
Cellulose Fiber

What Is Cellulose Fiber?

Cellulose fiber is a natural wood fiber (porous) known for its excellent heat insulation and sound absorption capabilities. As an environmentally friendly, blown-in insulation material, it efficiently fills gaps, enhancing insulation effectiveness more than other materials.

Uses of Cellulose Fiber

Cellulose fiber is utilized in various building applications due to its polymeric organic composition found in plant cell walls and wood, including:

1. Thermal Insulation

It is applied within walls, roofs, and floors to control indoor temperatures, ensuring a comfortable living space with improved energy efficiency.

2. Sound Absorbing Material

Its soundproofing properties enhance a building’s interior sound insulation, reducing noise from both inside and outside sources while offering excellent earthquake resistance.

3. Fire Retardant

As a natural, fire-resistant material, cellulose fiber inhibits fire spread, enhancing building safety without emitting smoke or harmful gases.

Characteristics of Cellulose Fiber

Cellulose fiber’s attributes make it a preferred choice for many, yet there are considerations to bear in mind:


It stands out for its environmental sustainability, safety, and thermal efficiency. Made from recycled paper, it contributes to low CO2 emissions and is recognized for green building practices. Its dense fiber composition provides excellent heat and sound insulation, significantly lowering heating costs and enhancing room acoustics.


Installation requires careful handling to manage dust generation, necessitating protective gear and proper ventilation. The effectiveness of cellulose fiber insulation heavily depends on the installation technique, demanding skilled contractors. Despite being labor-intensive and potentially costlier than alternatives, its benefits often outweigh these drawbacks.

How to Choose Cellulose Fiber

Selecting the right cellulose fiber product involves considering its type, properties, and application:

Identify the required performance, thickness, and density based on the building’s structure and usage needs. Quality affects the material’s thermal retention and ease of processing. The installation method and environment also influence product choice, emphasizing the need for suitable protective measures. Finally, factor in cost to ensure the selection aligns with budgetary constraints and performance requirements.


Cement Tile

What Is a Cement Tile?

Cement tiles are durable flooring and wall covering materials made by pressing a mixture of cement, sand, and color pigments into molds and then allowing them to cure. Known for their versatility and vibrant patterns, these tiles are a popular choice for both indoor and outdoor spaces due to their unique aesthetic appeal and longevity.

Uses of Cement Tiles

Originally developed as an affordable and practical alternative to ceramic tiles, cement tiles have found widespread use in various settings. They are used to decorating floors, walls, and facades in homes, businesses, and public spaces.

Types of Cement Tiles

1. Traditional Cement Tiles

These are the classic, handmade tiles known for their intricate patterns and color vibrancy. Each tile is individually crafted, making them unique pieces that can create bespoke designs for any space.

2. Encaustic Cement Tiles

Often confused with traditional cement tiles, encaustic tiles are characterized by the inlay of patterns using different colors of clay. Though not made of cement, they share a similar appearance and are used in comparable applications.

3. Modern Cement Tiles

Advancements in manufacturing have introduced modern variants of cement tiles, which include updated patterns fitting contemporary design trends and improved durability for higher traffic areas.

Advantages of Cement Tiles

Cement tiles offer several benefits, including their ecological friendliness, as they are made from natural materials and do not require firing in kilns, reducing energy consumption. Their durability and timeless appeal make them a long-lasting investment that can enhance the aesthetic of any property. Additionally, the wide range of designs available allows for personalized and unique space customization.

Considerations for Choosing Cement Tiles

When selecting cement tiles, consider the application area’s specific needs, such as moisture exposure, foot traffic, and maintenance requirements. For wet areas like bathrooms and kitchens, ensure the tiles are properly sealed to prevent water absorption. For high-traffic areas, choose tiles with a hard-wearing finish. Lastly, consider the design and color scheme of the space to select tiles that complement the overall aesthetic.


Stainless Steel Mirror

What Is a Stainless Steel Mirror?

A stainless steel mirror is a mirror made of stainless steel, distinct from other mirrors due to its material and high polish. Stainless steel, inherently shiny and mirror-like, has been further enhanced through various polishing methods. These mirrors are rustproof, unbreakable, and conductive, depending on their application. Moreover, stainless steel mirrors can be thinner, lighter, and crafted into spherical shapes and designs.

