







交通事故の撲滅を目指して、世界中の自動車メーカー各社がADAS (英: Advanced Driving Assistant System) と呼ばれる先進運転支援システムの開発と実用化を進めています。ADASは自車の走行状況を監視するとともに、周囲の車両や歩行者の動きや障害物の有無も監視します。そのために速度センサーの他に、カメラと画像解析装置、ミリ波レーダユニット、超音波ソナーユニットなど様々な車載機器を複合して活用します。

ADASの主要機能の一つが衝突被害軽減ブレーキです。これは、ADASの司令塔の役割を持つECU (英: Electronic Control Unit)が、衝突の危険性があると判断した状況下で、表示や音、ハンドルの振動などでドライバーに危険を知らせ、それでも危険が回避されない場合には、アクチェーターをコントロールして、ドライバーに代わってブレーキをかけます。

















Ethylene Diamine

What Is Ethylenediamine?

Ethylenediamine is a type of primary diamine, a clear liquid at room temperature with an ammonia odor. It is also known as 1,2-diaminoethane, 1,2-ethanediamine, and dimethylenediamine.

It is mainly used as a raw material for making other chemicals.

Uses of Ethylenediamine

Ethylenediamine is used as a synthetic raw material to make new chemicals because of its high reactivity with many compounds.

Examples in industrial fields include synthetic waxes, herbicides, surfactants, emulsifiers, wetting agents, dispersants, corrosion inhibitors, detergents, and textile surface treatments.

Examples in the medical field include drug synthesis as chemical stabilizers, such as antihistamines, and a wide range of applications, such as allergic epithelial patch testing to aid in the diagnosis of allergic dermatitis.

In the agrochemical field, it is also used in fungicides, insecticides, and herbicides.

Other applications include chelating agents, coatings, adhesives, ion exchange resin raw materials, and rubber chemicals.

Properties of Ethylenediamine

The chemical formula of ethylenediamine is NH2CH2CH2NH2, with one hydrogen atom attached to each of the two carbons of ethylene being replaced by an amine group. It has a molecular weight of 60.11, a density of 0.9 g/cc, a melting point of 8.5°C, a boiling point of 117°C, and is freely miscible with water and alcohols but slightly soluble in ether.

It is a strong base and will corrode attached tissues. When heated, it produces toxic fumes of nitrogen oxides and ammonia, so it should be handled with care.

Ethylenediamine has an unpleasant ammonia odor and can cause pain and irritation to the eyes, nose, throat, and respiratory system, and in rare cases can be life threatening.

In case of contact with eyes or skin, it is important to flush with plenty of water, seek medical attention, and move to fresh air if concentrated vapors are inhaled.

Other Information on Ethylenediamine

1. How Ethylenediamine Is Produced

Ethylenediamine is produced by the reaction of ethylene dichloride with ammonia or ammonia water. These raw materials are mixed and heated under pressure at 110°C to react.

ClCH2CH2Cl + 2NH3 / NH2H2CH2NH2 + 2HCl

The product obtained from the reaction is sent to a distillation column. There, unreacted ethylene dichloride is separated and returned to the reaction tank. In the distillation column, 40% caustic soda is shaken to neutralize the generated amine hydrochloride and ammonia chloride, and the excess ammonia that is released is returned to the reaction column for reuse.

Ethylenediamine and brine recovered from the bottom of the distillation column are sent to a separation tank, where the brine is separated from the ethylenediamine. It is purified in the rectifying column at atmospheric pressure and at 150~180℃. The residues are ethylenediamine and polyamine with boiling points of 200°C or higher. The ratio of ethylenediamine to polyamine above triamine is 2:1. 

2. Polymers of Ethylenediamine

Like ethyleneglycol, ethylenediamine exists in polymers (polyethyleneamines) such as dimers and trimers. These are also produced in the manufacturing process of ethylenediamine and are separated in the distillation process. They are represented by the general formula NH2-(CH2-CH2NH)n-H and include diethylenetriamine, triethylenetetetramine, tetraethylenepentamine, and pentaethylenehexamine.


Ethylene Oxide

What Is Ethylene Oxide?

Ethylene oxide is a two-carbon organic compound with a cyclic ether structure.

