
Filtration Equipment

What Is Filtration Equipment?

Filtration Equipment

Filtration is the process of removing substances from a liquid and separating the solid and liquid mixture.

Particles suspended in a liquid are called a slurry, and a sheet of porous material used to separate the liquid and solids is called a filter media. A filtration equipment device is a device that performs filtration using filter media to separate liquids and solids in a liquid. The filter media, which is a porous plate with fine holes, is used to separate liquids and solids.

Filtration is one of the oldest technologies used by humans, and is said to have been used to filter wine in ancient Mesopotamia around 6000 BC.

Uses of Filtration Equipment

Filtration equipment is used in a variety of places. Examples include filtration for swimming pools, bath water, machine tools, and wastewater, sewage filtration, and filtration for air and water purifiers.

An example of a use for simple filtration is the use of a coffee dripper to filter coffee. Similar filters are also used to separate dust sucked up by vacuum cleaners, and filters in air conditioners and air purifiers filter particles in gases rather than liquids. In the production process for Japanese sake, the filtration process is also used to separate sake from sake lees.

There are also filtration equipment devices for drinking water purification, rainwater filtration equipment for securing drinking water for disaster victims, and filtration equipment for well water.

Principle Uses of Filtration Equipment

Filtration equipment uses filtration media to separate liquids and solids in liquids. There are three main types of filtration equipment: cake filtration equipment, cakeless filtration equipment, and clarification filtration equipment.

In filtration equipment, a cake layer grows on the filtration media as filtration progresses. When a predetermined amount of the cake layer is formed, the cake must be discharged.

In the cakeless filtration method, the liquid flows at high speed over the filter surface, and the cake layer is agitated and removed, enabling continuous use. Cakeless filtration is also called dynamic filtration due to its dynamic characteristics.

Clarification filtration equipment is used to further remove turbidity that could not be removed by other methods of purifying water. The water is passed through filter media such as sand to supplement and separate the turbid substances. Particles that are supplemented are much smaller than the space between the filter media, but they are supplemented by the cohesive action. Therefore, cohesionless particles cannot be supplemented by sand filtration.


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