
Conveyor Chain

What Is a Conveyor Chain?

A conveyor chain is a machine used to transport loads by moving and circulating a row of chains by means of gears.

Generally, a double-chain system combining two chains is used to transport loads.

In addition, shallow rods, planks, buckets, and other devices are attached between the chains to facilitate transport.

This method is incorporated for conveyors used in situations where the lifting force is strong and the slope is steep. Bucket conveyors can also be used for vertical lifting.

Uses of Conveyor Chains

Conveyor chains are often used in the flow of work in factories.

Conveyor chains are used for conveying the products that are processed regularly in a conveyor system. Examples include distribution centers and agricultural cooperative centers that transport containers, food factories, and chemical plants that transport drums.

They have excellent characteristics in terms of strength and abrasion resistance and can be used in a wide range of applications by attaching various attachments.

Principle of Conveyor Chains

Conveyor chains are machines used to transport a load by moving and circulating a row of chains by means of gears.

The chain consists of two plates with rollers connected between them and a further plate connected to the outside of the rollers.

The connection between plates is connected by a bar structure called a bush, which serves as a bearing when the chain bends.

Chains are classified into three types according to the shape of the rollers: R roller type, F roller type, and S/M roller type.

1. R Roller Type

In the R roller type, the outer diameter of the rollers is larger than the width of the plate.

2. F Roller Type

The F-roller type has flanges attached to the rollers to serve as guide rails.

3. S and M Roller Type

On the other hand, the S-M roller type has rollers whose outer diameter is smaller than the width of the plate.

Chain materials include ordinary steel, carbon steel, and alloy steel. Chains may also be heat-treated to increase strength.

In addition to the chain material, attachments should be selected according to the intended use.


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