It is also known as epoxyethane, and oxirane. It is a gas at room temperature and is soluble in water and organic solvents.

Uses of Ethylene Oxide

Ethylene oxide is used either in its raw state or as a raw material for synthesizing other compounds.

In its raw state, ethylene oxide is used as powerful disinfectant. It is used in a disinfection process called ethylene oxide sterilization, and is effective in sterilizing items with low heat resistance that cannot withstand sterilization at high temperatures.

When used as a raw material for synthesis, it is often used as a raw material for polyethylene oxide, which is a polymerization of ethylene glycol and ethylene oxide. In addition, it is also used as a raw material for ethanolamine, ethylene carbonate, and alkyl ethers.

Because polyethylene oxide are highly hydrophilic, it can be combined with hydrophobic alkyl groups to form surfactants, which can be used as nonionic surfactants in detergents.

Characteristics of Ethylene Oxide

Ethylene oxide has the molecular formulaCH2CH2O, has the molecular weight of 44.05, and is a gaseous organic compound at room temperature and pressure, with a specific gravity of 0.8711 at 20°C. It has a flash point of -17.8°C, a boiling point of 10.7°C, and freezing point of -111.3°C. It is well soluble in water, acetone, ether, etc.

It has a cyclic ether structure, and ring-opening polymerization creates polyethylene oxide, a polyether. It generally reacts readily with active hydrogen compounds.

Other Information on Ethylene Oxide

1. Production Method of Ethylene Oxide

Ethylene oxide are synthesized by contact oxidation of ethylene with oxygen. Although air (mixed gas with nitrogen) can be substituted for oxygen, the oxygen method, which uses oxygen as the raw material, is currently the most common method.

A mixture of ethylene gas and oxygen (ethylene concentration 20~35%) is introduced into a multi-tube reaction column filled with a silver catalyst and reacted under conditions of 230~315℃ and pressure of 851~2,127kPa. Afterwards, ethylene oxide of high purity are obtained through several stages of washing and separation, followed by further distillation. The yield of this production method is about 80%.

Main reaction formula: C2H4 + 1/2O2 → C2H4O (ethylene oxide)
Sub-reaction: C2H4 + 3O2 → 2CO2 + 2H2O

The most common method is to oxidize ethylene with oxygen, but hydrolysis neutralization of ethylene chlorohydrin (C2H4ClOH) was also used. Although this method has high yield, it is no longer used because of its high cost and lower purity compared to the method of direct oxidation of ethylene.

2. Precautions for Ethylene Oxide

Ethylene oxide has fairly wide explosion range of 3.0~100%, and decomposition and explosion may occur even in the absence of oxygen. Not only is fire strictly prohibited, but it should be stored in a cool, well-ventilated, dark place out of direct sunlight.

Since its vapor density is heavier than air at 1.52, if it leaks, it will stay underfoot and the odor will likely go unnoticed. Strict control is essential because of the danger of explosion caused by the slightest addition of energy.

Ethylene oxide has been judged to be equivalent to “a substance known to be toxic to humans for reproduction” due to several reports of increased miscarriages from epidemiological studies, as well as clear effects such as germ cell mutagenicity from animal studies.

Other acute toxic effects include blistering if it adheres to the skin, keratitis may occur if it gets into the eyes, and inhalation of large amounts of the vapor may cause anesthetic effects and death. Protective eyewear, protective gloves, and gas masks for organic gases should be worn when handling this product.


Ethylene Glycol

What Is Ethylene Glycol?

Ethylene glycol is a water-soluble organic compound that is easily soluble in water and ethanol. It is stable and does not oxidize easily in air. Ethylene glycol is a clear, colorless liquid that is slightly viscous at room temperature, with a specific gravity of 1.11 and a boiling point of 197°C. Its flash points are 111°C and 398°C, respectively.

Toxic oxalic acid is produced if ethylene glycol is accidentally ingested and metabolized in the body, requiring careful handling.

Uses of Ethylene Glycol

Ethylene glycol is often mixed with water and used in antifreeze solutions due to its low melting point of about -13°C. It is also used as a raw material for further synthetic reactions and as an industrial raw material. For example, it is one of the main raw materials for PET resin, which is processed into polyester fiber.

