
Affirm Insecticide

What Is Affirm Insecticide?

Affirm insecticide is an insect control product containing the active ingredient emamectin benzoate at a concentration of 1.0%.

Emamectin benzoate targets neurotransmitter receptors at the neuromuscular junction in arthropods, disrupting the transmission of motor nerve signals. This leads to the paralysis and eventual death of the pest. Affirm is known for its rapid action and broad-spectrum application, effectively reaching pests on the underside and interior of leaves due to its superior penetration.

As emamectin benzoate is derived from natural sources, Affirm is considered a safer option for crops, the environment, and handlers, compared to many synthetic insecticides.

Uses of Affirm Insecticide

Affirm is approved for use on over 60 crop varieties and is effective against more than 30 types of insect pests.

This includes crops such as oranges, corn, beans, watermelons, cucumbers, melons, pumpkins, and tomatoes.

It is particularly effective against caterpillars and moths. Its rapid breakdown minimizes residue concerns, making it safe for use close to harvest times.


Safety Boot

What Are Safety Boots?

Safety boots are protective footwear with a reinforced toe designed to shield the toes from impact hazards.

The reinforced toe is typically made of a hard material, such as steel or plastic, to prevent injuries from falling objects. Safety boots also feature durable soles that protect against sharp objects and may have special treads for improved grip in slippery conditions, making them as strong as safety shoes and ideal for hazardous work environments like construction sites.

Uses of Safety Boots

These boots are primarily used in civil engineering, construction, agriculture, and horticulture, where there is a risk of foot injuries due to falling objects or uneven terrain.

They are chosen for their balance of versatility and safety in challenging work environments.

1. Construction Sites

At construction sites, the reinforced toes protect against falling debris, while the tough soles guard against punctures from nails, glass, and other sharp objects. The non-slip design facilitates safe navigation on slippery surfaces.

2. Farm Work

In agricultural situations, like crop planting, elastic and waterproof rubber safety boots are commonly used.

Features of Safety Boots


Safety boots combine protection and mobility in a range of worksites, including forests, laboratories, and factories. Cushioned soles offer added comfort and shock absorption.

Additionally, safety boots are generally more affordable and lighter than safety shoes.


A drawback of safety boots is their limited range in colors and styles, which may not suit all fashion preferences. They can also be uncomfortable in hot conditions due to the fact that they provide coverage up to the calves.

Types of Safety Boots

There are various types of safety boots, each designed for specific needs:

1. Safety Boots With Steel or Plastic Cores

Standard safety boots have toe protection made of either steel or resin. Steel cores offer the highest level of protection, while resin cores provide a lighter option for jobs requiring agility, such as work at heights.

2. Special Safety Boots With Spike or Suction Cup Soles

Boots with spiked soles are ideal for forest work, providing grip in muddy conditions. Those with suction cup-like rubber soles offer enhanced slip resistance for high-altitude work.

3. Heat-Retaining Safety Boots

These are lined with insulating materials, making them suitable for cold weather work, keeping feet warm in snowy or chilly conditions.

4. Waterproof Safety Boots

Made entirely of rubber, waterproof safety boots are designed for wet conditions, ensuring foot safety in slippery environments.

How to Select Safety Boots

When choosing safety boots, consider the specific requirements of your work. Factors to consider include:

1. Length

Safety boots come in two lengths:

  • Short boots cover the ankles.
  • Long boots cover the calves.

Choose based on work needs and personal preference.

2. Strength

Toe protection varies between heavier steel and lighter resin materials. Steel offers more protection, while resin provides better mobility.

3. Fastening Method

Options include laces, Velcro, and zippers. Each has its benefits in terms of ease of use, adjustability, and durability.


Cámaras de alta velocidad

¿Qué son las Cámaras de Alta Velocidad?

Una cámara de alta velocidad es un dispositivo fotográfico capaz de capturar imágenes de objetos en movimiento rápido a gran velocidad y reproducirlas como si estuvieran en cámara lenta.

Las cámaras generales disparan aproximadamente a 30 fps y capturan 30 imágenes por segundo. Por tanto, al verificar la operación surgen procesos desconocidos.

Las cámaras de alta velocidad, en cambio, son capaces de capturar imágenes a velocidades que van desde aproximadamente 100 fps hasta 2 millones de fps, incluyendo hasta modelos de alta gama.

