
Drone Boat

What Is a Drone Boat?

While the term “drone” often brings to mind flying drones, it also encompasses a range of remote-controlled or autopilot vehicles, including drone boats. A drone boat is a small, boat-like vehicle designed to navigate water surfaces, controllable via remote control or autopilot.

Uses of Drone Boats

Drone boats have traditionally been used for hobbies, capable of moving above and below water. Equipped with cameras, they can capture images and monitor aquatic environments. In marine sports, they capture dynamic images by following competitors, while in fishing, they can locate fish schools and inspect ocean floors with underwater cameras.

Industrially, their use is expanding, especially in fishing, where automated drone boats are replacing manned vessels for tasks like feeding, surveying, and monitoring. Various demonstrations, including unmanned fish trawlers and anti-poaching efforts, are underway.

How Drone Boats Work

Drone boats vary in size, from hand-held to those that can carry two or three people, and are operated using dedicated controllers or smart devices. Autopilot drones navigate pre-set routes with GPS systems.

Similar to aerial drones’ hovering capability, some drone boats feature ‘virtual anchoring’ to maintain position against water currents, using GPS data for directional control and navigation.

Challenges for Drone Boats

The first challenge is motor power limitation, as their small size restricts the capacity of motors and batteries, limiting speed and operational duration. Legal size restrictions also hinder full operational replacement with drone boats. Additionally, strong winds and high waves can impede movement and pose risks, while variable water currents make manual maneuvering difficult in certain conditions.


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