Uses of Stainless Steel Mirrors

Stainless steel mirrors find their use as building materials in places where their unique properties are advantageous. Common examples include hemispherical curved mirrors in parking lots and sports facilities, like golf driving ranges, where their durability is essential. They are also utilized in kindergartens and elevators, environments where resistance to cracking and shattering is crucial. Unlike glass mirrors, which reflect light from the back surface, stainless steel mirrors reflect from their entire surface, ensuring no distortion in the reflection.



What Is a Shutter?

Shutters are wind-up mechanisms consisting of long, thin, interconnected metal plates. They serve as protective barriers for buildings, offering both security and aesthetic appeal.

In the realm of construction, shutters are designed to block external elements. Available in various styles, they can roll up vertically or slide horizontally, catering to different functional and design preferences.

Uses of Shutters

Historically utilized in commercial spaces like parking lots and large buildings, shutters have found their way into residential applications, such as garage doors and protective storm barriers. They can be operated either manually or automatically, adding convenience and efficiency.

Shutters play a critical role in fire prevention and building security. Recent trends have seen shutters being adopted in homes and apartment complexes as stylish exterior features, enhancing both security and aesthetics. Additionally, they are crucial in hazardous material storage and public buildings as fireproof shutters, with strict regulations governing their specifications and inspections to mitigate fire spread.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Shutters


  • Enhanced Security: Fully closed shutters obscure the interior from external view, serving as an effective deterrent against unauthorized entry and enhancing privacy.
  • Protection from Elements: When closed, shutters shield interiors from wind, rain, and sunlight, maintaining a stable indoor environment regardless of external weather conditions.
  • Advertising Potential: For businesses, shutters provide a surface for promotional messaging, turning them into cost-effective advertising spaces when closed.


  • Operational Noise: Shutters can generate noticeable noise during operation, although modern designs have significantly reduced this issue.
  • Potential for Malfunction: Automated shutters might experience operational failures due to electrical issues, necessitating manual override options for such situations.
  • Installation Restrictions: Certain structural or space limitations may prevent shutter installation, particularly in retrofit situations where existing building designs don’t accommodate the necessary hardware.

Types of Shutters

  • Lightweight Shutters: Ideal for residential garages and small stores, offering ease of installation and operation but limited in terms of fire protection capabilities.
  • Heavy Duty Shutters: Suitable for securing entrances in commercial and industrial settings, doubling as fire doors within fireproof compartments and automatically closing in response to alarms.
  • High-Speed Sheet Shutters: Employed in high-traffic logistic areas, these shutters are made from durable vinyl for rapid opening and closing, facilitating smooth operational flow.
  • Overhead Doors: Unlike traditional rolling shutters, overhead doors retract directly into the ceiling, offering a blend of security and efficiency with reduced noise levels.
  • Window Shutters: Installed on windows to enhance security and provide protection against severe weather, these shutters also contribute to the aesthetic appeal of the building facade.

Touchscreen Display

What Is a Touchscreen Display?

Touchscreen Display is an electronic component that combines a display as a display device and a touchscreen as an input device, enabling operation by touching the screen. It is a familiar product installed in various devices because it enables easy and intuitive operation by anyone.

In the past, there was a problem that operation was not possible when wearing gloves, etc. However, in recent years, the development and improvement of various methods have almost eliminated such problems.

Applications of Touchscreen Displays

Touch panel displays are very familiar components that permeate our daily lives. For example, smartphones and tablets are always equipped with touch panel displays.

Depending on the intended use, some Touchscreen Displays can be used for both finger input and input with a special pen.

For example, finger input is suitable for simple and fixed operations such as button operation at ATMs, while pen input is suitable for delicate and complex operations such as signing delivery slips.

Principle of Touchscreen Display

The principles that enable input on Touchscreen Displays can be broadly classified into the following

1. Capacitance Method

The capacitance of the human body is detected and its coordinates are returned. A weak electric field is applied to the screen surface, and the current that flows when a finger approaches the panel surface is detected.

2. Resistive Film Method

The resistive film method has a structure in which transparent electrode films are pasted close together, and when the panel surface is pressed down, the electrodes come into contact with each other and an electric current flows. The absolute coordinates of the pressed position are determined by detecting the voltage fluctuation at that time. This is sometimes referred to as the pressure-sensitive type. 

3. Infrared Method

An infrared beam parallel to the panel surface detects the position of a finger approaching and blocking the light based on triangulation. Ultrasonic surface acoustic wave: The panel surface is vibrated by ultrasonic waves (surface acoustic waves), and changes in frequency and amplitude are detected when a finger touches it. Electromagnetic induction method: This method detects changes in the electric field generated by electromagnetic induction when the pen approaches, and is characterized by extremely high detection accuracy.