Por este motivo, las cámaras de alta velocidad se denominan cámaras de alta velocidad o cámaras de cámara lenta. Son útiles como equipos fotográficos que pueden visualizar procesos desconocidos en las cámaras generales.

  • ¿Qué Son Los Fps?

Es una expresión de cuántas imágenes por segundo se compone una imagen en movimiento, expresada en unidades denominadas velocidad de fotogramas.

Usos de las Cámaras de Alta Velocidad

Como el número de imágenes que se pueden tomar por segundo con una cámara de alta velocidad es grande, el número de imágenes que se pueden reproducir como imagen en movimiento por segundo también es grande.

Por tanto, lo que antes era un vídeo de unas 30 imágenes por segundo ahora puede reproducir cientos, miles o incluso decenas de miles de imágenes, lo que permite reproducir fenómenos de alta velocidad de forma más fluida.

Además, la aparición de cámaras con diversas funciones como valor añadido ha propiciado su uso en el análisis de fenómenos de alta velocidad, experimentos de colisión de automóviles, visualización y medición de fluidos, experimentos de caída de objetos y análisis de defectos en centros de fabricación.

Principio de las Cámaras de Alta Velocidad

Las cámaras de alta velocidad pueden tomar imágenes por sí mismas, pero a la hora de analizarlas se utilizan en combinación con software y similares.

La configuración típica de un sistema consta de una cámara de alta velocidad conectada a un PC, un registrador de datos y varios sensores (pinza amperimétrica, etc.). La cámara se controla mediante el software de control de cámaras dentro del PC. A continuación, los archivos de vídeo creados se convierten en datos de análisis de movimiento, datos de análisis de sincronización de forma de onda, etc. mediante un software de análisis para realizar análisis cuantitativos.

El software de análisis también lleva a cabo el análisis especificando el objetivo a rastrear como método de análisis principal. El flujo consiste en especificar el objetivo a rastrear, iniciar el rastreo y crear un gráfico. A continuación, el software mide y guarda los datos, e intenta todo tipo de análisis basándose en la posición y el tiempo rastreados.

Este método de seguimiento se conoce como coincidencia de patrones y es una técnica habitual de procesamiento de imágenes. La coincidencia de patrones consiste en memorizar el objeto, compararlo con una imagen de referencia para detectar el patrón requerido y calcular las coordenadas.

Al tomar imágenes repetidamente utilizando el método anterior, se puede obtener información sobre el movimiento del objeto que se está siguiendo y calcular las coordenadas, así como la velocidad y la aceleración.

Este método se conoce como método de coincidencia geométrica dentro de la coincidencia de patrones.

Historia de las Cámaras de Alta Velocidad

La historia de las cámaras de alta velocidad comenzó con la primera fotografía de alta velocidad del mundo en 1851. Se dice que William Henry Fox Talbot, del Reino Unido, tomó esta fotografía. Tomó fotografías a alta velocidad de descargas de chispas en la atmósfera.

Más tarde, en 1972, la empresa estadounidense Video Logic desarrolló una cámara en blanco y negro con un rendimiento de 120 fps. En 1981, Spin Physics desarrolló la SP-2000, una cámara de alta velocidad que utilizaba cinta de vídeo como soporte de grabación.

En aquella época, las cámaras de alta velocidad en general se limitaban a capturar imágenes a unos 200 fps. Sin embargo, la SP-2000 era una cámara de alta velocidad capaz de filmar a 2.000 fps.

En Japón, NAK desarrolló en 1981 una cámara de alta velocidad en formato VHS de 1/2 pulgada. En su momento, fue la primera cámara del mundo desarrollada con este sistema, y también fue útil como cámara capaz de filmar a 200 fps.

Posteriormente, NAK desarrolló la HSV-400 en 1986, que podía grabar a 400 fps. En 1990, la empresa también desarrolló una cámaras de alta velocidad en color capaz de grabar a 1.000 fps en formato S-VHS.

Precios de las Cámaras de Alta Velocidad

El rango de precios de las cámaras de alta velocidad varía según el propósito de la toma, pero las cámaras con un rendimiento de aproximadamente 1.000 fps a 2.000 fps pueden utilizarse para filmar los fenómenos de la vida ordinaria. Los rangos de precios aproximados son los siguientes

Rango de Precios Bajo

Las cámaras de la gama de 120 fps a 500 fps ofrecen una respuesta de disparo rápida y sin estrés. Las cámaras de este rango de disparo están disponibles por unos 200 dólares.

