

Was ist ein Streugerät?

Ein Streugerät ist ein Gerät, das zum effizienten Ausbringen von Düngemitteln, Chemikalien und anderen Stoffen auf landwirtschaftlichen Flächen und Kulturen verwendet wird.

Es gibt keine klare Unterscheidung zwischen einem Sprüh- und einem Streugerät, obwohl Sprühgeräte als Geräte zum Ausbringen von Chemikalien und anderen Materialien verwendet werden und manchmal als Synonym betrachtet werden. Im Allgemeinen zerstäuben Sprühgeräte jedoch hauptsächlich Flüssigkeiten, während Streugeräte über eine Vielzahl von Methoden für unterschiedliche Anwendungen verfügen und auch Chemikalien verarbeiten können, die nicht auf Flüssigkeiten beschränkt sind.

Streugeräte können auf dem Rücken getragen werden, vor der Brust oder mit einer Schubkarre transportiert werden und es gibt verschiedene Antriebsarten einschließlich einfacher manueller, batteriebetriebener und flüssigkeitsbetriebener Typen. Größere Modelle werden von einem Traktor gezogen oder sind selbstfahrend.

Viele von ihnen sind einfach konstruiert und kostengünstig, so dass sie in einer Vielzahl von Situationen eingesetzt werden können.

Anwendungen der Streugeräte

1. Allgemeine Verwendung

Im Allgemeinen werden Streugeräte zum Ausbringen von Pestiziden, Bodenverbesserern, Düngemitteln, Herbiziden usw. auf landwirtschaftlichen Flächen verwendet. Bringen Sie einfach das zu versprühende Material und das Streugerä  mit und schon können Sie loslegen.

Die Stoffe können flüssig, fest oder schlammig sein, und die zu besprühende Fläche kann groß oder klein sein. Pulverförmige Stoffe können mit einem Schlauch mit mehreren Düsen gespritzt werden, wobei manchmal zwei Personen zusammenarbeiten.

2. Andere Anwendungen

Streugeräte werden für eine Vielzahl von Zwecken eingesetzt, wobei ihre Leistungsfähigkeit ausgenutzt wird. Im Ackerbau können sie auch dazu verwendet werden, das Saatgut zu sprühen, das selbst angebaut werden soll. Beim Einsatz in Reisfeldern können sie schnell und wirtschaftlich arbeiten, ohne das Feld zu betreten.

Allerdings variiert die Streuweite je nach dem, was gespritzt wird, was die Verarbeitbarkeit je nach Form und Fläche des Ackers beeinträchtigen kann. Es ist wichtig, vor dem Einsatz die Eigenschaften des zu besprühenden Materials zu berücksichtigen.

In anderen Fällen kann die Gebläsefunktion allein verwendet werden, um relativ leichtes Material wie z. B. heruntergefallenes Laub wegzublasen, da sie ein großes Luftvolumen mit hoher Geschwindigkeit ausstoßen kann.

Funktionsweise der Streugeräte

Eine Pumpe oder ein Gebläse wird angetrieben, um den Druck auf die Flüssigkeit zu erhöhen. Das zu versprühende Material wird zusammen mit der Flüssigkeit durch eine Düse ausgestoßen, wodurch das Zielgebiet besprüht wird. Bei Flüssigkeiten kann eine vorgemischte Flüssigkeit versprüht werden, während bei Feststoffen üblicherweise die Luftmenge eingestellt wird, die in die ausgestoßene Luft fließt.

Um Feststoffe weit zu befördern, ist eine hohe Geschwindigkeit erforderlich. Und je höher die Geschwindigkeit der beiden Flüssigkeiten ist, mit denen die Feststoffe in Berührung kommen, desto weiter können sie befördert werden. Daher ist es wichtig, einen Schlauch und eine Düse mit einem Durchmesser zu verwenden, der dem zu befördernden Objekt entspricht.

Bei der Arbeit mit Streugeräten muss der Bediener die Menge des zu streuenden Materials genau kontrollieren. Er muss den zu bestreuenden Bereich, der visuell oft nicht klar erkennbar ist, gut im Blick haben. Um ein qualitativ hochwertiges Streuen ohne Schwierigkeiten bei der Bedienung zu erreichen, ist Geschicklichkeit erforderlich.

Arten von Streugeräten

Es gibt viele verschiedene Arten von Streugeräten, von kleinen bis zu großen, von Allzweck- bis zu Spezialstreugeräten, die für die unterschiedlichsten Situationen geeignet sind.

1. Rückenanbau-Streugeräte

Ein Anbaustreuer ist ein Streugerät, bei dem der Tank und der Motor integriert sind. Der Tank wird auf dem Rücken getragen. Das vom Motor angetriebene Gebläse erzeugt Wind und der Winddruck wird genutzt, um Chemikalien und andere Materialien aus den speziellen Düsen über einen großen Bereich zu verteilen.