Operability, Visibility, and Thinness

Touchscreen Displays, as typified by smartphones, have become indispensable in modern society, used in ATMs, ticket vending machines, vending machines, car navigation systems, and manufacturing and inspection equipment, to name just a few.

From the standpoint of operability and visibility, here are a few examples. First, a resistive touch panel is laminated onto a liquid crystal display, a configuration widely used in car navigation applications. The operability of the touch panel in this configuration has the following features.

  • Detection of touch coordinates is limited to one location (single touch)
  • Requires a certain degree of physical pressure
  • No conductivity required for the touch means (any gloves can be worn)

Visibility characteristics of the display in the same configuration include the following

  • Slightly lower panel transmittance (display brightness)
  • Newton rings are easily visible due to the presence of air gaps

In recent years, this resistive film method has been replaced by the projected capacitive method (a type of capacitive method), which has become the mainstream configuration, and its operability features include the following characteristics.

  • Detection of multiple coordinates (multi-touch) is possible
  • Coordinates are detected simply by bringing a finger close to the panel surface, enabling touchless operation (hover input) with improved sensitivity.
  • Capable of inputting a variety of movements (flicking, swiping, pinching out, etc.)
  • Touch means must be conductive (limited to wearing gloves, hard to react to fingernails)

Display visibility characteristics in the same configuration include

  • High panel transmittance (display brightness)
  • Improved visibility due to the absence of air gaps, which suppresses Newton rings and unwanted surface reflections

Such projected capacitive Touchscreen Displays are currently used not only in car navigation systems, but also in various other devices, and mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are typical examples. As a result of the pursuit of thinner and lighter mobile devices, Touchscreen Displays with the touchscreen function built into the display have also been put to practical use.

The conventional method in which the touch panel is externally attached to the display is called the “out-cell method,” while the method with built-in touch functionality is called the “in-cell method. Along with the shift from the out-cell method to the in-cell method, driver ICs for driving display drivers and touch drivers have been integrated into a single IC, and the number of components and manufacturing processes have been simplified. On the display side, the replacement of LCDs with organic electroluminescent (OLED) displays has resulted in thinner displays with improved visibility and display performance.

Large Touchscreen Displays

As displays become larger, a wide variety of sizes and applications are available. Products that can be attached to TVs and LCD monitors to make them into touch panels have also been introduced.

Large TVs and monitors are highly visible and can be viewed by many people at the same time, even at a distance, so they have been used for a wide range of purposes, including viewing by large groups of people, advertising, and meetings.

The addition of the touch panel functionality can make new and conventional uses even more convenient.

Opportunities for use include use as electronic blackboards in schools, demonstrations at exhibitions, presentations at conferences, and digital signage.

Digital signage is installed in train stations, department stores, etc., and is used for product advertisements and information displays, etc. By using touch panels, interactive communication is possible, such as product explanations and directions, and can be used as a substitute for store clerks and information staff. The ability to accumulate operational data creates new value, such as for use in sales promotions.

Touch Panel and Pen Input

In addition to finger operation, pen operation is also available as an input method for touch panels. There are several types of pens with different input methods.

  • Pressure-Sensitive: This system detects pressure when the touch panel is pressed. This method has been used for a long time and has the advantage of reducing operation errors and improving operability because it allows more detailed operation than finger operation.
  • Capacitive pen nibs are generally made of silicon rubber or conductive fibers, as they react to static electricity. However, if the pen nib is not of a certain thickness, it may not react due to weak static electricity.
  • Capacitance Method (Self-Generating Electrostatic Charge): A built-in battery generates electrostatic charge, allowing for a thinner nib and finer writing. The built-in battery needs to be replaced or recharged.
  • Electromagnetic Induction Type: A sensor on the touch panel detects the magnetic field generated by the pen tip. No need for a battery to be built into the pen.

Glass Wool

What Is Glass Wool?

Glass Wool

Glass wool, created by melting glass at high temperatures and fiberizing it with centrifugal force before binding with a binder, is widely utilized for insulation and sound absorption in buildings due to its entangled fibers. As a recyclable material, it serves various applications, from building materials to winter clothing.

