
Adhesive Film

What Is Adhesive Film?

Adhesive Film

Adhesive film is a resin-based adhesive. It’s used for bonding materials such as plastics. Depending on the type of adhesive resin used, it can be categorized as adhesive, thermosetting, or thermoplastic.

A key characteristic of adhesive film is its ability to evenly distribute adhesive, ensuring consistent strength and quality in bonds. This uniformity minimizes variations in adhesive strength, uneven application, and overflow, crucial for precision work and delicate materials.

Additionally, some adhesive film types are versatile enough to bond different materials like plastics and metals. They also contribute to odor reduction in work environments. However, for effective bonding, it’s assumed that the adhesive surfaces are clean and free of oil and dirt. Improper surface treatment might lead to ineffective adhesion.

Applications of Adhesive Film

Adhesive film has a broad range of applications in various industries, housing equipment, and medical care, being a next-generation bonding technology. Below are some of its common uses:

1. Electronic Devices

In electronic devices such as smartphones and tablets, adhesive film is used to fix the display panel to the body. This ensures accurate positioning, shock, and vibration resistance. It also secures batteries to prevent movement or vibration.

2. Automobiles

Adhesive film is employed to bond interior panels and components in automobiles. Its versatility is particularly useful for joining different materials like metals and plastics, ensuring efficient and strong bonding.

3. Construction Sites

Used in metal and composite roofing, adhesive film secures fastening to substrates. In window and door installations, it acts as a sealant, enhancing airtightness and waterproofing. It offers more consistent application than liquid adhesives, reducing workmanship variability.

Principle of Adhesive Film

Adhesive film operates by uniformly applying adhesive onto a film-like carrier material for bonding. Adhesion involves joining two surfaces via a third medium through anchor effects, chemical bonding, and physical bonding.

The anchor effect is where the adhesive penetrates surface irregularities, physically anchoring itself. This results in a firmer grip and stronger bond, especially with high viscosity adhesive films.

Chemical adhesion occurs when adhesive molecules react with surface molecules to form chemical bonds. Surface treatments often enhance this effect.

Physical adhesion is the molecular attraction between the adhesive film and the surface molecules. Dispersion forces play a crucial role in bonding different materials.

Types of Adhesive Film

Adhesive film comes in various types, each suited for different mechanisms and applications.

1. Heat-Welding Film

This type contains a thermoplastic adhesive that melts at high temperatures. It’s used for bonding dissimilar materials like metal and resin, characterized by low solvent residue and gas emissions.

2. Thermosetting Film

Thermosetting adhesive film cures at high temperatures. Applied to a material’s surface and cured, it solidifies to create a strong bond.

3. Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Film

This room-temperature tacky film adheres through applied pressure. It’s adjustable, peelable, heat-resistant, and chemical-resistant, making it suitable for electronic components.


Plastics Processor

What Is a Plastics Processor?

Plastics are essential materials in our daily lives, and comprise various types of resins. For instance, polyethylene (PE) is used in plastic bags, ABS resin in the housing of home appliances like TVs and refrigerators, and polystyrene (PS) in Styrofoam.

A plastics processor transforms these resins into products with the desired performance and shape. The processing conditions vary depending on the type of processor and the intended result. Key processing methods include injection molding, extrusion molding, vacuum molding, and plastic cutting. Other methods are punching, optical molding, blow molding, and vacuum casting.

Types of Plastics Processors

As mentioned, plastics processors use a variety of methods, with processing conditions selected based on the plastic’s hardness, melting point, flowability, and other properties, as well as the final product’s shape and physical properties.

Processors can be broadly classified into cutting and molding types. Cutting is used for small-lot, high-variety production, while molding is more suited for mass production.

When heated, plastics become fluid and can be poured into molds. A 3D printer, for example, reads 3D data and discharges heated, fluid resin to create modeled objects.

1. Cutting Process

In cutting processors, hardened plastics are shaped using lathes or saws. Suitable for small-lot, multi-variety production, this method processes each piece individually and is ideal for complex shapes and a wide range of resins, including super engineering plastics.

