
Environmental Tester

What Is an Environmental Tester?

An environmental tester is a device that simulates various environmental conditions to measure changes in the environment of the test object.

Environmental testing is used to verify the reliability of components and materials mounted on various types of equipment. Environmental testers are devices that artificially create various environments to which components and materials may be exposed.

Environmental testers measure the change and resistance of parts and materials in the environment they create. For example, we check the operation of parts before and after exposure to a given environment to see if there are any problems with their resistance to the environment.

Applications of Environmental Testers

Environmental testers are used in various fields to test the environmental resistance of various components and materials. In addition to testing the resistance of various components in use, environmental testing is also used to detect defects in the design and manufacturing of various components during development.

Environmental test results are also necessary for quality assurance. Furthermore, the results of environmental resistance in the use of various components serve as a guide for customers to select products at the time of purchase.

Various equipment and components have various regulations that must be observed depending on the environment in which they are used and the characteristics of the products. The domestic standards are JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards), while the global standards are IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) standards. These standards have regulations for each type of equipment and operating conditions, and since environmental testing is included in these regulations, environmental testers are also used to determine whether a product passes or fails the standard.

Principles of Environmental Testers

Environmental Ttesters include temperature and humidity testers that change the conditions of temperature and humidity, and water resistance testers that spray water. This section describes the main types of environmental testers.

1. Temperature/Humidity Testers

In temperature/humidity testers, various devices, parts, and materials to be tested are placed inside a temperature/humidity tester for testing. The equipment is then set to the upper and lower temperature and humidity limits specified in the product specifications and standards, and the test is switched to the upper and lower temperature and humidity conditions at regular intervals.

The operation of the equipment and parts is checked before the test and again after the test, and if the operation is confirmed to be the same as before the test or within the specified range, the test is completed.

2. Thermal Shock Tester

In the thermal shock tester test, the temperature setting is switched between low and high temperatures for a short period to observe changes in the equipment and components. When environmental temperatures change rapidly, thermal expansion and contraction occur in individual components of parts and equipment. Failures such as cracks in joints and surfaces occur, which are caused by differences in the thermal expansion coefficients of the individual components. The degree of these defects determines whether the test passes or fails.

3. Water Resistance Tester

Water testers are used to evaluate the water resistance and water resistance of electronic components and small electronic products when subjected to wind, rain, or splashing water. Tests are conducted by sprinkling, fountaining, or flooding the test object. 

4. Accelerated Weathering Resistance Tester

Accelerated weathering testers simulate indoor and outdoor conditions such as sunlight, rainfall, temperature, and humidity to accelerate the deterioration of test objects. The tester performs indoor testing using an artificial light source and produces results in a short period.

5. Corrosion Tester

Corrosion testers are used to examine the effects of gases, chemicals, acid rain, and salt water on test objects. The most famous tester is the CASS tester, which measures the degree of corrosion using a sodium chloride solution with copper chloride added to acetic acid.

Gas corrosion testers, which use corrosive gases such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), or chlorine (Cl2) to measure corrosion, are also often used.

More Environmental Tester Information

Other Environmental Testers

Environmental testers are used to evaluate physical properties without controlling temperature or humidity.

1. Vibration Testers
Vibration testers subject equipment and components to vibration conditions that exceed those expected during transportation or in relatively vibration-prone locations such as factories. Operation is checked before and after the test, and the test is completed when similar results are obtained.

2. Drop Tester
A drop tester is a device that drops test items naturally while repeatedly maintaining the specified conditions to examine the impact and effects of dropping the test object. It is used to check the impact resistance of heavy cargo or packaging materials.


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