Applications of Glass Wool

Commonly installed between the exterior and interior walls of buildings for thermal insulation and sound absorption, glass wool also insulates piping in air conditioning systems. Its sound absorption qualities are leveraged in spaces like theaters and halls, and it’s incorporated into precast concrete (PC) insulation in low-rise buildings.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Glass Wool


Glass wool is known for its affordability, fire resistance, pest resistance, and easy installation. It is lighter and more cost-effective compared to materials like rigid polyurethane and XPS (extruded polystyrene foam), offering significant advantages in terms of combustion resistance, cost, and ease of transport and cutting.


However, glass wool’s lack of moisture resistance demands precise construction to maintain its insulating properties, necessitating the use of moisture-proof sheets or specially bagged glass wool in humid areas. Ensuring no gaps at joints is crucial for optimal thermal insulation performance.

Types of Glass Wool

1. Batts

Glass wool batts, suitable for walls, under floors, and ceilings, simplifies construction in large areas due to minimal required cutting.

2. Rolls

Glass wool rolls, used for partition wall insulation and soundproofing, offers flexibility for installation in various settings.

3. Blown-in

Specially designed for ceiling insulation, this granular glass wool can be evenly distributed across complex ceiling structures using a blower machine.

4. Moisture-Proof and Bagged Products

Products pre-equipped with moisture-proof sheets or bags facilitate installation and avoid the discomfort typically associated with handling glass wool. However, they require careful handling to prevent moisture ingress at cut edges.

Choosing the Right Glass Wool

Selection should be based on the installation environment, considering the need for moisture protection in humid areas and the method of installation that best suits the project’s requirements. The type of glass wool chosen (batt, roll, or blown-in) should align with the specific needs of the installation location and construction method.


Mirror Glass

What Is Mirror Glass?

Mirror glass is a type of mirror made from a sheet of glass that has been coated with silver on one side for reflective purposes.

Currently, various types of mirrors are available, including film mirrors, acrylic mirrors, aluminum mirrors, and stainless steel mirrors. Glass mirrors continue to be in demand and are still being manufactured.

Each type of mirror has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and they are used in different settings and for different purposes.

Uses of Mirror Glass

Here are some examples of how mirror glass is used:

  • Large mirrors installed on the walls of dance studios
  • Plastic mirrors used in compact mirrors for young girls
  • Stainless steel mirrors used in elevators

Mirror glass is often considered the best choice due to its reflection quality, affordability, and ease of maintenance. However, it can be fragile and should be handled with care.

One of the key advantages of mirror glass is its resistance to image distortion, low cost compared to other mirror materials, and the ability to be treated to prevent moisture and fogging. This makes it suitable for use in high-humidity and challenging environments such as restrooms and bathrooms.

Another benefit is that even when installed in high-traffic areas where contact with the surface is common, the mirror’s metallic backing and silver screen protective film make it less susceptible to scratches and deterioration from regular use.

Principle of Mirror Glass

Since mirror glass is made of glass, it is non-flammable and does not emit toxic gases. The standard clear glass contains some iron content, which becomes more apparent as the glass thickness increases.

For example, in large areas like dance studios, thicker mirror glass may cause a bluish tint compared to the actual colors. High-transmittance mirrors, made from glass with reduced iron content, are used in settings such as beauty salons to display natural colors accurately.

Colored mirrors, crafted from tinted glass with a silver coating, create a vintage ambiance and are commonly used in restaurants and hotel floors. Designers appreciate the ability to select colors to match specific themes.

Additional Information on Mirror Glass

Cautions for Using Mirror Glass

Since mirror glass is a glass product, it can pose a risk of injury from glass shards if broken. To prevent shattering upon breakage, some mirrors installed in public places are coated with shatterproof film.

Moreover, mirrors have exhibited quicker deterioration in recent years. In the past, heavy metals like lead were added to mirrors to prevent corrosion. Due to environmental regulations, mirrors produced without heavy metals are now standard. Consequently, mirrors in restroom washrooms, which are frequently cleaned, and bathrooms, which are consistently humid, have experienced localized corrosion in recent years.

The lifespan of mirrors varies depending on cleaning and maintenance practices. Therefore, it is essential to install mirrors to prevent prolonged contact with moisture and water. When cleaning, select neutral detergents that do not contain chelating agents or other chemicals that could cause reactions. Careful selection of cleaning agents is necessary to preserve the mirror’s condition.


Curtain Wall

What Is a Curtain Wall?

Curtain walls are non-load-bearing exterior wall systems that hang like curtains from the structure of a building. They are lightweight and designed to resist air and water infiltration, absorb sway induced by wind and seismic forces, and accommodate thermal expansion and contraction.

