
Laser Micromachining Service


What Is Laser Micromachining Service?

A laser micromachining service is a process of drilling holes or grooves in a workpiece by irradiating a laser beam intensively over a small area. Compared to processing using a die, laser microfabrication does not generate burrs and can produce smooth, high-precision processing. It is used especially for fine processing in minute areas.

There are various wavelengths of lasers used, each of which has its suitable application. Ultrashort pulsed lasers are most commonly used. In addition to drilling holes and grooves, there are various other processing methods such as marking and welding.

Uses of Laser Micromachining Services

Laser micromachining services can produce a smooth finish with minimal burrs and dross. In addition, since the processing can be focused on the area to be processed, there is little deformation due to heat. Laser micromachining services are characterized by their ability to perform precision processing without coming into contact with the material and to handle various materials.

Specifically, laser micromachining services are used in various processing methods, the most typical of which is the drilling of holes and grooves. These processes are used for drilling holes in circuit boards and films, manufacturing semiconductors, etc.

Types of Laser Micromachining Services

  • Wavelength of Laser Used
    There are three types of laser micromachining services, depending on the wavelength of the laser used: near-ultraviolet laser, far ultraviolet laser, and ultrashort pulsed laser.

    Near-ultraviolet laser micromachining services use electromagnetic waves with wavelengths between 355 nm and 532 nm and are used for microfabrication, micro-hole processing, and thin-film surface processing.

    Far ultraviolet laser micromachining services are laser processes that use electromagnetic waves with short wavelengths between 157nm and 308nm and are used for micro drilling, large-area processing, and ring roughing.

    Ultra-short pulsed laser micromachining services are laser processes that use electromagnetic waves with a long wavelength of around 1000 nm and are used for internal processing of transparent objects, 3D optical waveguide processing, and high-performance non-thermal processing. They are called nanosecond lasers, picosecond lasers, femtosecond lasers, etc., depending on the wavelength of the electromagnetic waves used.

  • Processing Method
    There are various processing methods using laser micromachining services. The following are some examples:

    Microplate processing is a laser micromachining service for acrylic, ABS, and other materials. It is widely used in the field of science research.

    Marking processing enables microfabrication without causing thermal damage to the material. In addition to resins and ceramics, it can also be used for materials that are difficult to process, such as copper and gold.

    Drilling can create burr-free precision holes of several tens of micrometers. It is also possible to drill fine holes intensively.


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