2. Molding Process

Molding involves heating plastics and injecting them into molds, then cooling to solidify. This method is efficient for mass production. It’s used for various plastics, including polyethylene, polyamide, polystyrene, and polycarbonate. Molding processes are further divided into injection, extrusion, and vacuum molding, selected based on the plastic type and desired product quality.

  • Injection Molding: Used for a wide range of products, from smartphone cases to automotive components. Resin is heated, injected into a mold, then cooled and solidified.
  • Extrusion Molding: Similar to injection molding, but used for products like pipes and films. The resin is shaped, extruded, then cut to size.

3. Plastics Processors Using Machining Centers

Machining centers, controlled by numerical units, are used for complex, high-precision tasks. They can automatically change tools, performing operations like milling and drilling. These machines are suitable for small materials and 3D processing. The process involves creating CAM data from drawings, setting tools, and machining the material, often using devices like vices for stability.

Other Information on Plastics Processors

Different machines are used based on processing requirements. Cutting involves machines like lathes and mills, while molding integrates pressurizers and molds. Initial costs for molding are high due to mold fabrication, but it’s suitable for mass production. Press machines are also used in plastics processing for tasks like drilling and bending.


Film Coating

What Is a Film Coating?

Film coating refers to a thin protective film formed on the surface of plastic or another synthetic resin.

These functional films offer improved weather and stain resistance, among other enhancements, compared to conventional films.

Types of Film Coatings

There are different types of film coatings, each tailored for specific applications. Choosing the appropriate coating method based on the required performance is crucial. Generally, there are four main types of film coatings.

1. Water-Soluble Coating

Water-soluble coatings form a protective film by applying a water-based solution and allowing it to dry. The solution often includes resins like polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl acetate, polyvinyl chloride, vinylidene chloride copolymer, silicone resin, and rubber latex.

2. Solvent-Based Coating

Solvent-based coating involves dissolving a coating agent in an organic solvent before application. This method forms a protective film more rapidly than water-soluble coatings. However, due to the flammable nature of solvents, careful handling is required.

3. Thermal-Melting Coating

Thermal-melting coating is a process where a stable protective film is formed by melting materials such as wax or resin, and then cooling them after application. Common materials for coating agents include paraffin wax, rubber compounds, polyethylene, vinyl, and ethylene.

4. Extrusion Coating

In extrusion coating, melted resin is applied and then pressed against a die. This method forms a protective film by cooling and crimping, and is often used for polyethylene lamination.

Principle of Film Coatings

A typical film coating machine mainly consists of a feeder, a coating unit, a drying unit, and a take-up unit. The production volume can be adjusted by changing the coating unit, for instance, to a dual-stage type, based on the required performance and conditions.

Take-Out Device

There are two types of take-out devices: one integrated with the main unit’s frame, and another mounted independently. The choice is influenced by the device’s weight; heavier devices require a separate frame. Different types of brakes, such as manual, mechanical, and electric, are used to adjust the film feed rate.

Coating Equipment

The coating equipment can be adapted based on specific conditions, with the best equipment selected according to the coating agent’s amount and viscosity. Using a coater as a single head without changing equipment limits the production to a consistent process over time. A multifunctional head is generally recommended for a range of products.

Heads for coating equipment include reverse rolls, blade coaters, spray coaters, gravure coaters, air knives, and Myer bars.

Drying Equipment

Drying equipment is utilized to dry water and solvents after coating, ensuring the stabilization of the protective film.

Take-up Equipment

Take-up equipment is necessary for forming the coating and winding the finished product at a consistent speed and tension. There are two types of systems: center drive and surface drive. Recently, the center method has become more popular due to its resilience against weight changes and other factors.



What Are Tourniquets?

Tourniquets are devices used to control heavy bleeding, especially in emergency situations. They typically consist of a bandage or band, often with a Velcro fastener, wrapped around a limb to stem bleeding.

Using a tourniquet can be challenging, especially when one is injured, as Velcro-fastened bandages may become loose and ineffective. To overcome this, tourniquets are designed with a winding rod and buckle mechanism, enabling one-handed tightening and preventing loosening.

Important considerations include the need for medical supervision when applying and removing tourniquets, and their unsuitability for use on children.

