
Conveyor Ovens

What Is a Conveyor Oven?

A conveyor oven is an industrial oven featuring a heat-resistant conveyor belt within a tunnel-like structure.

This oven allows precise control over the heating and drying processes by adjusting the conveyor speed and internal temperature. Its continuous input system, with separate entrances and exits, enables sequential processing of items as they move through the oven.

Conveyor ovens come in various configurations, differing in tunnel length, number of conveyors, and heating methods. The primary heating techniques include far-infrared radiation and hot air jets.

Widely used in food production and large kitchens for bulk cooking, these ovens are also employed in industries like printing, resin processing, and silver production for drying and curing processes. They may also be known as “conveyor dryers” or “conveyor curing apparatuses.”


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