Diese Art von Streugeräten ist am weitesten verbreitet, da sie sowohl Chemikalien als auch Düngemittel versprühen kann und die Art des versprühten Materials (Flüssigkeit, Granulat usw.) durch Auswechseln der Düsen angepasst werden kann. Es gibt verschiedene Typen, die auf einer Kombination aus Motorgröße und Tankgröße basieren.

In der Regel werden Zweitaktmotoren mit einem Hubraum zwischen 30 und 80 cm³ verwendet. Auch die Tankgrößen reichen von weniger als 10 Litern bis zu etwa 30 Litern.

Je größer der Motor ist, desto mehr wiegt er natürlich (10 kg oder mehr) und desto größer ist die körperliche Belastung. Im Gegenzug bedeutet die starke Leistung, dass längere Schläuche verwendet werden können und mit größeren Behältern kann mehr auf einmal gesprüht werden.

2. Manuelle Streugeräte

Dies sind Maschinen, die nicht mit Strom arbeiten, sondern manuell verstreuen. Wie bei den motorbetriebenen Streugeräten gibt es kleine Maschinen, die manuell ein Gebläse drehen, um pulverförmige Materialien zu streuen sowie Streugeräte, die Granulat und andere Materialien, die oben aus einem Behälter fallen, manuell auf rotierende Flügel werfen.

Beide sind leicht, da sie nicht motorisiert sind, können aber nicht viele Aufgaben erfüllen. Sie sind auf den Einsatz in kleinem Maßstab beschränkt.


Root Barriers

What Is a Root Barrier?

Root Barriers

Root barriers are sheets that are embedded in the ground to keep various roots and trees out.

It prevents roots from lifting up the soil, exposing the roots themselves, and damaging various items buried in the ground. Root barriers, also called root resistant sheets, are strong, tear-resistant sheets that can withstand pressure from the soil and roots.

In fact, if you remove a root barrier sheet that has been in place for some time, you will see that the underground stems are against the sides of the root barrier sheet and changing the direction of growth along the sides. Root barriers vary depending on the product, such as whether they are permeable and whether or not chemicals are used.

Uses of Root Barriers

Root barriers are embedded in the ground to control the spread of roots. Specific locations include fields, gardens, and areas with underground pipes.

Features of Root Barriers


Advantages of root barriers include preventing the lifting of the ground, exposure of roots to the ground, and penetration of pipes embedded in the ground. Roots of trees, bamboos, and other plants will grow regardless of obstructions if left untreated.

By burying root barriers in the ground, it is possible to limit the extent of root penetration. Root barriers are very strong, tear-resistant, and resistant to soil and root pressure.


Disadvantages of root barriers include high cost, labor-intensive installation, and negative effects on plant growth if not used properly.

In particular, the cost and labor involved are unavoidably high in the early stages. In addition, improper use of root barriers can result in poor rooting of plants. As a result, plants are more likely to fall over in the wind, which is a disadvantage. It is important to understand the characteristics of root barriers and to use them correctly.

Types of Root Barriers

There are different types of root barriers, depending on their compatibility with water and whether chemicals are used. It is important to understand the type that best suits the purpose of use.

1. Physical Control

Root barriers made of dense non-woven fabrics or plastic molded into sheets can physically control the growth of roots. Root barriers that do not allow water to pass through have no holes in them, so they are able to protect even the thinnest roots from penetrating.

This type of root barrier is also thin, hard, and has an excellent semi-permanent service life. They are inexpensive and do not contain chemicals, so they can be used easily with little effect on plant growth.

2. Chemical Control

Root barriers with chemicals attached that inhibit the growth of plant roots can chemically inhibit the growth of plant roots as the chemicals dissolve over time.

The duration of the effect varies depending on the temperature, but as a rough guide, a service life of 30~50 years can be expected. They are very expensive and are generally used in public works projects.

How to Select Root Barriers

Root barriers are similar to weed prevention sheets. Root barriers control the extent to which plant roots grow, whereas weed prevention sheets are intended to kill plants. However, some root barriers are also available.

There are various types of root barriers depending on their compatibility with water, strength, and whether chemicals are used, and there are also weed prevention sheets with root prevention functions. When considering the use of Root Barriers, it is important to carefully consider which plants will be used and for what purpose, and then select the Root Barriers that meet the requirements.

Other Information on Root Barriers

How to Install Root Barriers

There are several methods of installing root barriers, including vertical installation and flat installation.

1. Vertical Installation
Vertical installation is a method of installation that surrounds the tree or bamboo, and is used when the location where the tree or bamboo is to be installed is predetermined. A hole is dug in the desired location, the sheet is spread vertically to the dug depth, and then the soil is backfilled to fix the sheet in place.