Uses of Tourniquets

An adult’s body contains approximately 1.2 to 1.5 gallons of blood, and losing more than 2 pints can be life-threatening. While direct compression was traditionally the first method used to stop massive bleeding, it may not be sufficient for severe arterial bleeding. In such cases, tourniquets are employed to apply pressure above the injury, controlling the bleeding more effectively. However, incorrect use of tourniquets can cause nerve damage, emphasizing the importance of proper training and application.

Principles of Tourniquets

Tourniquets consist of a band, a buckle, and a winding rod, often supplemented with a securing band and hooks for added stability. Special ring-shaped tourniquets are also available for smaller extremities like fingertips.

To apply a tourniquet, it should be positioned about 2 to 3 inches above the injury, or at the base of the limb if necessary. The band is threaded through the buckle and pulled to engage the locking mechanism. After securing the band, the rod is wound until the bleeding stops, then secured with the hook. Once bleeding is controlled, the excess band is wrapped and secured in place.



What Is a Splint?

Splints are medical devices used to temporarily immobilize fractures or joint injuries in extremities, such as arms or fingers. They are essential for keeping the injured part of the body at rest until professional medical care is received. Manipulating the bone without proper care can lead to further damage to blood vessels and nerves.

Splints can be made of a variety of materials, including plaster, fiberglass, aluminum alloy, and urethane foam, which effectively hold the injured area in place, especially useful when medical facilities are not immediately accessible. There are also foldable splints, soft and adaptable, which can be shaped with scissors for portability and ease of use.

Uses of Splints

Splints play a critical role in the treatment of fractures, helping to immobilize and align the broken bone for proper healing. Correct immobilization prevents further injury and facilitates a quicker recovery. Without timely and appropriate treatment, recovery can be prolonged, or permanent disability may occur.

By keeping the injured area immobilized, splints reduce pain and aid in the healing process. In emergency situations, improvised materials like magazines, newspapers, or cardboard boxes can temporarily substitute for specialized splints.

Principles of Splints

The method of immobilizing an injured area using splints is known as the plaster splints method, which includes cast splints and cast petri dishes. A cast splint is made using a special bandage for casts, which hardens after being correctly aligned with the injured area.

A cast involves wrapping a plaster cast bandage, containing calcium sulfate, around the injury and then covering it with a stockinette or similar material. Recent advances have led to the development of non-plaster splints made from materials like plastic or urethane foam.

The specific type of splint used is determined by the body part it is intended to immobilize. For instance, a splint immobilizing the area from the shoulder to the wrist is known as a long upper extremity splint.



What Is a Hemostat?

A hemostat is a general term for a tourniquet or drug used to stop the flow of blood associated with external or internal bleeding. External bleeding refers to blood flowing outside of blood vessels, while internal bleeding occurs within cells or organs.

To stop external bleeding, a hemostat such as a tourniquet can be wrapped around the bleeding site or direct pressure can be applied with a cloth. For internal bleeding, medications or intravenous drips are often utilized. The approach to stopping bleeding depends on the location and severity of the injury.

Uses of Hemostats

Hemostats are used in various ways depending on the type of bleeding, which includes arterial, venous, and capillary bleeding. Arterial hemorrhage, characterized by bright red, vigorously pulsing blood, requires quick response, often using direct pressure or tourniquets. Venous hemorrhage, with dark red blood, is treated similarly to arterial bleeding. Capillary hemorrhage, where blood oozes from the site, usually stops on its own but may require a bandage for hygiene. Internal bleeding, such as gastrointestinal bleeding, often necessitates endoscopic hemostasis.

Principle of Hemostats

Hemostats work by preventing blood loss. Direct pressure hemostasis typically involves applying pressure with a cloth. Tourniquets, often containing chitosan, help form blood clots to stop bleeding. Tourniquet hemostasis is used for severe bleeding and involves using a band to restrict blood flow. Special tourniquets with a bar or rod can be used to tighten the band and stop bleeding.

Other hemostatic methods include intravascular injection, mechanical hemostasis, thermal coagulation, and drug spraying. Intravascular injection may use substances like pure ethanol, mechanical hemostasis might involve clips or rubber rings, thermal coagulation uses cauterization, and drug spraying involves applying thrombin solutions or sodium alginate powder to the bleeding site.



