
Nucleic Acid Extraction Systems

Overview of Nucleic Acid Extraction Systems

Nucleic acid extraction systems automate the process of isolating DNA or RNA from various samples for analysis. These systems streamline the extraction, improving efficiency and accuracy over manual methods.


Nucleic acid extraction systems are pivotal in research, clinical diagnostics, and forensic science, supporting tasks from genetic research to infectious disease diagnosis and individual identification in forensic cases.

Operation Principles

Nucleic acid extraction systems automate traditional manual processes, incorporating centrifugation, heating, and pipetting. Utilizing either magnetic bead or silica membrane methods, they efficiently isolate nucleic acids for subsequent analysis.

System Types

Extraction systems vary by sample capacity, processing volume, and method (magnetic bead or silica membrane), catering to different laboratory needs. Their design enables rapid processing, from 25 to 60 minutes, for multiple samples simultaneously.


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