Las cámaras que cuestan entre 300 y 400 dólares cuentan con funciones adicionales como conectividad Wi-Fi, publicación en SNS, estabilización de imagen, gran angular y disparo óptico.

También hay cámaras de alta velocidad de entre 1.000 fps y 2.000 fps en la gama de entre 2.000 y 4.000 yenes.

Gama Alta de Precios

Las cámaras de alta velocidad de la gama alta de precios son cámaras que se utilizan para experimentos y fines de investigación más que para la vida cotidiana, con un rango de precios de alrededor de 6.000 a 7.000 dólares para unos 4.000 fps. Una cámara de alta velocidad de 10.000 fps o más tiene un precio de 20 mil dólares o más.



¿Qué son los Engranajes?

EngranajesLos engranajes son piezas mecánicas que transmiten potencia mediante perfiles de dientes. También se denominan engranajes. La potencia se transmite horizontal y perpendicularmente según la forma de los dientes.

El uso de engranajes para transmitir potencia elimina el deslizamiento que se produce con las correas trapezoidales. Esto resulta muy útil en situaciones en las que la sincronización de la transmisión es importante para la transmisión de potencia.

Combinando el tamaño y el número de dientes de los engranajes, es posible aumentar o disminuir el número de revoluciones. Esto permite hacer funcionar máquinas grandes con motores pequeños.

Usos de los Engranajes

Los engranajes se utilizan en muchos ámbitos de la vida cotidiana. Casi con toda seguridad se emplean en equipos de potencia que utilizan movimientos giratorios. Algunos ejemplos conocidos son los vehículos, como coches, motos y bicicletas, y los electrodomésticos, como relojes, ventiladores y aspiradoras. Otros ejemplos van desde las turbinas y soplantes de las centrales eléctricas hasta grandes máquinas como los aerogeneradores.

Por ejemplo, las bicicletas tienen engranajes llamados piñones. Mediante una cadena, la rueda trasera gira al girar los pedales, lo que permite a la bicicleta avanzar. Cambiando más los piñones, se puede cambiar de marcha, modificando la cantidad con la que se giran los pedales y la cantidad con la que se avanza.

Características de los Engranajes

La principal ventaja del uso de engranajes es que, como se ha mencionado anteriormente, no hay deslizamiento, por lo que la potencia se puede transmitir de forma fiable. También es posible sincronizar los tiempos. Sin embargo, con el tiempo y el uso, los dientes de los engranajes se desgastan y el espacio entre los dientes, conocido como holgura, aumenta. Esto no es un problema importante si la máquina funciona de forma continua y la carga es baja, pero si la máquina se pone en marcha y se para repetidamente o la carga fluctúa mucho, el juego puede causar ruidos anormales y problemas de funcionamiento. Se requiere un mantenimiento regular.

Suelen utilizarse dentro de reductores de velocidad, aprovechando que la aceleración y la deceleración pueden conseguirse cambiando el número y el tamaño de los dientes de los engranajes. El uso básico de los reductores de velocidad es mover grandes máquinas con motores pequeños reduciendo su velocidad. Esto se hace para reducir costes haciendo los motores más pequeños. En concreto, se puede reducir el coste del propio motor, así como los costes de funcionamiento, como los de electricidad y piezas de mantenimiento. Además, los lugares de instalación pueden hacerse más pequeños, por lo que los equipos pueden reducirse de tamaño.

Como los engranajes hacen contacto a través del metal, necesitan ser lubricados con aceite o grasa. Una lubricación deficiente aumenta el índice de desgaste y aumenta la frecuencia de sustitución. El método de lubricación debe seleccionarse teniendo en cuenta la capacidad del equipo y el lugar de instalación.


Garden Pole

What Is a Garden Pole?

A garden pole is an agricultural support structure designed to aid the growth of climbing plants, fruits, and vegetables by providing a sturdy support system. Made from materials like wood, plastic, or metal, garden poles are essential for maintaining healthy plant growth and optimizing crop yield.

Uses of Garden Poles

Garden poles support crops like tomatoes, eggplants, peas, and beans, preventing stem breakage and facilitating optimal growth. They’re also used in tunnel cultivation and as bases for bird nets and agricultural vinyl covers.