What Is a Reservoir?

A reservoir is a structure or container used to store rainwater or other fluids. Broadly, reservoirs are categorized into storage and infiltration facilities. Storage facilities are further divided into off-site and on-site storage based on their capacity to collect rainwater. Infiltration facilities, on the other hand, are designed to efficiently allow rainwater to seep into the ground.

Off-site storage systems collect and store rainwater after it flows into rivers or waterways, helping to mitigate stormwater runoff. On-site storage aims to capture and store rainwater where it falls, minimizing its transfer as much as possible.

These facilities vary in structure and usage type and may be used in combination depending on the reason for the water collection.

Uses of Reservoirs

Storage facilities are categorized by their structural types, with their applications differing based on maintenance requirements and other factors. Off-site storage includes dams, moats, and underground structures. Dams are typically employed in gently sloping terrain around 1000 feet altitude, where valleys are contained by fill or concrete dams. Moat-style reservoirs are used on flat land to store rainwater, maintaining a water level lower than the surrounding ground. Underground methods involve storing rainwater in subterranean reservoirs or pipes within basements of buildings, rainwater harvesting companies, and sewage facilities.

On-site storage, conversely, may take the form of small embankments, shallow trenches, underground space storage, or void storage. Small embankments or trenches are typically situated in areas like apartment complex grounds, parks, or schoolyards, serving dual purposes. Underground void storage is often constructed in basements of buildings or parks, and employs materials like plastic or crushed stone, particularly in areas where above-ground storage is impractical.

Principle of Reservoirs

Reservoirs, both large and small, serve a variety of functions. Off-site storage includes detention basins, multipurpose detention basins, and flood control green spaces, all designed to alleviate pressure on rivers by temporarily holding stormwater, river water, and waterway flows.

Other off-site storage types include disaster prevention regulation ponds, rainwater harvesting facilities, sewage stormwater adjustment ponds, and ponds related to large-scale residential land development. On-site storage encompasses watershed storage, public facility storage, housing complex storage, and single-family home storage. These structures function as water retention and conservation facilities, helping infiltrate rainwater into the ground and store it temporarily to reduce riverine stress.


Embedded Software

What Is Embedded Software?

Embedded software is specialized programming embedded in various electronic devices to control and enhance functionality. It is found in a wide range of products, from everyday appliances like computers, cell phones, and microwaves to industrial machinery and medical equipment. This type of software operates in conjunction with the device’s hardware to perform specific tasks, such as regulating a refrigerator’s temperature or controlling a car’s navigation system.

Uses of Embedded Software

Embedded software serves diverse purposes in both consumer and industrial contexts. Its applications include:

1. Embedded Software for General Users

  • Control-Centered Devices: Home appliances, audio/visual equipment, office automation tools, etc.
  • Information Processing: Communication devices, car navigation systems, personal information devices, etc.

Embedded software in mobile devices, for example, can facilitate PDF reading and editing, integrating with cloud services for data authentication and management.

2. Embedded Software for Specialized Users

  • Control-Center Applications: Transportation, construction equipment, industrial automation, automotive software, etc.
  • Information Processing: Communication and medical equipment, utilizing cloud-based solutions for data management and service improvement.

Principles of Embedded Software

Embedded software can be characterized by two main aspects.

Functional Aspect: Involves the interaction between the software and the device’s hardware, often requiring efficient, real-time processing. It responds to external input detected through various sensors.

Physical Aspect: Embedded within a microcomputer inside the product, it offers flexibility in terms of operating system choices and implementations. Cloud processing is increasingly favored, especially for teleworking solutions.

However, the expanding functionality of embedded software can lead to increased software size, posing challenges in market identification and user targeting.

Other Information on Embedded Software


In the realm of smartphone apps and PC software, PDF SDKs (Software Development Kits) are frequently used. They allows for the integration of PDF functionalities into various software, offering capabilities like editing, security authentication, and efficient file handling. This feature is particularly valuable in telework scenarios, where low-volume communication and data security are essential.