Structure of Ethylene Glycol

The structure of ethylene glycol is relatively simple, consisting of two carbons each bonded to an -OH group, forming an ethylene moiety with two hydroxy groups. Ethylene glycol is a type of divalent alcohol, sometimes also known as “ethane-1,2-diol” or “1,2-ethanediol,” and is industrially synthesized from ethylene oxide. Its molecular formula is HO-CH2-CH2-OH.

Properties of Ethylene Glycol

Ethylene glycol’s properties are due to its molecular structure, which includes a hydrophobic ethylene moiety and two hydrophilic hydroxy groups. This combination makes it easily soluble in water despite being an organic compound. The -OH group in the molecule allows it to undergo further chemical reactions, synthesizing other compounds from ethylene glycol.

Other Information on Ethylene Glycol

Hazards of Ethylene Glycol

Ethylene glycol, a main raw material for polyester fiber, is also used to synthesize solvents for paints such as cellosolve. If accidentally swallowed, it is converted into oxalic acid in the body, which can cause kidney damage or even be fatal. The lethal dose varies with age and body weight but is about 100g on average for human consumption. Pets may accidentally ingest ethylene glycol due to its slightly sweet taste, posing a significant danger. Therefore, antifreeze containing ethylene glycol must be thoroughly controlled in the home.


Ethylene Gas

What Is Ethylene Gas?

Ethylene gas is a hydrocarbon consisting of two carbons linked by a double bond and is the simplest alkene structure.

It is stable as a gas at room temperature, but can also be produced industrially by thermal cracking of substances such as ethane, propane, and butane, or by cracking petroleum naphtha.

Uses of Ethylene Gas

Ethylene gas has two types of uses: used solely as is, and as a synthetic material for organic compounds.

1. Applications in Which Ethylene Gas Is Used As-Is

Ethylene gas is known to have various physiologically active effects as a plant hormone. Specifically, ethylene gas is used to suppress the ripening of bananas and kiwifruit as well as inhibit the sprouting of potato plants.

The main component of ethephon solution used as a plant growth regulator for fruit trees and tomatoes is an aqueous solution of 2-chloroethyl phosphonic acid, which decomposes to produce ethylene gas after being sprayed on plants.

2. Uses of Ethylene Gas as a Synthetic Material

Ethylene gas, with its simple structure and highly reactive double bonds, is used as a material for various low-molecular-weight and high-molecular-weight compounds.

Ethanol, ethylene oxide, and acetaldehyde are typical examples of low molecular weight compounds synthesized from ethylene gas.

  • Ethanol: raw material for cosmetics and paints
  • Ethylene oxide: Raw material for sterilization of medical instruments and ethylene glycol
  • Acetaldehyde: Raw material for fish preservatives and acetic acid

In addition, vinyl chloride and styrene, monomers synthesized from ethylene gas, are polymerized into polyvinyl chloride and polystyrene, respectively.

  • Polyvinyl chloride: Daily necessities, clothing, water pipes
  • Polystyrene: Parts for home appliances, building boards, tableware

Polymer Compounds
When ethylene gas is polymerized directly as a monomer, polyethylene is obtained. Polyethylene has a wide range of applications and is used in various packaging materials and plastic bags.

For example, copolymerization with vinyl acetate yields ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA), which is used as an adhesive, etc. When EVA is saponified, ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) is used as an oxygen barrier food packaging material.

Properties of Ethylene Gas

With a melting point of -169°C and a boiling point of -104°C, ethylene exists as a gas at room temperature. The specific gravity of ethylene is 0.975, which is close to that of air (specific gravity 1), and its color is colorless, making it difficult to distinguish it from air.

However, it is flammable and combustible, and fires can produce irritating or toxic gases, so it should be handled with care.

Ethylene gas is also found in nature and is known to be produced by vegetables and fruits.

How Ethylene Gas Is Produced

Ethylene gas is manufactured industrially. The most mainstream method involves the reaction of petroleum naphtha, which contains a variety of hydrocarbons, with steam at temperatures above 800°C. Ethylene gas is then separated from the hydrogen, ethylene, propylene, and aromatic compounds that are produced. Other methods include pyrolysis of ethane contained in shale gas.



What Is Ethylbenzene?

