similar to that of glass, they can be used as cushioning materials for precision equipment and protective films for LCD screens and touch panels. Their high elasticity and thin film form allow them to conform to and adhere to free-curved surfaces.

2. Piping Protection

Raw silicone rubber, the material used for silicone sheets, is resistant to ozone, erosion, and ultraviolet rays, making it suitable as a protective material for indoor and outdoor piping. A caterpillar-type silicone sheet is typically used for piping protection.

3. Everyday Items

Silicone sheets, being chemically stable and physiologically inert, have no adverse effects on the human body. They are used in various kitchen utensils and baby products due to their colorless, odorless, and transparent properties.

4. Non-Slip Surfaces

Non-slip trays attached to the bottoms of PCs and smartphones or used inside automobiles are often made of silicone rubber. These non-slip surfaces have a convex shape. Silicone sheets in circular tube or square frame shapes are also used as gaskets.

Principles of Silicone Sheets

Silicone sheets are made from silicone rubber, an organic silicon compound based on the element Si (silicon), which is the second most abundant element on Earth after oxygen.

Silicone rubber exhibits excellent properties such as high-temperature oil resistance, heat resistance, cold resistance, electrical insulation, weather resistance, and chemical resistance. Its high electrical insulation properties make it suitable for use as a potting material to fill gaps between components on circuit boards and insulate them.

Additionally, silicone rubber’s high heat resistance and low thermal conductivity make it suitable for the handles of cooking utensils. Its exceptional chemical resistance makes it useful as a masking material for plating.

Types of Silicone Sheeting

Various types of silicone sheets are available for different applications, and it is crucial to select the appropriate type:

1. Adhesive Type

Some silicone sheets are adhesive and can be easily removed. Special double-sided tape or adhesive is used to attach them. Non-adhesive types require an additional adhesive layer.

2. High Tearing Strength Type

Silicone sheets can be weak against pulling forces, shear relatively easily, and have poor abrasion resistance. Silicone rubber sheets with increased tearing strength have been developed to address this issue, offering improved resistance to tearing and abrasion.

3. Other Types

In addition to the above types, there are:

  • Conductive types achieved by adding conductive materials
  • Heat-dissipating types suitable for cooling high-heat-generating components like CPUs
  • Sponge-like materials with a foamed interior
  • Flame-retardant versions
  • Antimicrobial treatments for food-related applications

Additional Information on Silicone Rubber Sheets

1. Features of Silicone Rubber Sheets

Silicone rubber sheets offer the following key characteristics, making them suitable for a wide range of applications, including industrial products, general-purpose items, home appliances, and daily necessities. They have minimal impact on the human body.

  • Excellent cold and heat resistance, maintaining elasticity within a temperature range of -100°C to 250°C
  • Adjustable shore hardness from less than 10 degrees to more than 90 degrees
  • Good water repellence and oxygen permeability at 25°C
  • Processable in various ways, including full punching, kiss-cutting, slitting, veneering, and laminating, making them suitable for a wide range of products

2. Common Applications of Silicone Rubber

Silicone rubber, the raw material of silicone sheets, is shaped into specified forms and used for sealing purposes in home appliances that require airtightness, such as microwave oven and refrigerator doors.


AC-To-DC Converter

What Is an AC-to-DC Converter?

AC To DC Converters

An AC-to-DC Converter, also known as a teslameter, is a device that transforms alternating current (AC) power into direct current (DC) power. These converters use methods like pulse width modulation (PWM) to achieve this conversion. They are essential for providing stable DC power to electronic devices from an AC power source.

Applications of AC-to-DC Converters

AC-to-DC Converters are integral to many modern electrical products and have various applications:

1. Home Appliances

Used in household electronics like TVs, refrigerators, and smartphones, converting AC power to the DC power these devices require.

2. Industrial Equipment

Critical in industrial settings for powering tools, automation equipment, and CNC machines.

3. Power Supply Adapters

These adapters are a type of AC-to-DC Converter used to charge portable devices such as smartphones and laptops.