Vertical installation makes it possible to control roots that penetrate horizontally. Therefore, vertical installation is used when planting along the side of a paved road.

2. Plane Construction
Plane construction is a method used to protect buried underground pipes from damage caused by root intrusion. The ground above the pipes or other buried objects is leveled, and root barriers are placed on top of the ground in a flat and spreading manner. Cover the top of the sheet with soil and return it to the ground. When planting trees, it is important to leave planting holes.

Flattening is used for planting over buried objects such as piping, as well as for rooftop greening.


Agricultural Greenhouses

What Are Agricultural Greenhouses?

Agricultural greenhouses are agricultural facilities with exterior walls covered with film or other materials for growing crops.

Agricultural greenhouses are generally called vinyl greenhouses because vinyl is often used as the covering material. In other cases, they are also called plastic greenhouses.

Uses of Agricultural Greenhouses

Agricultural greenhouses are primarily used to reduce the effects of climate change when farming. By using agricultural greenhouses, it is possible to adjust the temperature, humidity, moisture content, and hours of sunlight to suit the crop.

They can also improve profitability and stagger harvest times by protecting crops from weather changes.

Features of Agricultural Greenhouses


1. Weather-Independent Cultivation
Agricultural greenhouses enable cultivation under the optimum environment for crops. Therefore, it is not affected by weather conditions and helps ensure stable yields.

In addition, even on windy and rainy days, it is possible to work comfortably inside agricultural greenhouses because they are unaffected by the weather. Furthermore, in snowy areas, crops can be grown even in winter, when it is usually impossible to work outdoors.

2. Reduced Risk of Pests and Diseases
Agricultural greenhouses also have the advantage of protecting crops from pests and diseases. This is because the closed environment inside agricultural greenhouses limits the entry routes of pests. Also, even if pests do occur, damage can be minimized.

In addition, fewer pests and diseases means less frequent use of pesticides, which leads to cost reduction.

3. Adjustment of Shipping Time
Agricultural greenhouses make it possible to adjust the harvest time by artificially controlling the temperature. Proper management requires skill, but if you can ship at different times of the year, you can expect an increase in income.


1. High Cost
Agricultural greenhouses cost money not only with the initial cost, but also for subsequent upkeep and maintenance. Specifically, the vinyl of a plastic greenhouse needs to be replaced at least once every few years.

2. Susceptibility to Continuous Cropping
Since it is difficult to change the crops grown in greenhouse cultivation, it is necessary to be careful of continuous crop damage. Consecutive cropping is a disorder in which the same crop is repeatedly grown in the same location, resulting in an increase in certain pathogens and pests. If Agricultural Greenhouses are used, it is recommended that measures be taken in advance to prevent the occurrence of continuous cropping damage.

3. It Takes Time to Recover From a Disaster
When agricultural greenhouses are damaged by typhoons or snowfall, it takes time to restore them. If the damage can be repaired by an individual, it may not affect you so much, but if you ask a professional contractor, he/she may not always be able to respond on the same day. When installing agricultural greenhouses, it is important to make minimum preparations in case of a disaster.

Types of Agricultural Greenhouses

1. Glass House

Glass greenhouses, also called steel-frame greenhouses, are agricultural greenhouses using glass or rigid film for covering. They are highly durable and may be used for 20 years or more. The sturdy structure makes it safe to use even in windy areas or areas where snow is expected to fall.

2. Vinyl Greenhouses

Agricultural vinyl greenhouses are agricultural greenhouses, which are covered with PVC film or hard plastic film called agricultural vinyl. Compared to glass greenhouses, vinyl greenhouses are inexpensive to install, but they are vulnerable to shocks and are at risk in the event of typhoons or other natural disasters.

How to Select Agricultural Greenhouses

1. Is It Suitable for the Cultivation Method of Crops?

In addition to durability, heat retention and air permeability of agricultural greenhouses vary depending on the type. Since the cultivation method differs depending on the crop, it is necessary to select agricultural greenhouses suitable for the crop to be cultivated. It is also important to check the ease of letting light through in advance.

2. Suitability for the Surrounding Environment

There are two types of roof structures for agricultural greenhouses: round type and roof type. The round type is more durable, but in snowy areas, the roof type, which allows snow to fall easily, can reduce the risk of collapse. Thus, the environment of the installation site is also an important factor in selecting the type.

3. Whether the Price Is Appropriate for the Intended Use

Agricultural greenhouses are available in a wide variety of products, but if all of them are highly functional, the cost of installation will be unlimitedly inflated. Also, if you choose a product that does not have the necessary functions because you place too much importance on price, you may end up making the product less efficient. It is important to compare and consider the balance between price and usage.

