
Carbon Monoxide Gas

What Is Carbon Monoxide Gas?

Carbon monoxide gas, a carbon oxide variant, is colorless, odorless, flammable, and produced from the incomplete combustion of carbon or carbon compounds in low-oxygen conditions or from reducing carbon dioxide with coke at high temperatures. It’s available commercially in cylinders and prevalent in industrial air, and automobile exhaust, and is a primary cause of carbon monoxide poisoning. Due to its hazards, it is strictly regulated under various safety and health laws.

Uses of Carbon Monoxide Gas

As a versatile reducing agent in metallurgy and a component of gaseous fuel, carbon monoxide gas is essential in producing methanol, and ammonia, and serves as a catalyst precursor in synthetic organic chemistry, exemplified by its role in forming nickel carbonyl and cobalt carbonyl for the Reppe and oxo reactions.

Properties of Carbon Monoxide Gas

With a molecular formula of CO and a weight of 28.01, carbon monoxide gas features extremely low flash, melting, and boiling points, with an ignition point of 605-609°C. It forms metallic carbonyls, burns with a blue flame to become CO2, and is dangerously toxic and explosive in air mixtures.

Other Information on Carbon Monoxide Gas

1. How Carbon Monoxide Gas Is Produced

Laboratory production involves dehydrating a mixture of sulfuric acid and formic acid. Industrially, it’s generated by high-temperature reactions of carbon with water vapor or hydrocarbon gas, with subsequent processing to purify and separate carbon monoxide and hydrogen gases.

2. Carbon Monoxide Gas Poisoning

Characterized by symptoms mimicking the common cold, carbon monoxide poisoning occurs from binding to hemoglobin, disrupting oxygen transport. Awareness and countermeasures like gas alarms are critical for safety in potential exposure areas.


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