Features of Garden Poles


  • Enhance three-dimensional crop growth, improving ventilation and sunlight exposure.
  • Prevent pest infestations and diseases.
  • Improve fruit set and promote elongated growth.


  • Some types may deteriorate quickly and require proper storage post-harvest.
  • Improper installation can lead to collapse under adverse weather conditions.

Types of Garden Poles

  • By Material: Options include wood, plastic, and iron, each offering different levels of durability and resistance.
  • By Length and Thickness: Ranging from 90 cm to 210 cm in length and available in various thicknesses to suit different crop needs.
  • By Shape: Including upright, arched, and palm-shaped designs to accommodate different gardening and cultivation techniques.

How to Choose Garden Poles

Select based on the type of crop, desired length and thickness for support, and the specific application (e.g., tomato support vs. vine attraction). Consider durable materials like steel for open-air cultivation prone to natural disasters.

How to Use Garden Poles

Different setups offer varied levels of support:

  • Upright Type: Ideal for single-stemmed crops, with additional horizontal supports for reinforcement.
  • Palm-Shaped: Crossed poles provide a sturdy base for heavier fruiting crops.
  • Stilt Type: Straight poles with horizontal reinforcements accommodate multiple plant rows.
  • Arch Type: Supports tunnel cultivation for protection against cold and pests.

When installing garden poles, ensure they’re inserted deep enough into the soil to prevent displacement and carefully positioned to avoid root damage.


Plastic Mesh

What Is a Plastic Mesh?

Plastic mesh, made through extrusion molding of molten resin, is a versatile, integrally molded netting material. Unlike traditionally braided nets, this method produces a net with uniform strength, making it resistant to breakage and impact forces. Its lightweight nature and ease of processing make it highly adaptable to various applications.

Uses of Plastic Meshes

Widely used in civil engineering for slope protection and embankment reinforcement, as well as in agriculture and gardening for animal and bird barriers, plastic mesh offers customization in materials, sizes, and colors to suit diverse needs.

Features of Plastic Meshes


  • High dimensional stability and ease of transportation and handling.
  • Resistant to acids, alkalis, weathering, and corrosion.
  • Customizable with additional properties like flame retardancy and heat resistance.


  • Sensitivity to ultraviolet rays, leading to brittleness over time.
  • Mesh size can complicate cleaning and reduce effectiveness in certain applications.

Types of Plastic Meshes

Variety in mesh size from 2 mm to 10 cm caters to specific uses, with the possibility of adding special effects through auxiliary agents. Selection often involves considering the mesh size for intended functionality.

How to Select Plastic Meshes

Consider the mesh size based on the application, balancing the need for durability, ventilation, and effectiveness. Medium-sized meshes (around 12 mm) are often chosen for animal and bird barriers, while smaller meshes suit flowerpot liners, and larger meshes are preferred for supporting vine growth.

How to Use Plastic Meshes

Plastic mesh’s flexibility allows for versatile use, whether it’s creating curtains, covering plants, crafting baskets, or supporting vines on fences. It can be secured using various methods, including wire ropes, screws, or clamps, depending on the specific project requirements.


Propane Torch

What Is a Propane Torch?

A propane torch is a tool used for weeding and pest control, generating high-temperature flames.

Propane torches are particularly useful in areas where traditional mowing and machinery are ineffective, such as fields and mountainous slopes. Despite their ease of use, proper handling is essential due to the risks associated with their flames.

Uses of Propane Torches

Propane torches are primarily employed for weed control in fields and for surface pest control. They are also used for:

  • Turf burning.
  • Burning fallen leaves.
  • Weeding in herbicide-restricted areas.
  • Igniting charcoal fires.

Typically, propane torches are restricted to agricultural or commercial use. One should check local regulations prior to using one for personal purposes, such as at home or on a rental farm.

Features of Propane Torches


  • Effective against newly sprouted weeds and those in hard-to-reach places like stone and concrete walls crevices.
  • Efficient for wide-area weed treatment.
  • Do not require herbicides.
  • Capable of eliminating pests and their eggs.
  • Inhibit weed seed growth and sterilize soil.

Propane torches are particularly effective against weeds in stone wall gaps, which are difficult to reach with mowers.

