
Square Bit

What Is a Square Bit?

A square bit is a tool with a square-shaped tip designed for driving square screws. These screws are commonly used in construction, such as in sash and fascia fittings, due to their resistance to breakage under high torque.

Square bits are often attached to power tools like electric screwdrivers for efficiently driving screws at high speeds. They come in various sizes and materials from different manufacturers.

Uses of Square Bits

Square bits are primarily used for tightening and loosening square screws. They offer less slippage and wear compared to other types of bits, making them suitable for high-torque applications. Common uses include sashes, earthquake-resistant hardware, imported construction, plywood floor panels, LC boards, and scaffold joints.

It’s important to match the size of the square bit with the square screw for compatibility. Sizes are typically indicated in mm, inches, and SQ (square).

How to Select Square Bits


There are three common sizes of square bits:

  • SQ NO.1 [3/32″ (2.4 mm)]: Used for finer general screws.
  • SQ NO.2 [1/8″ (3.0mm)]: Suitable for steel houses, imported houses, and log house assembly screws.
  • SQ NO.3 [9/64″ (3.5mm)]: Ideal for screws fixing ALC floors and boards.

Available lengths include 25 mm, 65 mm, 110 mm, and 150 mm. Ensure the correct size is chosen to match the screws used.


  • Square-headed and double-headed bits: Double-headed bits have a bit on both ends.
  • Torsion bits: These are double-headed bits with a twisted center portion.

Other Features

Magnetic square bits have a magnet at the tip, ensuring the screw stays securely attached and reducing the risk of dropping. When choosing square bits, consider the specific requirements of your project for efficient and safe work.


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