How to use Agricultural Greenhouses

Agricultural greenhouses are used for growing crops inside. If you want to install a new greenhouse, you can make it by yourself, but it is safer to ask a professional contractor to build it.

In addition, some municipalities offer subsidies for the construction of agricultural greenhouses. It is a good idea to check in advance if you are considering the installation of an agricultural greenhouse.


Agricultural Vinyl

What Is Agricultural Vinyl?

Agricultural vinyl, as the name implies, is vinyl used for agricultural purposes and is used for plastic greenhouses and tunnels.

Agricultural vinyl is mainly made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or vinyl chloride resin. There are various types of vinyl with different characteristics, such as heat retention, moisture retention, and dustproofing, etc. By selecting the appropriate vinyl according to the crops to be grown and the characteristics of the climate, it is possible to improve work efficiency, increase yield, and suppress pests and diseases.

Use of Agricultural Vinyl

Agricultural vinyl is used as a covering material. It is used in plastic greenhouses and tunnels.

The main material is polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is relatively inexpensive and easy to obtain. Various processing, chemical attachments, and coloring have been used to develop products with added effects, some of which are expensive.

In general, there are two types of materials: transparent and pearskin. Transparent materials are characterized by their ability to allow light to pass through and their high heat-raising effect. Pearskin fabrics scatter light and adjust transmission, reducing unevenness of light inside the greenhouse.

Characteristics of Agricultural Vinyl


The main characteristic of agricultural vinyl is its excellent heat retention properties. Polyvinyl chloride, the main raw material of agricultural vinyl, is a type of synthetic resin that has a high heat-retaining effect.

By utilizing the heat-retaining properties of agricultural vinyl, cultivation in plastic greenhouses and tunnels is less susceptible to outside temperatures and other environmental factors, and cultivation can be conducted in a stable manner. This feature helps protect crops from the external environment when growing cold-sensitive or high-demand crops throughout the year.


Agricultural vinyl chloride has poor weather resistance and is easily degraded by rain, wind, ultraviolet rays, and other weather and temperature changes. Deteriorated agricultural vinyl is often damaged on a large scale when exposed to strong stimuli, such as strong winds.

Even small-scale tears require prompt action because of the potential for secondary damage not only to the crop being grown but also to adjacent greenhouses and tunnels.

Types of Agricultural Vinyl

Agricultural vinyl is not only made of polyvinyl chloride but also of polyolefin film for agricultural use, which is more weather resistant, and of fluoroplastic. Various types of processed vinyl are also available.

1. General Agricultural Vinyl

There are two types: transparent, which allows light to pass through well, and pear-shaped, which scatters light, suppresses unevenness of light, and is less sticky, making it easy to work with.

2. Agricultural Vinyl for Long-Term Spreading

Compared to general agricultural vinyl, this type is thicker and has been treated with a strong dust-proofing property to extend its durability.

3. Agricultural Vinyl With Enhanced Heat-Retaining Ability

By adding an infrared absorbing material, the heat-retaining effect is stronger than that of ordinary vinyl.

4. Foggy Mist Suppression

When greenhouse cultivation is conducted in a humid environment, this product has the effect of suppressing fog and mist in the greenhouse.

5. Dust-Proof Agricultural Vinyl

The outer surface is coated to prevent dust from adhering to the material, making it highly weather resistant.

6. Colored Agricultural Vinyl

By coloring the vinyl and adding an ultraviolet absorber, the quality of light transmitted through the vinyl can be controlled.

7. Special Agricultural Vinyl for Specific Crops

Used for the cultivation of specific crops, such as eggplant and strawberries.

How to Select Agricultural Vinyl

Agricultural vinyl has different cost requirements depending on its material and characteristics. Therefore, it is important to compare not only in terms of functionality but also in terms of price. Since the frequency of replacement will vary depending on the weather resistance, it is necessary to select agricultural vinyl that suits your operation style while also considering the running cost.

Light transmission, persistence, and spectral characteristics also vary depending on the material. If you have a budget to spare, you can choose the right vinyl for the crop to be grown and the local climate.

How to Use Agricultural Vinyl

Agricultural vinyl is used as a covering material to cover the posts when building plastic greenhouses or tunnels. In both cases, agricultural vinyl should be set up on poles in a sunny, windless location and secured with vinyl rails or packers.

Care should be taken to avoid sagging or looseness, which may result in sparse light transmission and vinyl coming off the poles.


Nylon Cutters

What Is a Nylon Cutter?

Nylon cutters are cutters used in place of metal cutters.

They are mainly used by attaching them to the end of mowers. The long, thin cord-shaped nylon cutters are rotated at high speed to cut the grass while beating it like a whip.