4. Electric Vehicles

Essential in electric vehicle charging systems, providing DC power from AC sources to vehicle batteries.

Principle of AC-to-DC Converters

AC-to-DC Converters operate mainly in two modes – transformer and switching:

1. Transformer Type

Uses a transformer to adjust the AC voltage, then rectifies and smoothens it to produce stable DC power. While simple, this type is larger and less efficient.

2. Switching Type

Converts AC power to high-frequency pulses, efficiently producing compact and effective DC power, but with higher design complexity and noise levels.

Types of AC-to-DC Converters

AC-to-DC Converters come in various forms to suit different applications:

1. Adapter Type

Compact converters for small electronic devices and laptops, usually of the switching type.

2. Open Frame Converter

Bare board converters, designed for integration into fixed facilities and industrial equipment.

3. DIN Rail Mount Converter

Designed for industrial environments, these can be mounted on DIN rails and are known for their rugged design.

4. Rack Mount Converter

Used in data centers and server racks, suitable for high-power conversion needs.


Acoustic Measuring Instrument

What Is an Acoustic Measuring Instrument?

Acoustic Measuring Instruments

An acoustic measuring instrument is an electronic device that measures sound pressure (the force of sound waves) and frequency (the rate at which sound waves vibrate). It is used for tasks such as assessing noise at specific periodic constants, measuring low transmission frequency characteristics, and determining safe loudness ranges.

Compact models with lightweight microphones are available, suitable for various applications including concert hall design, where they enable precise measurements and settings adjustments for optimal acoustics.

Uses of Acoustic Measuring Instruments

These instruments are used in urban redevelopment, assessing interior comfort in high-speed vehicles like bullet trains, evaluating soundproofing levels in buildings, and setting up concert halls. They are also crucial in testing the sound insulation of building materials and fittings, and in developing new materials with specific sound absorption properties.

Principles of Acoustic Measuring Instruments

Acoustic measuring instruments primarily record sound frequencies and noise levels, converting sound pressure into decibels for easy display. They are essential in settings like concert halls for tasks like low-frequency response measurements, ⅓-octave analysis, and determining maximum and minimum audible values. Additionally, they can provide valuable data for environmental features in buildings, such as the effectiveness of soundproofing in condominium walls or the acoustics quality when incorporating musical instruments like grand pianos.


Environmental Monitoring System

What Is an Environmental Monitoring System?

Environmental Monitoring Systems

From an environmental protection standpoint, various laws, such as the Water Pollution Control Law and the Air Pollution Control Law, impose regulations on factories and business establishments. To comply with these regulations, environmental monitoring systems are used to measure parameters such as humidity, temperature, wind velocity, noise, solar radiation, gases, and alcohol concentration.

Typically, most environmental monitoring systems measure only one ecological parameter. However, multi-environmental monitoring systems can measure temperature, humidity, wind velocity, noise, and other parameters in a single unit. These instruments are essential for maintaining a safe working environment in factories.

Uses of Environmental Monitoring Systems

Instruments used for environmental monitoring include systems for measuring and analyzing water pollution, equipment for analyzing and measuring air pollution, noise and vibration measurement devices, gas detectors, and other weather observation equipment.

Within the realm of environmental measuring instruments are also detector tubes that assess the concentration of gases in the air affecting human health and alcohol checkers that measure breath alcohol concentration.

Other applications include:

Principles of Environmental Monitoring Systems

Environmental monitoring systems encompass various equipment designed to measure humidity, temperature, wind velocity, noise, solar radiation, and other parameters in a workplace environment.

Gauss meters also fall under the category of environmental monitoring systems, measuring rare earth magnets, electromagnetic coils, and electromagnets.

In the transportation industry, alcohol checkers are mandatory for preventing drunk driving. These devices assess alcohol concentration by analyzing the breath of individuals.

Environmental monitoring systems are often used outdoors, and most are designed for portability, typically weighing 500 g or less.

In recent years, multi-environmental monitoring systems have been developed, capable of performing multiple measurements with a single unit, reducing the burden on the operator.

