
Carbon Dioxide Meters

What Is a Carbon Dioxide Meter?

Carbon Dioxide Meters

A Carbon Dioxide Meter is a machine that measures carbon dioxide.

It is also called a carbon dioxide sensor or carbon dioxide measuring instrument. They are used in a wide range of applications for experiments and observations, as well as for safety management in homes, offices, and factories.

Carbon dioxide detection methods can be broadly divided into three types: NDIR, solid-state CO2 electrolytic sensors, and photoacoustic sensors, but the NDIR method is the most common due to its high sensitivity and stability.

Basically, a sample is taken from a space where carbon dioxide is present and analyzed to measure the concentration of CO2. Generally, it is equipped with a sensor and a display. The sensor detects the CO2 concentration and displays it on the display as a numerical value or a graph.

Uses of Carbon Dioxide Meter

CO2 is a colorless and odorless gas, but its high concentration in a given space can affect the human body. It is used in a wide range of applications, including as a standard for maintaining a good indoor environment, in CO2-based extinguishing equipment, to check for gas leaks from combustion appliances (stoves, boilers, etc.) in homes, and in the agricultural field as an indicator to determine if the environment in a plastic greenhouse is optimal for crops.

In recent years, since it has become possible to obtain small sensor modules at low cost, they are also used as parts for electronic devices, thus expanding the range of their use.

Principle of Carbon Dioxide Meter

NDIR, solid-state CO2 electrolytic sensors, and photoacoustic sensors are the main methods for detecting carbon dioxide.

1. NDIR (Nondispersive Infrared) Method

CO2 absorbs wavelengths of a certain length. Therefore, when infrared rays are transmitted through a gas (= sample) containing CO2, some infrared rays are absorbed by the CO2 while some pass through the sample.

Using this characteristic, the CO2 concentration is quantified based on the amount of absorbed infrared radiation. This measurement method enables the Carbon Dioxide Meter to be inexpensive and compact. In Japanese, it is called non-dispersive infrared absorption method.

2. Solid CO2 Electrolysis Sensor

This method is called the electrochemical method. Using a substance that reacts with carbonate ions, the desired Carbon Dioxide concentration is measured by quantifying the change in concentration of sodium ions with a voltmeter.

3. Photoacoustic Sensor

This method detects and quantifies the change in heat produced by exposing a sample to light as a change in pressure. This method utilizes the phenomenon that when a substance is irradiated with light, sound waves of the same frequency are generated from the substance (= photoacoustic effect).

How to Select a Carbon Dioxide Meter

Since Carbon Dioxide Meter has a wide range of applications, it is necessary to consider the following when selecting a Carbon Dioxide Meter:

1. Purpose of Measurement

There are various types of Carbon Dioxide Meter. There are portable devices that allow measurements to be taken while moving around, and there are fixed-installation types that constantly take measurements at a specific location. It is important to select the appropriate type according to the purpose of use and environment.

2. Measurement Range and Accuracy

Carbon Dioxide Meter can measure CO2 concentration in different ranges. It is important to check the required measurement range according to the location and application where it will be used. Accuracy is also an important factor. Selecting a highly accurate measuring instrument will ensure accurate results.

3. Operability and Ease of Use

Operability and ease of use of the measuring instrument are also important factors. Check if the instrument has an easy-to-use interface and intuitive operation. Versatility, such as the ability to read and record data, should also be checked.

4. Budget

The wider the range and higher the performance, the more expensive it will be. It is important to clarify the purpose of installing your own Carbon Dioxide Meter, select one that satisfies your requirements, and stay within your budget.


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