Uses of Nylon Cutters

Nylon cutters are mainly used for mowing in areas where mowing with a metal blade would be dangerous. Specifically, they are used near concrete walls and iron fences, and in areas with many stones.

Nylon cutters can be used safely in places where mowing with metal blades is dangerous.

Features of Nylon Cutters


1. High Safety
One of the advantages of a nylon cutter is that even if they hit something other than grass, they are unlikely to cause serious damage or injury. With a metal blade, if it hits a stone or concrete, not only is the object hit damaged, but debris often flies off, causing human casualties.

Therefore, if you want to cut grass near a wall or in a stony area, using nylon cutters will improve safety.

2. No Need to Worry About Kickback
Kickback is a phenomenon that occurs when a metal-blade mower or chainsaw is used and the machine is suddenly bounced away with strong force due to the strength of the driving force. It is very difficult for the user to react at that moment and avoid the danger, and in some cases, it can result in amputation of body parts or even life-threatening danger.

By using nylon cutters, the user can concentrate on his/her work without worrying about kickback.

3. No Worry About Blade Spillage
Nylon cutters cut grass by a rotating cord, so there is no risk of blade spillage. With metal blades, maintenance such as sharpening the blade regularly is necessary to maintain sharpness. Spilled blades can also cause accidents.

Nylon cutters do not have such concerns and need to be replaced only when they are cut or worn out.


1. Dangerous When Hitting Hard Objects
Although nylon cutters are safe, they are not without risks. For example, if the nylon cutter comes in contact with a pebble or other object, the object may fly apart with great force. Although nylon cutters are safer than metal blades, it is important to keep in mind that they can be risky depending on how they are used.

2. Sharpness Is Inferior to That of Metal Blades.
The sharpness of nylon cutters is inferior to that of metal blades. For this reason, nylon cutters are not suitable for mowing on hard plants such as silver grass. When working in mountains or forests with many hard plants, metal blades are more useful.

3. Frequent Maintenance Is Necessary
Frequent maintenance is essential when using nylon cutters. Neglecting maintenance can cause damage to the engine and its surrounding parts, so it is necessary to pay more attention to maintenance than is required for metal blades.

Specifically, it is important to inspect the cutter frequently after use, clean around the engine, and avoid stretching the nylon cord longer than necessary.

Types of Nylon Cutters

1. Shape

Nylon cutters are classified into four types according to their shapes: round, square, saw, and spiral. The round shape is the most common and offers superior durability and safety.

Square nylon cutters have corners and are therefore more sharp than round nylon cutters. The saw-type is shaped like a saw and has a very good cutting performance. The spiral-type is characterized by its quiet operation in addition to its good cutting performance.

2. Installation Method

Nylon cutters can be classified into two types depending on how they are attached: insert type and feed type. The plug-in type is used by inserting the nylon cutter into the reel. While it is lightweight and easy to carry, it requires more frequent replacement.

The reel with the nylon cutters wound around it is set on the main body of the machine. When the reel is worn out, a new set of nylon cutters can be taken out from the reel. Therefore, the frequency of replacement can be reduced. The disadvantage of this type is that it is rather heavy because unused nylon cutters are stored in the main body.

How to Select Nylon Cutters

Nylon cutters differ in the advantages that can be expected depending on the shape and the way they are installed. For example, a round shape is recommended when durability is important, and a saw shape when sharpness is important.

Also, if the distance to be carried by hand is long, the lightweight plug-in type is recommended, but on the other hand, it has the disadvantage of being replaced more frequently. It is important to understand the characteristics of each type and choose the type that best suits your purpose.


Onion Nets

What Is an Onion Net?

Onion nets are net bags with mouth straps, used for sorting, storing, and transporting harvested vegetables and fruits.

In addition to onion nets, they are also called by many other names, such as vegetable nets, net bags, shipping nets, and harvest nets. They come in a variety of colors and sizes, and are often indicated by their load-bearing weight, such as 10 kg.

Uses of Onion Nets

Onion nets are used to store onions and other vegetables. It is used to store and transport harvested vegetables and fruits in small portions.

The most common type of onion nets is orange, which makes the onions appear more vibrant. Other types of nets include nets in green and white.

Types of Onion Nets

Onion nets come in a wide variety of sizes. They are often labeled by the weight they can handle, and are sold in a wide range of sizes, from those for several kilograms to those for dozens of kilograms.

In addition to size, there are nets with mouth straps and nets with zippers. These types of nets are very convenient for frequent opening and closing.

How to Select Onion Nets

The key to choosing onion nets is to select the right size for the size and weight of the crop you want to put inside. Although it may cost a little more, choosing a type with a mouth strap or zipper will reduce the stress of opening and closing the net.