Constructed from various materials including glass, metal, and stone, curtain walls are manufactured off-site and assembled on-site, offering rapid installation and the flexibility to cover large expanses. Concrete curtain walls, known as precast concrete curtain walls, are pre-manufactured in a controlled factory setting, ensuring consistent quality.

Applications of Curtain Walls

Primarily utilized in commercial building facades, curtain walls facilitate the creation of visually appealing exteriors with high glass content for natural lighting and expansive views. They are pivotal in constructing high-rise buildings due to their effectiveness in enhancing building aesthetics and improving energy efficiency by controlling heat gain and loss.

Choosing the right curtain wall system is critical, depending on building requirements, aesthetic preferences, and environmental conditions.

Advantages and Challenges of Curtain Walls


Curtain walls significantly reduce the structural load on buildings, enabling the design of taller and more visually striking structures. They are adaptable, allowing for a variety of designs and finishes, including transparent, opaque, or translucent facades.

By separating the exterior envelope from the structural load-bearing elements, these walls facilitate faster construction timelines and can be installed in various weather conditions without the need for external scaffolding.


Despite their benefits, curtain walls can be costly due to the precision engineering and material quality required. Their performance in terms of thermal insulation and moisture resistance heavily depends on the design and quality of installation. Proper detailing and installation are crucial to prevent air and water infiltration.

Types of Curtain Walls

Metal Curtain Walls

Metal curtain walls, utilizing frames made of aluminum, stainless steel, or steel, offer a combination of durability and design flexibility. Panels may include glass, metal, or composite materials, allowing for a range of visual effects and thermal performance characteristics.

Precast Concrete Curtain Walls

Precast concrete curtain walls provide the benefits of concrete, including fire resistance and thermal mass, in a lightweight, prefabricated format that simplifies installation and reduces on-site construction time.

Selecting Curtain Walls

Selection depends on architectural design, environmental considerations, and building performance requirements. Factors such as climate, building orientation, and specific use cases (e.g., energy efficiency, acoustic insulation) should guide the choice of curtain wall type. Collaborating with experienced designers and manufacturers ensures that the selected curtain wall system meets both aesthetic and functional needs while adhering to budget constraints.

Overall, curtain walls are a pivotal component in modern architecture, offering both aesthetic appeal and functional benefits to buildings.


Aluminum Mirror

What Is an Aluminum Mirror?

Aluminum MirrorsAn aluminum mirror is a type of mirror that functions as a mirror and is made from a metallic material known as aluminum.

Traditional mirrors were typically constructed using glass, which can break if dropped, posing a risk of sharp glass shards that can cause injuries.

While various alternatives to glass mirrors have been explored and commercialized in the past, each option has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Given these circumstances, aluminum mirrors have gained widespread popularity as a well-balanced choice among building materials, owing to advancements in manufacturing methods, including the use of plywood.

Uses of Aluminum Mirrors

Aluminum mirrors are extensively employed as building materials due to their numerous advantages.

Moreover, as aluminum mirrors are primarily composed of metal, they can serve as fire-resistant building components, a feature not shared by mirrors made of resin.

If aluminum mirrors receive certification as noncombustible materials, they can be used for fireproof construction of ceilings and walls.

As a result, aluminum mirrors are now used not only as everyday items, such as cosmetics but also as building materials.

Aluminum mirrors can also serve as interior materials for “special buildings” and large-scale structures where a significant number of people gather.


Acrylic Mirror

What Is an Acrylic Mirror?

An acrylic mirror is a type of mirror made of acrylic instead of glass.

An acrylic mirror is created by vacuum evaporating aluminum onto transparent acrylic. They are generally manufactured using either the extrusion method or the casting method.

Compared to mirrors made of conventional glass, acrylic mirrors are lightweight, resistant to breakage, offer high light transmission, and are durable.

Furthermore, acrylic mirrors are easy to cut and shape into desired sizes due to their resin composition.

Due to these outstanding characteristics, acrylic mirrors are widely used as construction materials.

Uses of Acrylic Mirrors

Acrylic mirrors find applications in various fields as building materials, thanks to their lightweight nature and resistance to breakage.

For instance, acrylic mirrors are commonly used indoors in places like kindergartens, where small children play, and in dance studios, where large mirrors cover entire walls.

Acrylic mirrors are employed in numerous outdoor settings, ranging from the roadside convex mirrors frequently seen on the sides of roads to hemispheric mirrors used to assist people exiting parking lots.