Ethylbenzene is an aromatic compound, a structural isomer of xylene. It is a clear, colorless liquid with a characteristic odor at room temperature. It is immiscible in water, but miscible in various organic solvents such as ethanol and ether.

Ethylbenzene is produced in the petrochemical industry through a catalytic reaction using benzene and ethylene as raw materials.

Uses of Ethylbenzene

Ethylbenzene is a type of lower alkylbenzene. It is generally made through a catalytic reaction using ethylene and benzene as raw materials. However, it may also be produced by separating it from xylene.

Ethylbenzene is mainly used as a raw material for styrene monomers. It is also used as a solvent for paints, adhesives, and inks. As mentioned above, xylene also contains a certain amount of ethylbenzene, and kerosene and gasoline also contain about 1% ethylbenzene.


Ethane Gas

What Is Ethane Gas?

Ethane gas is an organic compound with the molecular formula C2H6 and the structural formula CH3-CH3.

The molecule can rotate around its long axis and no isomers exist. Under standard conditions of temperature and pressure, it is a colorless, odorless gas with a boiling point of -88.5 °C and a melting point of -182.8 °C.

It is separated by distillation of natural gas, coal gas, and petroleum cracking gas. It is a colorless, odorless gas that is flammable and explosive.

Ethane gas alone is not widely used, but it is used as a raw material for ethylene in many petrochemical products.

History of Ethane Gas

Ethane gas was first synthesized by Michael Faraday in 1834 by electrolysis of an aqueous solution of potassium acetate. Naturally, ethane gas was discovered dissolved in Pennsylvania light oil by Edmund Ronald in 1864.

Properties of Ethane Gas

Ethane is insoluble in water and soluble in organic solvents. It is stable in both carbon-hydrogen and carbon-carbon bonds and is not highly reactive. It hardly reacts with oxidants, reducing agents, acids, and bases, but light irradiation and heating cause conversion reactions.

Also, when completely combusted, carbon dioxide and water are produced.
C2H6 + 7/2 O2 → 2 CO2 + 3 H2O

Process of Ethane Gas

Ethane is the second most abundant substance in natural gas after methane. Like other alkanes, it is industrially obtained by fractional distillation of natural gas. The content of ethane gas varies from less than 1% to more than 6%, depending on the gas field.

Before the 1960s, ethane and larger molecules in natural gas were not separated and were generally simply used as fuel along with methane. Today, ethane is an important petrochemical feedstock and is most often separated from other components in natural gas.

Specifically, ethane can be efficiently separated from methane by liquefying it at very low temperatures.

Ethane can also be separated from petroleum gas (a gaseous hydrocarbon mixture), which is a byproduct of oil refining.
In a laboratory setting, ethane gas is produced by electrolysis of an aqueous acetate solution.
2 CH3COONa + 2 H2O → C2H6 + 2 CO2 + H2 + 2 NaOH

Uses of Ethane Gas

Ethane is used as a raw material for various chemicals, especially in the production of ethylene. Ethylene is used as an intermediate product in the petrochemical industry, mostly as a raw material for synthetic fibers and organic chemical products. It is also used as a raw material for polyethylene bags, household goods made from polyvinyl chloride, clothing, insulation, electrical wire sheathing, water pipes, synthetic rubber, and many other products around us. Ethylene gas is also utilized for ripening vegetables and fruits.

Ethane gas may also be used as a fuel for power generation, either alone or mixed with natural gas.



  • What Is Ethanol?

Ethanol is a type of alcohol and an organic solvent used for sterilization and disinfection, as well as for a wide range of other purposes. It is highly volatile and must be sealed in a container and stored in a cool, dark place.

Uses of Ethanol

Ethanol is used in a wide variety of applications. Specific examples are as follows:

1. Disinfection

As a rubbing alcohol, ethanol is used to disinfect skin, medical instruments, surgical sites, and hospital walls and floors. Consumption has increased dramatically, especially since the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Disinfectant ethanol generally contains about 30% water in addition to ethanol. This concentration is considered adequate to effectively disinfect bacteria and viruses. The mixture of water makes it less volatile and increases the time that the disinfectant ingredients remain at the disinfection site, thereby enhancing the disinfection effect.