It is important to check in advance whether the features of the onion nets you are purchasing are suitable for your intended use.

Features of Onion Nets


1. Good Ventilation
One of the greatest advantages of onion nets is their good ventilation. In general, the best way to store onions is to hang them in a well-ventilated place and out of direct sunlight. Drying onions thoroughly after harvesting will also help prevent pest damage.

Onions with even a little moisture remaining on the surface or damaged due to moisture may attract pests.

2. Harvest Can Be Divided Into Small Portions
Onions immediately after harvest have a high moisture content and need to be dried in an airy, shady area. If onions are placed in boxes or bags with high moisture content, moisture will accumulate and cause damage to the onions.

Storing them in onion nets will allow them to be stored while keeping them dry. This allows for long-term storage and reduces food loss.

3. Onions Can Be Preserved in a Tasty Way
Onion nets can be used to preserve onions for better flavor. This is because the drying process concentrates the flavor of the onions.

Increased humidity not only causes sprouting but also leads to a loss of nutrition and flavor. Onion nets allow even high-moisture varieties to keep their flavor for a relatively long time.


1. Does Not Protect the Harvest
One disadvantage of onion nets is that they do not protect the onion itself. Onion nets cannot hold their shape, so if you put in too many, the friction between the onions will damage the onions.

Also, when storing by hanging, too much can cause the onions to fall. It is important to use onion nets in just the right amount.

2. Lack of Protection From Pests
Another disadvantage of onion nets is that they do not protect against pests. This is because onion nets are not airtight, attracting pests with their smell, and pests can easily enter through the gaps in the net.

To prevent pest damage, it is important to dry onions as soon as possible after harvest to prevent odor.

Other Information on Onion Nets

How to Use Onion Nets

When storing onions at home, it is recommended to store them in a net so that the onions are arranged in a bead-like pattern. Specifically, for each onion net, tie a knot over the onion in the net.

Repeat the process of placing the next onion on top of the knot to create the appearance of a string of beads. This method prevents onions from overlapping each other, which is very convenient when using one onion at a time, in addition to preventing moisture from accumulating.


Sprinkler Hoses

What Is a Sprinkler Hose?

Sprinkler hoses are hoses that water crops by spraying water through small, evenly spaced holes.

Compared to drip hoses, sprinkler hoses spray fine particles of water over a wide area in a short period.

Uses of Sprinkler Hoses

Sprinkler hoses are used to water crops. Often used in large facilities, sprinkler hoses reduce the burden of watering.

In recent years, watering management often includes remote control using IT technology and temperature data other than moisture using sensors.

Features of Sprinkler Hoses


1. Wide Area Watering in a Short Time
Manual watering requires time and labor. Sprinkler hoses can be installed once and then water can be applied evenly simply by passing water through the sprinkler hoses. Sprinkler hoses are especially effective in improving the efficiency of farming operations, especially in plastic greenhouses and large fields.

2. Control the Amount of Watering
As a result of providing the right amount of water to each crop, good growth can be achieved and yield can be stabilized. In addition, for crops such as tomatoes, limiting the amount of water given can be useful for cultivation methods that increase sugar content.

In normal watering, water pressure can cause the soil to become uneven, or the soil can bounce around and stick to crops, causing disease. Sprinkler hoses can be used to adjust the amount of watering to avoid such disadvantages.


When used in open fields, care must be taken to avoid wind effects. On particularly windy days, the reach of water from sprinkler hoses may shift, making it impossible to sprinkle water to the desired location. On such a day, it is necessary to visually check whether the water is being sprayed properly.

Types of Sprinkler Hoses

1. Classification by Material

Sprinkler hoses are generally made of plastic tubing, such as polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride. In some cases, rigid tubing is used.

2. Classification by Structure of Both Ends

The construction of both ends of sprinkler hoses generally varies from product to product. Some are used by connecting directly to the water supply, while others can be extended by connecting them to each other with a screw type.

3. Classification by Installation Location

Sprinkler hoses can be installed between rows, on the ceiling of plastic greenhouses, or embedded underground.

The type installed between rows is widely used both in greenhouses and in open fields. You can choose a single-sided hole type for watering only one side from between the ridges, or a double-sided type for watering both sides, to suit your application.

In addition, if the type is installed on the ceiling of a plastic greenhouse, it is possible to spread water over the entire greenhouse. The type that sprays water in the form of a fine mist is commonly used for leafy greens and seedlings.

Sprinkler hoses can also be installed overhead if you are concerned about dryness in the greenhouse.

How to Select Sprinkler Hoses

When selecting sprinkler hoses, it is important to choose the right one for the application. Sprinkler hoses should be chosen according to the distance from the water source and the length of the rows, and in some cases, multiple sprinkler hoses can be connected for more efficient use.

