
Pin Nail

What Is a Pin Nail?

A pin nail is a type of nail used in a pin-nailing machine, typically arranged in a sheet-like format.

Pin nails differ from standard nails in that they have no head, making them less noticeable when used in interior work. This headless design allows for a cleaner and more aesthetically pleasing finish.

Due to their limited holding power, which relies solely on the frictional force of the nail body, pin nails are often used in conjunction with adhesives. They are commonly used for temporarily fixing skirting boards and decorative materials.

How to Use Pin Nails

Pin nails are loaded into the magazine of a pin nailer. To use, the ejection port of the pin nailer is pressed against the object, and the trigger is pulled to fire the nail.

When using a pin nailer, please consider the following safety precautions:

  • Wear protective eyewear to guard against possible nail rebound.
  • Before loading nails, ensure that the trigger is locked and the air hose is disconnected to prevent accidental firing.
  • Use nails specified by the manufacturer to avoid malfunctions.

How to Select Pin Nails

When selecting pin nails, consider the color and length relative to the object and the desired finished appearance.

Choosing a nail color that matches the object will make the nail less noticeable. Available colors typically include white, china, light beige, dark beige, and light camel.

Select nail length based on the thickness of the object. Lengths range from 12 to 55 mm. Pin nails can be used with both rechargeable and pneumatic pin nailers, but note that rechargeable nailers cannot accommodate nails longer than 35 mm.

It is recommended to use nails made by the same manufacturer as the pin nailer. While nails from different manufacturers may fit, using the same brand minimizes the risk of clogging and ensures optimal performance.


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