2. Cloud Computing of Embedded Software

The transition to cloud computing is becoming increasingly important for teleworking. Cloud-based embedded software offers secure and convenient access to essential tools and data from virtually any location with internet access, overcoming the limitations of traditional LAN-based setups.


Automotive Exhaust Muffler

What Is an Automotive Exhaust Muffler?

An automotive exhaust muffler is a component located at the rear of a vehicle. It detoxifies toxic gases generated in the engine during fuel combustion and minimizes the engine’s exhaust sound. While the muffler’s external aspect slightly affects the vehicle’s rear design, its internal structure is complex and multifunctional, addressing crucial environmental concerns.

Uses of Automotive Exhaust Mufflers

Exhaust mufflers are installed in all types of automobiles and play a critical role in:

  • Reducing engine exhaust noise.
  • Lowering harmful gas emissions post-combustion.
  • Engine exhaust efficiency.

Alterations to the muffler can impact the vehicle’s performance and appearance. However, compliance with safety standards, especially regarding noise levels, is essential to avoid legal issues and ensure the vehicle passes inspections.

Principle of Automotive Exhaust Mufflers

The automotive exhaust muffler system typically comprises:

  1. Exhaust Manifold: Collects exhaust gases from each engine cylinder.
  2. Exhaust Pipe: Transfers the hot exhaust gases away from the engine.
  3. O2 Sensor / High-Temperature Sensor: Measures oxygen concentration and exhaust temperature, aiding in fuel efficiency.
  4. Sub Muffler: Supplements the main muffler in sound deadening.
  5. Catalyzer (Catalytic Converter): Converts harmful exhaust gases into less harmful substances using catalysts like rhodium, platinum, and palladium.
  6. Main Muffler: Also known as a silencer, it primarily mutes the exhaust sound.

Changing the exhaust muffler can impact fuel efficiency, emission detoxification, and noise suppression. It’s important to choose a replacement that complies with vehicle inspection standards.


Spark Plug

What Is a Spark Plug?

Spark plugs are an essential ignition component in gasoline engines. They ignite the fuel-air mixture within an engine’s cylinders using electrical sparks. While spark plugs are used in gasoline engines, diesel engines often utilize glow plugs, which ignite fuel through heat rather than an electrical spark.

Uses of Spark Plugs

Spark plugs have various applications, primarily in vehicles and other machinery that require ignition of fuel for power. They are used in:

  • Gasoline engine automobiles.
  • Pilot ignition of boilers and hot air drying furnaces.
  • Starting gas turbines for power generation.
  • Starting jet engines for aircraft.

They are crucial in internal combustion engines, as they provide the necessary spark to initiate combustion.

Principle of Spark Plugs

Spark plugs work in conjunction with a power supply and an ignition coil. They consist of a terminal, insulator, and electrode.

1. Terminal

The terminal receives high voltage from the ignition coil and is usually made of conductive metal.

2. Insulator

The insulator prevents ground faults and electric shocks, essential for handling the high voltage generated by the ignition coil.

3. Electrode

The electrode consists of two conductors separated by a narrow gap. High voltage applied across this gap breaks the air insulation, creating a spark. Durable metals are used for the electrodes due to wear from sparking.

Types of Spark Plugs

Spark plugs vary based on the electrode material:

1. Resistor Plugs

Resistor plus use a nickel alloy electrode and includes a resistive element to reduce ignition noise.

2. Platinum Plugs

Made with a platinum alloy electrode, these plugs are more durable and have higher ignition performance, but are more expensive due to the use of rare metals.

3. Iridium Plugs

Feature an iridium electrode, offering superior durability and performance over platinum plugs but at a higher cost.

Other Information on Spark Plugs

1. Spark Plugs and Gasoline

Spark plugs are crucial in gasoline engines for efficient combustion. Deterioration of spark plugs can lead to starting difficulties, poor acceleration, and reduced fuel efficiency. Regular inspections are essential to maintain optimal performance.

2. Spark Plug Life Span

Spark plugs typically have a lifespan of around 60,000 miles for automotive use. The lifespan can vary based on the plug type and the vehicle’s usage.