
Bearing Balls

What Is a Bearing Ball?

Bearing BallsA bearing ball is an essential mechanical element used in various industrial products. It plays a crucial role in supporting rotational motion.

The balls are integral components of bearings, contributing significantly to the accuracy of rotational systems. In bearings, their precision directly affects the performance and efficiency of the industrial products in which they are used.

Low precision in bearing balls can impede rotation, compromising the functionality and efficiency of industrial products.

Uses of Bearing Balls

Bearing balls are found in devices such as CD and DVD players, and recording and playback equipment. Inaccuracies in these balls can lead to noise during recording or playback, or even result in incorrect functioning. For hard disks in PCs and similar devices, the precision requirement for bearing balls is even higher, particularly as storage capacity increases.

As essential components of bearings for various rotating parts, bearing balls are used in a wide range of applications, from small everyday items like ballpoint pens to components in automobiles and other vehicles.

Principles of Bearing Balls

Bearing balls are characterized by their perfect spherical shape. Any irregularity, even minimal, can increase resistance during rotation, affecting the product’s functionality or efficiency. Irregularities can also subject the bearing to unintended forces, potentially leading to malfunction or damage.

For industrial products under significant stress, durable materials like stainless steel are often used. Bearing balls are also made from materials like resin or aluminum, depending on the usage conditions.

The accuracy of a bearing ball is determined by its diameter consistency and surface smoothness. The closer the average diameter is to the maximum and minimum diameters, the more precise the ball. Sphericity is a measure of surface roughness, with smaller values indicating higher accuracy. Ball accuracy is classified by grades based on shape and surface roughness; a lower grade signifies higher accuracy.


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