Many of these systems are waterproof and suitable for outdoor measurements in various weather conditions.

Some models come equipped with additional features such as 24-hour continuous monitoring and alarms that alert users when specific temperature or humidity thresholds are reached.

Particularly, in times of extreme heat, heatstroke prevention products with alarms for preset temperature and humidity levels are valuable in nursing care facilities, schools, construction sites, and other locations.


Cable Conveyor

What Is a Cable Conveyor?

A cable conveyor, also known as a cable chain or cable carrier, is a device that organizes and protects wires within sturdy linkages. It ensures that cables are neatly arranged and safeguarded from external damage and tangling, thereby extending their lifespan and reducing maintenance needs.

Cable conveyors enable cables to move along with the moving parts of machinery without obstruction, promoting smooth operation and enhancing safety.

Uses of Cable Conveyors

Cable conveyors have various applications across industries:

1. Industrial Robots

Utilized in industrial robots, these conveyors protect cables during the robot’s movement, allowing for greater flexibility and precision.

2. Automated Production Lines

They organize and protect wires on automated production lines, enhancing efficiency and preventing damage or tangling.

3. Medical Equipment

Used in medical devices like MRI and CT scanners, cable conveyors organize cables to ensure stable operation and safety.

Principle of Cable Conveyors

Cable conveyors consist of interconnected links that house cables and allow machinery to move flexibly. Materials like aluminum, iron, or hard plastics are used based on environmental needs. These conveyors reduce friction and shock to cables during operation and protect them from external elements like chemicals and dust.

How to Select a Cable Conveyor

When choosing a cable conveyor, consider:

1. Width

Select a width that accommodates the number and size of cables needed. Ensure it’s not too narrow to prevent tangling or too wide for efficient protection.

2. Number of Links

Choose a suitable number of links based on the working area and movement requirements. Avoid excessively long conveyors that may cause resistance.

3. Material

Choose between plastic (lightweight and versatile) and metal (durable for high loads and harsh environments) based on the application.

4. Maximum Speed

Consider the maximum speed for applications involving moving parts to ensure the conveyor and cables can handle the speed without excessive strain.


Ultrasonic Instrument

What Is an Ultrasonic Instrument?

Ultrasonic Instruments

Ultrasonic measuring instruments transmit ultrasonic waves (sound waves with a high frequency that is inaudible to the human ear) to gaseous, liquid, or solid objects and measure various conditions of the objects by utilizing their characteristics, such as reflection and absorption.

Sound waves have characteristics, such as reflection, velocity, and attenuation. The properties of sound waves, such as reflection, velocity, and attenuation, vary depending on the material, concentration, and flow rate of the medium (the substance that mediates the transmission of sound waves). By measuring these changes in sound wave characteristics, it is possible to investigate the properties of the medium.

Uses of Ultrasonic Instruments

Figure 1. Uses of ultrasonic instrumentation

Figure 1. Uses of ultrasonic instrumentation

The objects to be investigated with ultrasonic measuring instruments can be classified into the three states of matter: solid, liquid, gas, and mixed state.

1. Individuals
An example of a solid is the measurement of the thickness of a metal. By irradiating ultrasonic waves into the metal and measuring the time it takes for the waves to reflect back, the thickness of the metal can be determined.

2. Liquid
An example of a liquid is a fish finder. By irradiating ultrasonic waves into the sea and measuring the time it takes for the waves to reflect back from a school of fish or the seafloor, the size and position of the school of fish and the distance to the seafloor can be determined.

3. Gas
An example of a gas is a gas anemometer. Using the fact that sound waves in a gas are affected by the velocity of the gas, the velocity of the gas can be measured.

4. Mixed state
An example of a mixed state is an ultrasound imaging system. Unlike X-ray or CT images, ultrasound is not exposed to radiation, so it is used for the purpose of viewing the fetus.

Principle of Ultrasonic Instruments

Figure 2. Wave characteristics and parameters

Figure 2. Wave characteristics and parameters

1. Ultrasonic Wave Parameters

In general, “waves” have the following parameters: wavelength, amplitude, frequency, speed, and period.

