

What Is Beta-Caryophyllene?

Beta-caryophyllene is an aromatic ingredient isolated from clove buds and flowers. It is also found in rosemary and hops.

Its aroma is herbal and woody, reminiscent of spices.

Beta-caryophyllene, which is also found in cannabis plants, has an effect on the central nervous system. On the other hand, beta-caryophyllene have recently been shown to be effective in increasing bone mass and in the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Uses of Beta-Caryophyllene

Beta-caryophyllene are aromatic ingredients and is used in the formulation of essential oils.

It is also said to have a synergistic effect when taken together with cannabidiol (CBD), which is extracted from the stems and seeds of the cannabis plant.
However, the cannabis leaf itself is considered a narcotic, so it should be handled with care.

Other compounds, such as beta-caryophyllene transformed into caryophyllene oxide, are used by drug-sniffing dogs to help them identify marijuana.


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