In addition, while relatively inexpensive watering tubes are easy to use, they are less durable and may deteriorate prematurely when exposed to direct sunlight. Please consider the conditions of the location where the product will be used and make a long-term plan before selecting a product.

How to Use Sprinkler Hoses

After deciding where you want to install the sprinkler hoses, such as in a plastic greenhouse or in open fields, line up the sprinkler hoses where you want to install them and secure them with pins or other means to prevent them from shifting. After installation, connect the sprinkler hoses to a pipe or hose connected to a power pump or water supply, and water can be sprayed at any time.

If the water spray tube is directly connected to a pipe or hose, the amount of water to be sprayed cannot be adjusted. By inserting a valve or a cock in between, it is possible to adjust the amount of water to be sprayed.


Black on White Plastic Mulches

What Is Black-on-White Plastic Mulch?

Black-on-white plastic mulch (silver mulch) is a type of mulch sheet that covers the rows of vegetables being grown. It is a type of mulch sheet with a white surface and a black reverse side.

Since the surface is white, it easily reflects sunlight and is characterized by its repellent effect against pests and the sunlight it provides to the lower leaves.

In addition, like other mulch sheets, it has the effect of preventing ridges from drying out and keeping soil warm.

By repelling pests, the use of pesticides can be reduced.

Uses of Black-on-White Plastic Mulches

Black-on-white plastic mulches are mainly used to cover the ridges of fields. They are also used in bench-type hydroponics.

Black-on-white plastic mulches must be tightly spread in order to achieve its unique effects, such as repelling pests and preventing the soil from drying out.

To ensure that the mulch covers the ridges well, it is necessary to calculate the width of the ridges and the margin of two heights of the ridges, and purchase the appropriate size.

When applying black-on-white plastic mulches, be sure to secure them firmly so that it will not turn up in the wind and rain.


Organic Fertilizers

What Is an Organic Fertilizer?

Organic fertilizers are fertilizers made from biological resources such as animals, plants, and microorganisms.

Typical examples of organic fertilizers are fertilizers made from fishmeal and oil meal. Although they are basically made from organic materials, there are some fertilizers, such as poultry manure and plant ashes, that are inorganic but still fall under the category of organic fertilizers.

Uses of Organic Fertilizers

Organic fertilizers are used to replenish nutrients in the soil and to improve soil fertility. Organic fertilizers are characterized by their less immediate but more lasting effects.

As such, they have two uses: as a soil improver before crops are grown, or as an additive depending on how well the crops are growing. Both are easy to use because the process is simply mixing it into the soil or sprinkling it on top of the soil.

Types of Organic Fertilizers

Because there are different types of organic fertilizers, it is important to understand the characteristics of each and use them efficiently.

1. Oil Cake

Oil cake is the lees of soybeans or rapeseed from which oil is removed. Among organic fertilizers, oil cake is particularly rich in nitrogen, and also contains phosphoric acid and potassium.

2. De-fatted Rice Bran

Non-fat rice bran is the powder produced when brown rice is polished. It contains high levels of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, potassium, vitamins, and sugar.

3. Grass and Wood Ash

Grass ash is the ash produced after burning fallen leaves, dead grass, and other vegetation. In addition to being high in potassium, it also contains lime and phosphoric acid.

4. Chicken Manure

Chicken manure is a fertilizer made by drying, fermenting, and carbonizing chicken manure, also called poultry manure. It contains a good balance of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potassium, and is also rich in magnesium and calcium.

5. Fish Meal

Fishmeal is made by boiling fish, removing the water and oil, and then drying it into a powder. It is rich in nitrogen and phosphoric acid.

6. Bone Meal

Bone meal is made by pressurizing and steaming pig or chicken bones at high temperatures, then drying and grinding them. It is rich in phosphoric acid and also contains a small amount of nitrogen.

Characteristics of Organic Fertilizers

1. Advantages

Highly Sustainable
Organic fertilizers are more persistent than chemical fertilizers because they are absorbed by plant roots after being decomposed by microorganisms. Therefore, organic fertilizers work slowly and remain effective for a long period.

Improved Soil Environment
The use of organic fertilizers activates useful microorganisms in the soil. The activation of useful microorganisms promotes soil compaction, which in turn improves soil aeration, water retention, drainage, and fertilizer retention. The use of organic fertilizers improves the soil environment and creates a suitable soil environment for crop cultivation.

Trace Essential Elements Can Be Expected to Be Supplied
Trace essential elements for plants include copper and zinc. Organic fertilizers contain a variety of elements, so the use of organic fertilizers can be expected to supply these trace essential elements.