A sine wave can be represented by the following equation:

y = Asin (2π / T) (x – t / v)

Where y is the position on the vertical axis, A is the amplitude, T is the period, x is the position on the horizontal axis, t is the time, and v is the velocity. The frequency f and wavelength λ can be shown as follows, respectively:

f = 1 / T

λ = Tv

These parameters are also true for sound waves. In the case of sound waves, the above parameters change for the same sound wave in different media.

2. Ultrasonic Measurement

Ultrasonic wave measurement takes advantage of the fact that the characteristics of ultrasonic waves change depending on the medium.

For example, the relationship between sound velocity is gas < liquid < solid. Even in the same solid, the speed of sound varies depending on the substance. By utilizing these characteristics, the following measurements can be made.

1. Individual
Since the speed of sound in a solid under the same conditions is considered to be constant, the thickness of the solid can be measured if the speed of sound and the time it takes for sound waves irradiated in the solid to reflect back are known.

2. Liquid
Assuming that the undersea conditions are almost constant, the position of a school of fish can be estimated from the time it takes for the irradiated ultrasonic waves to be reflected back by the school of fish.

3. Gas
If the medium is moving:

(speed of sound in medium) = (original speed of sound) + (speed of medium)

This relationship is valid. Using this relationship, the velocity of the medium can be measured by measuring the sound velocity in the medium.

4. Mixing State
Sound attenuation is related to attenuation coefficient, distance, and frequency, and the attenuation coefficient varies depending on the medium. Using this relationship, the state of the medium can be estimated by measuring the attenuation coefficient.

Other Information on Ultrasonic Instruments

1. Ultrasonic Instrument for Thickness Measurement

Ultrasonic Instruments measure the thickness of an object by placing a transducer (probe) on one side of the object to be measured.

Ultrasonic waves emitted from the transducer pass through the contact medium, pass through the object, and are reflected back to the transducer on the opposite side of the object. Ultrasonic waves passing through a material have a specific sound velocity value. Ultrasonic thickness gauges measure the thickness of a material based on the intrinsic sound velocity of the material and the time it takes for the ultrasonic waves to be transmitted and then reflected back.

The material to be measured can be metal, glass, plastic, or a variety of other materials. Furthermore, various shapes, from flat to curved, are applicable. 

2. How to use Ultrasonic Instrument

Figure 3. How to use an ultrasonic thickness gauge

Figure 3. How to use an ultrasonic thickness gauge

The following measurement methods are known to be used with ultrasonic thickness gauges.

1. One-Time Measurement Method
In the one-time measurement method, the probe (transducer) is brought into contact with the object to be measured to measure its thickness. This method is suitable for cases where the corrosion or wall thinning of the object to be measured is slight.

2. Two-Time Measurement Method
The twice measurement method is a measurement method in which the transducer is rotated 90 degrees and the once measurement method is performed twice; the smaller of the two measurements is used as the measurement value, resulting in higher measurement accuracy than the once measurement method.

3. Multi-Point Measurement Method
In the multi-point measurement method, the inside of a circle centered on the measurement point is measured multiple times. The smallest value among multiple measurements is adopted as the measurement value, which is suitable for the measurement of locations where localized corrosion is in progress.

4. Precision Measurement Method
The precision measurement method measures the distribution of thickness reduction due to corrosion at locations where corrosion is expected to have progressed to a certain degree.

5. Continuous Measurement Method
The continuous measurement method is a measurement method used to confirm thickness changes and to infer the state of the back surface based on changes in the cross-sectional thickness of the object to be measured. The thickness change can be checked by measuring with the one-time measurement method at regular intervals or by scanning continuously. In the case of tubular materials, wall thinning may be progressing from the inside, even if there is no abnormality on the outside.

6. Other Measurement Methods
For measuring the thickness of pipe materials, a Ni-oscillator probe is used, and either a one-time or two-time measurement method is used. The direction of contact of the transducer is important during measurement.