Another benefit is their ability to prevent weed growth by incinerating seeds and controlling pests.


  • Possible need for repeated treatments.
  • Fire hazard risks.
  • Noisy.
  • Potential for neighbor complaints.

Since propane torches burn only surface-level grass and not the roots, some types of grass may require multiple treatments. The risk of fire and smoke, especially when burning dry leaves or over large areas, necessitates caution. Additionally, smoke and noise may disturb nearby residents.

Types of Propane Torches

There are three primary types of propane torches: cassette cylinder, kerosene, and propane gas.

1. Cassette Cylinder Type

This type attaches to a commercially available cassette cylinder. It offers a wide range of products, including stand-up models, and is user-friendly but with relatively lower power. Suitable for small-area weeding and pest control.

2. Kerosene Type

Kerosene torches use stove fuel and provide high heat efficiency. Ideal for extensive vegetation management and pest control, but require careful handling due to ignition risks.

3. Propane Gas Type

Connected to an LP gas tank, these torches offer high firepower but are less mobile due to the weight of the gas tank. They are optimal for burning small areas at a time.

How to Choose Propane Torches

Selection should be based on purpose, user experience, burn time, and heat output. For small-scale gardening, a cassette cylinder type with easy handling and low heat output is advisable. For extensive agricultural use, a high-power kerosene type is suitable. Propane gas-powered torches are recommended for professionals and skilled workers due to their power.

Other Information on Grass Burners

Cautions For Using a Propane Torch

Although easy to purchase, propane torches pose burn and fire risks if mishandled. Regularly inspect the burner and use it in suitable conditions and locations. Choose a calm day for use, stand upwind, wear fire-resistant work clothes, and keep a fire extinguisher and water handy for emergencies.


Pallet Roller

What Is a Pallet Roller?

A pallet roller is a type of transportation equipment used for carrying heavy loads on pallets. These rollers are available in materials like aluminum or stainless steel.

They allow loads placed on a pallet to be easily moved, particularly in tight work areas where larger equipment such as forklifts cannot be used.

Due to their ease of installation and mobility, pallet rollers can be used in various settings, including truck beds or on the ground.

Uses of Pallet Rollers

Unlike roller conveyors used in factory lines, pallet rollers are mounted on rollers, facilitating greater mobility. They are primarily used in logistics, such as in large trucks or warehouse operations, and are also convenient for outdoor work, including agriculture, due to their portable designs.

Features of Pallet Rollers

A roller conveyor moves loads along a fixed path, while pallet rollers enable free movement of the load. This difference is crucial in determining their applications.


Pallet rollers are useful for moving large loads in spaces where forklifts can’t be used, like the back of container trucks or factory interiors. They also require less force to move large objects compared to pump trucks.


Pallet rollers are not suitable for use on slopes and may face challenges with small obstacles like pebbles when used outdoors. Visibility can also be an issue when moving large loads, so it’s important to ensure the path is clear of obstacles and people.

Types of Pallet Rollers

There are two main types of pallet rollers, differentiated by material.

Aluminum Pallet Rollers

Aluminum pallet rollers are lightweight and rust-resistant, making them easy to transport.

Steel Pallet Rollers

Steel pallet rollers are more affordable, but heavier and prone to rust. Adjustable-width models are available and useful for handling pallets of varying sizes.

How to Choose Pallet Rollers

When selecting pallet rollers, consider where and why they will be used. For stationary use, steel pallet rollers are a cost-effective option. For multiple locations or where portability is key, lightweight aluminum rollers are preferable, especially in environments prone to rust.

How to Use Pallet Rollers

Using pallet rollers is straightforward: place a pallet with a load on the roller and push. To prevent accidents, secure the roller with a wheel clamp or use models with a stopper when loading and unloading. The maximum load capacity varies from 1000 kg to 1300 kg, depending on the model. Overloading may lead to malfunction, and safety should always be a priority when pushing heavy loads.


Transparent Nylon Bag

What Is a Transparent Nylon Bag?

Transparent nylon bags are simply transparent bags made from nylon material.

They are impermeable to odors, moisture, and oxygen, thus protecting their contents from deterioration. Unlike OPP sheets, which are another type of transparent bag but permeable to oxygen, transparent nylon bags are more suitable for food storage due to their impermeability.