2. Disadvantages

Low Immediate Effect
Organic fertilizers are broken down by microorganisms in the soil, and as a result, they are converted into nutrients that plants can absorb. Therefore, organic fertilizers do not have an immediate effect, and it takes time for their effects to become apparent.

Difficult to Adjust the Amount
Organic fertilizers are effective through the action of microorganisms, so their effectiveness may vary depending on the degree of activation of the microorganisms. Specifically, in an environment where microorganisms are easily activated, decomposition can easily proceed and a great effect can be expected.

On the other hand, in an environment where microorganisms are not easily activated, the effect may be small. Compared to chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizers are characterized by the difficulty in adjusting the amount according to the purpose.

They Can Cause Gas and Odors
Organic fertilizers are decomposed by microorganisms in the soil and transformed into nutrients that plants can absorb. It is important to note that gases and odors may be produced during this process. Specifically, gases can cause damage to plant roots, and strong odors can attract insects and birds.



What Is a Seeder?

Seeders are specialized equipment for sowing seeds in agriculture.

Seeders are a combination of a seed box, a device for delivering seeds, a device for making furrows in the soil, a device for burying seeds in the soil, and a device for covering and compacting the soil to cover the top of the seed box. Therefore, a single seeder can perform the process of making grooves in the soil, sowing seeds at regular intervals, and covering them with soil.

Types of Seeders

Seeders should be selected according to the type of seed and the environment of the cultivated area. Some models cannot handle seeds other than the corresponding size, so you need to pay attention to the size of the seeds to be handled. Recently, an increasing number of models can handle any seed size by changing the cassette.

Seeders are classified into three types according to the seeding method: strip seeding, point seeding, and scatter seeding.

1. Strip Seeding Type

Seeders are used for crops that are sown in strips along ridges. Seeders of the strip type can be used to sow seeds in stripes at regular intervals.

Although the machine body is large and not suitable for small fields, it is best suited for use in large fields because the greater the number of strips, the higher the work efficiency. It is used for sowing seeds of vegetables and grains.

2. Point Sowing Type

Point sowing seeders are used for direct sowing and point sowing crops. Point sowing seeders make it possible to sow the required number of seeds with pinpoint accuracy.

Since work can be done without bending down, the workload on the operator can be reduced. In addition, only the required amount of seed can be sown, eliminating the need for thinning. It is suitable for use in small-scale fields, and is mainly used for sowing vegetables and beans.

3. Scatter Sowing

Seeders are used to spread seeds thinly over an entire surface. Seeders with a scatter seeder can spread the seed evenly over a wide area.

There are portable human-powered sowing machines with a hand-cranked spinner, tractor-pulled broadcasters, and seedling type machines that sow seeds in seedling boxes. Because they are suitable for sowing seeds over a wide area, they are useful for saving labor in large fields. They are mainly used for sowing grass and grains.

How to Select Seeders

1. Whether the Machine Is Suitable for the Size of the Field and Crops to Be Cultivated

Seeders come in a wide variety of types, and the fields in which they can make the most of their characteristics vary from model to model.

Seeders vary in the way they sow seeds and the size of seeds they can handle. When introducing a seeder, be sure to select the most suitable machine based on the size of the field and the crops to be grown.

2. Is the Machine Suitable for the Intended Use?

Seeders are available in a wide range of types, but choosing a machine that is more sophisticated than necessary may result in a decrease in work efficiency.

For example, if you are using the machine in a home garden or a small farm, it is best to choose a model that is not complicated to operate and is easy to maintain. On the other hand, if the machine is to be used in a large farm, it may be worthwhile to install it if it improves work efficiency, even if the operation is a little complicated.

When choosing a seeder, it is important to select one that is suitable for the intended use.

Features of Seeders


1. Improved Work Efficiency
The greatest advantage of seeders is that they reduce work time. Sowing seeds involves multiple processes, including furrowing, seeding, covering, and compaction. Seeders make it possible to perform these processes efficiently. Since different types of seeders have different functions, be sure to install the right type of seeder for the crop to be cultivated.

2. Constant Seeding
Seeders allow you to sow a constant amount of seed. This saves time and effort in thinning out the crop, since there is no need to worry about sowing more seed than necessary. It also helps reduce seed costs.

3. Reduction of Physical Burden
Manual seeding tends to put a heavy burden on the feet and legs. Seeders not only make it possible to sow seeds in a comfortable position but also shorten the time required for the work.


1. Costly to Install
The introduction of seeders requires a considerable amount of cost. Choose the model carefully so that you can get the results that meet your objectives.

2. It Is Necessary to Consider Where to Place the Machine
Depending on the size of the seeders to be introduced, it may be necessary to consider the location of the seeders in advance. Seeders are mainly used only during the seeding season, so they must be placed somewhere. Depending on the size of the seeders, the placement of the seeders should be considered well in advance.