

What Is Ethylbenzene?

Ethylbenzene is an aromatic compound, a structural isomer of xylene. It is a clear, colorless liquid with a characteristic odor at room temperature. It is immiscible in water, but miscible in various organic solvents such as ethanol and ether.

Ethylbenzene is produced in the petrochemical industry through a catalytic reaction using benzene and ethylene as raw materials.

Uses of Ethylbenzene

Ethylbenzene is a type of lower alkylbenzene. It is generally made through a catalytic reaction using ethylene and benzene as raw materials. However, it may also be produced by separating it from xylene.

Ethylbenzene is mainly used as a raw material for styrene monomers. It is also used as a solvent for paints, adhesives, and inks. As mentioned above, xylene also contains a certain amount of ethylbenzene, and kerosene and gasoline also contain about 1% ethylbenzene.


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