Conveyor Belting

What Is Conveyor Belting?

Conveyor Belting

Conveyor belting is a belt used in conveyor belts. They can be made of resin, metal, or rubber.

Installed with conveyor belts in factories, etc., conveyor belts receive the drive torque of the conveyor motor and carry all kinds of objects on the belt. Various treatments, such as antibacterial, antifungal, anti-static, heat-resistant, non-adhesive, and oil-resistant, are applied depending on the objects conveyed. The shape also varies depending on the conveyor type, such as curved or inclined conveyors.

Uses of Conveyor Belting

Most conveyor belts are installed on the belt portion of the conveyor. They convey various materials, including processed food, pharmaceuticals, paper products such as banknotes and tickets, and even industrial waste.

Resin belts are often used to convey food and pharmaceuticals in sanitary environments and are treated with antibacterial, antifungal, and non-adhesive treatments.

Metal belts have excellent heat resistance, with some belts that can withstand temperatures up to 1,100°C (1,100°F) and are used for drying and cleaning with hot water.

Rubber belts transport earth, sand, crushed stones, ores, sludge, etc.

Characteristics of Conveyor Belting

Resin belts are easy to process and can be treated with various properties such as antibacterial, antifungal, anti-static, waterproof, and non-adhesive. Cutting a groove in the center of the conveyor roll makes it possible to bond the anti-snaking resin to the back of the belt, preventing it from snaking or derailing.

Metal belts are mainly made of wire mesh. Also called a net conveyor, countless wires weave it. The wire mesh allows steam and hot water to pass easily, making it suitable for washing, sterilizing, or cooking products on the belt at high temperatures.

Rubber belts have excellent impact resistance and are suitable for carrying earth, sand, or crushed stones.

In both cases, the conveyor rolls are attached to the inside of the belt and driven by a motor. Conveyor rolls attached to both ends of the belt are pulled together in separate directions to tension the belt and rotate the conveyor rolls, which are driven by the motor, to transmit driving torque to the belt.

Conveyor belting is usually pre-endless and is joined together by welding or welding the ends of the belts together. Since installing or replacing large or long belts is not easy, engineers may go to where the conveyor belt is installed and perform the endless processing directly on-site using a welding machine.

Food Conveyor Belting

Food conveyor belting requires a high level of hygiene management and must meet the standards of HACCP and the Food Sanitation Law. Specifically, they are required to prevent bacteria and mold and to prevent the loosening of ears that may cause foreign objects to enter the belt.

In addition to the above, other performance requirements for conveyor belts depend on the food to be conveyed. For example, excellent release properties are required for sticky food products.

Belt materials include resin materials such as polyurethane and polyester and metal materials such as stainless steel.

Stainless steel conveyor belting, in particular, has excellent durability, corrosion resistance, and resistance to cleaning chemicals. This makes it possible to convey food products that are heated or dried at high temperatures, which is difficult with resin belting and to convey cooled materials at low temperatures. Also, compared to resin belts, the belt is clean and free from the growth of bacteria, and food can be placed directly on the belt.

Canvas Conveyor Belting

Canvas conveyor belting is ideal for various applications, from light to heavy loads, over short to long distances.

The most commonly known canvas conveyor belts consist of coated rubber on both sides of the canvas and a cover rubber (top and bottom surfaces) covering the outside of both coated rubbers.

Multi-layered canvas conveyor belts are also known, consisting of multiple layers of canvas, with adhesive rubber and cushioning rubber placed between the layers of canvas, and covered with cover rubber (top and bottom surfaces) on the outside of the canvas.

Nylon and polyester are the most common canvas materials, and the core is formed by interweaving these materials as warp and weft yarns.

Canvas conveyor belts have high tensile strength and excellent trough and shock absorption properties. It adapts well to carrier rollers and does not meander. The strong adhesive strength prevents delamination between the layers.

Belts with a core made of polyester warp and nylon weft yarns are interwoven. They have an extremely low elongation rate compared to nylon canvas, making them suitable for special applications.