
Rotary Tool

What Is a Rotary Tool?

A rotary tool is a tool attached to a machine tool for cutting metal.

By attaching a rotating mechanism to a cutting tool, a rotary tool is capable of complex machining. rotary tool on a single machine tool can contribute to capacity improvement by allowing machining of flat surfaces, drilling, boring, and cylindrical milling.

It is inefficient to use multiple machine tools for machining.
There are disadvantages such as poor work efficiency in using multiple machine tools to set each machine, such as a machine tool for plane machining, a machine tool for hole drilling, and a machine tool for cylindrical grinding, as well as machining displacement due to mounting.

This is a revolutionary machine tool that can perform multiple machining operations with a single machine tool.

Uses of Rotary Tools

The rotary tools are revolutionary machine tool that enables comprehensive machining by attaching tools to the unit of a general rotary tooling machine.

There are various types of rotary tools to suit different machine tools and machining conditions.

There are two main types

1. Standard Rotary Tools

  • End-face machining type
    End-face machining of clamping material: Machining grooves on the end face of the machined part.
  • For machining outside diameters
    Machining the outside diameter of clamping material: Machining the outside diameter of a cylinder.

2. Special Rotary Tools

  • Double-headed type
    Special type allows multiple tools to be mounted.

Features of Rotary Tools

Rotary tools are attached to machine tools to process metals. There are various types of machine tools.

1. Cutting Machine

  • A type that processes metal while replacing tools
    Demerit: Poor work setup.
  • Type that transfers workpiece from machine tool to machine tool
    Demerit: Machining accuracy deteriorates as workpiece is transferred from machine tool to machine tool, and then mounted and dismounted. Poor work setup.

2. Integrated Rotary Machining Center

A type of machine in which multiple tools are mounted on rotary tools unit for machining.

  • Advantage: Integrated machining is possible because multiple tools are mounted and machined. Machining accuracy is good because only one installation is required without transferring the workpiece from one machine tool to another.
  • Disadvantages: Integrated rotary cutters are expensive.

Machined parts require flat machining, drilling, boring, and cylindrical machining to complete.

Other Information on Rotary Tools

1. Rotary Tools Hazards and Countermeasures

Even small, hand-held rotary tools are high-torque and can be dangerous if used incorrectly, resulting in lacerations, burns, or, in the worst case, serious accidents that can result in loss of fingers or limbs. There are many types of rotary tools, such as drills and milling machines, but they are basically divided into two hazards: the rotary tools itself and the workpiece to be processed.

Danger of the rotary tools itself
The first and foremost hazard of the rotary tools itself is entrapment in the rotating parts. Finger entrapment comes to mind immediately, but care must also be taken to avoid entrapment of gloves and clothing. The use of military gloves is generally prohibited when using rotary tools, and name straps and neckties worn around the neck are also extremely dangerous. Sleeves and hems of clothing are also often overlooked, so be sure to check them before using rotary tools.

Next are injuries such as cuts, lacerations, and burns caused by contact with the rotating parts. Because rotary tools cut wood, metal, and other materials, they are characterized by being extremely hard and sharp. Even if the contact is only momentary, there is a risk of cuts and lacerations. Also, the frictional heat from prolonged contact makes the tool and the workpiece hot, so care must be taken to avoid burns.

Finally, there is a risk of the above entrapment and injury due to tool breakage, machine malfunction, or operator mishandling. It is important to inspect rotary tools before use, and to take countermeasures by observing the 5S’s of the operating environment and alerting others around you.

Danger of Workpiece
Danger also lurks in the workpiece. Because rotary tools rotate with high torque, if the workpiece is not properly secured, it may be blown away, resulting in injury to the operator or damage to the equipment.

Cutting chips formed during machining are also sharp and can easily be touched with bare hands or scattered during operation, posing a risk of injury. When cleaning, it is important to always wear protective equipment and use special tools to collect, store, and dispose of them.

2. Rotary Tools Qualifications

Some rotary tools grinding operations require certification. The work of changing the grinding wheel of a hand grinder, which finishes the surface with a rotary grinding wheel, falls under the category of “replacing the grinding wheel or test operation when replacing the wheel,” and therefore only workers who have received special safety and health training are allowed to perform this work. Violations may result in fines, so it is necessary to take a special training course and obtain certification before performing the work.


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