These bags are versatile and available at affordable prices. They come in a wide range of sizes, allowing customers to select the optimal size for their needs. Additionally, their ability to be heat-sealed ensures a high degree of airtightness.

Uses of Transparent Nylon Bags

Transparent nylon bags are commonly used for storing food products, as they effectively block oxygen. They are ideal for items like cookies, macaroons, and other confections, as well as perishable foods such as grapes and strawberries, and dried fruits that require moisture removal.

These bags are particularly beneficial for storing perishable cut products, which are prone to color and quality changes when exposed to oxygen. Furthermore, enclosing an oxygen absorber along with the food enhances protection against oxidation.

Transparent nylon bags are also favored for storing foods with strong aromas for their ability to contain odors.


Pooled Rice Seedling Irrigation

What Is Pooled Rice Seedling Irrigation?

Pooled rice seedling irrigation is a method of raising seedlings in paddy rice cultivation.

Typically, a simple pooled rice seedling irrigation system is constructed inside a plastic greenhouse.

The primary feature of pooled rice seedling irrigation is that it simplifies the work involved in the seedling growing process.

Uses of Pooled Rice Seedling Irrigation

Pooled rice seedling irrigation is used to ensure the stable growth of seedlings prior to rice planting.

This method does not require watering nozzles like conventional irrigation systems, making it popular among farmers seeking to reduce labor for irrigation and temperature control, as well as to minimize the use of agricultural chemicals.

Recently, open-air pooled rice seedling irrigation systems have also gained popularity.

Features of Pooled Rice Seedling Irrigation


Pooled rice seedling irrigation offers several advantages.

Reduced Workload

In this system, water is added when the pool depletes. This is more labor-efficient compared to using sprinkler nozzles for irrigation.

Another advantage is the ease of adding fertilizer by pouring a solution directly into the pool, reducing physical strain.

Disease-Resistant Seedlings

Growing seedlings in a pool inhibits pathogen growth, enhancing their resistance to mold and bacterial diseases after planting.

Enhanced Rooting and Growth

Pooled rice seedling irrigation promotes better rooting and taller grass compared to flatbed seedling irrigation.

Increased Planting Efficiency

This method results in uniform seedling size due to even irrigation, leading to more efficient rice planting.

Cost Reduction

Pooled rice seedling irrigation halves the amount of bedding soil needed compared to field seedling irrigation, thus reducing costs.


However, there are some disadvantages.

Soil Leveling Challenges

Leveling the seedlings is crucial in this system. New or inexperienced farmers may find this task cumbersome.

Minimizing height differences is essential to protect the seedlings from over-drying and submersion, so it’s important to compact the soil thoroughly.

Water Leakage Prevention

This system requires careful tarping to prevent water leakage.

Importance of Temperature Control

If the greenhouse is not properly ventilated, the water can keep the seedlings warm at night, leading to excessive growth or weakness.

How to Set Up Pooled Rice Seedling Irrigation

Generally, pooled rice seedling irrigation uses plastic greenhouses. The setup process involves:

  1. Leveling the floor.
  2. Building a frame for the seedlings.
  3. Covering with waterproof sheets.

Leveling the Floor

Level the floor by removing stones and hollows for even water distribution. It’s useful to use a level-checking tool.

Building the Frame

Construct a frame to contain the water, with a depth of about 5 to 7 cm, using either a 10 cm wide wooden board or a commercial plastic frame. Include a water butt for drainage.

Water Barrier Sheet Installation

Use an impervious sheet, 50 to 80 cm larger than the frame, to retain water. Repair any holes with repair tape.

Choose sheets designed for pooled rice seedling irrigation, which are slightly thicker and more durable than regular blue sheets.

Other Considerations for Pooled Rice Seedling Irrigation

When using pooled rice seedling irrigation, consider the following.

Floor Leveling

Use a level-checking tool or a laser leveler to minimize floor height differences. Compacting the soil until it leaves no footprints helps maintain the level.

Preventing Vinyl Sheet Tears

Since plastic sheets can tear easily, be cautious when moving seedling boxes and consider using styrofoam to avoid damage.

Disease Control

While this method is resistant to disease, closely monitor the seedlings early on to prevent widespread issues.

Seedling Transportation

Drain water from seedling boxes a few days before transportation to lighten their weight. Tilting the boxes helps drain the water and eases transportation.