
Air Curtain

What Is an Air Curtain?

Air Curtains

Air Curtains are air blowing devices installed at door and window openings.

By emitting high-speed airflow, it can partition the interior from the exterior air. It can protect a room from changes in outside temperature and humidity while maintaining indoor temperature and humidity.

Uses of Air Curtains

Air Curtains are widely used in buildings such as commercial facilities and hospitals. Air Curtains are also used in large facilities such as factories and warehouses to separate departments or work areas. The following are some examples of Air Curtain applications:

1. Temperature Control

Air curtains can maintain indoor temperatures by separating the inside from the outside air. In winter, they block cold air and maintain indoor temperatures. In the summer, Air Curtains block outside air from the room and increase the efficiency of the HVAC system.

Air curtains are also used for temperature control in refrigerators and freezers (showcases) installed in convenience stores. Air Curtains prevent the leakage of cold air, making it possible to see and pick up products without physical or visual obstacles. 

2. Insect and Dust Control

Air Curtains can block insects and dust from the outside because they emit wind. This enables the maintenance of a hygienic indoor environment.

3. Door Replacement

Air Curtains can be installed at building entrances to replace doors. This is useful in areas where people frequently enter and exit, such as supermarket entrances and hospital waiting rooms. This eliminates the need to open and close doors. 

4. Reduction of Noise and Vibration

By producing wind at high speeds, noise and vibration inside and outside buildings can be reduced. Air Curtains are used to reduce noise in transportation facilities such as train stations and airports.

5. Fire and Smoke Prevention

They may be used to prevent smoke and fire from spreading in the event of a fire. When smoke is generated, Air Curtains automatically close to contain the fire.

Principle of Air Curtains

An Air Curtain is a device that separates indoor and outdoor air by blowing air at high velocity. Generally, it consists of a fan, an air curtain unit, and a control unit.

1. Fan

The fan is the key component of an Air Curtain, which is required to blow air at high speed. It draws in air from the outside, compresses it, and processes it into high-speed wind. The compressed air is then delivered to the air curtain unit.

2. Air Curtain Unit

The air curtain unit is a component designed to receive air delivered by a fan and produce air at high speed. It has a nozzle that forms an Air Curtain. This nozzle concentrates the airflow and blocks air and contaminants from the outside.

3. Control Unit

The control unit is the component that controls the operation of the fan and nozzle of the Air Curtain. It is often equipped with functions to adjust air speed and air volume. Sensors for temperature and humidity can also be used to automatically adjust the Air Curtain.

How to Select an Air Curtain

When selecting an Air Curtain, consider the intended use, size and capacity, and economic efficiency.

1. Purpose of Use

The required functions and performance vary depending on the purpose of use. If temperature control is required, a heat source type Air Curtain or a refrigeration type Air Curtain is suitable. If it is used for insect and dust control, air velocity and air volume are important. 

2. Size and Capacity

The size and capacity of the Air Curtain should be selected based on the location and the size of the door/window where it will be used. It is important to select an appropriate size so that the Air Curtain can cover the entire door/window opening.

Power efficiency and other factors vary depending on the environment in which it is used, and appropriate airflow rate, nozzle location, and other factors must be carefully selected.

3. Economic Efficiency

Economy refers to ease of maintenance and initial cost. It is preferable to select a product designed for easy and efficient maintenance such as filter cleaning.

Since costs also vary depending on performance, it is necessary to select the appropriate Air Curtain for the intended use.


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