2. Solvent in Industrial Applications

Ethanol is used as a diluent for synthetic resin paints and coatings. In addition, anhydrous ethanol, with an ethanol concentration of 99.5% or higher, is sold at drugstores as a cleaning detergent, and can be purchased and used by the general public.

3. Food Additives

Fermented ethanol made from natural raw materials is used for food preservatives and seasonings such as mirin. Ethanol is also one of the main ingredients in alcoholic beverages, although this is not one of the uses of ethanol.

Ethanol is found in beer, wine, whiskey, sake, etc. It is produced through fermentation in the process of manufacturing alcoholic beverages.

Properties of Ethanol

Ethanol is a clear, colorless, flammable liquid with the chemical formula C2H5OH and molecular weight of 46.07. It has a low melting point of -114.1°C and a boiling point of 78.5°C. Its high volatility makes it easily vaporize even at room temperature. This property is useful when used in disinfectants and hair sprays.

Ethanol is also easily miscible with water and can be easily made into an aqueous solution. This property is important when ethanol is used as a base material for disinfectants and mouthwashes.

Its flash point is low at 12.0℃, and it ignites and burns at room temperature in the presence of an ignition source such as a spark. Even disinfectant ethanol (a 70% aqueous solution of ethanol), which is widely used in homes and public places, has a flash point of 21°C and must be handled with care.

Types of Ethanol

Ethanol can be classified into two types based on differences in raw materials and manufacturing methods: synthetic ethanol and bioethanol.

1. Synthetic Ethanol

Synthetic ethanol is ethanol synthesized from fossil fuels such as petroleum and natural gas. Unlike bioethanol, synthetic ethanol is produced without using renewable raw materials, and its environmental impact can be problematic.

Synthetic ethanol is made from fossil fuels and has the advantage of lower production costs and easier adjustment of production volumes compared to bioethanol.

However, there are concerns about its environmental impact in terms of CO2 emissions. In addition, fossil fuel reserves are limited, which limits its use as a sustainable fuel.

2. Bioethanol

Ethanol is produced by fermenting plant-derived raw materials (biomass). By using biomass, bioethanol is attracting attention as an environmentally friendly fuel that does not rely on fossil fuels.

Ethanol itself has the same properties, but because the raw materials used in its production are derived from plants, bioethanol has lower CO2 emissions than fossil fuels and is considered to be more environmentally friendly. In addition, since biomass is a renewable resource, it is one solution to the problem of fossil fuel depletion.

However, there are some challenges: harvesting and processing biomass requires energy, and the energy needed to produce bioethanol is dependent on fossil fuels.

Other Information on Ethanol

How Ethanol Is Produced

Synthetic ethanol is produced by reacting ethylene obtained from natural gas or petroleum with water.

C2H4 + H2O → C2H5OH

In this reaction equation, ethanol (C2H5OH) is produced by the reaction of ethylene (C2H4 ) and water (H2O). This reaction proceeds in the presence of an acid catalyst such as phosphoric acid or sulfuric acid immobilized on silica. The resulting ethanol is obtained as a mixture with water and byproducts, and can be purified through distillation, separation, and other processes to produce high-purity ethanol.

Bioethanol is produced by fermentation of plant-derived raw materials (biomass). Typical examples of biomass include sugarcane, corn, potatoes, sugar beets, and wood.

These raw materials are crushed to extract the fiber and sugars, and then fermented with yeast and other microorganisms. In this process, the sugars are converted to ethanol. From there, ethanol is concentrated through distillation and further purified to obtain bioethanol.



What Is Indole?

Indole is a nitrogen-containing heterocyclic organic compound with the molecular formula C8H7N.

The CAS No. of indole is 120-72-9. It has a molecular weight of 117.15, a melting point of 52-54°C, and a boiling point of 253-254°C. It has a strong pungent odor. It has a density of 1.22 g/cm3, an acid dissociation constant pKa of 16.2, and a base dissociation constant pKb of 17.6.

It is a substance produced as a breakdown product when bacteria break down tryptophan, a type of amino acid. It is also found in jasmine oil, coal tar, putrefactive proteins, and mammalian excrement.

Uses of Indole

The odor of indole are described as similar to that of feces, but in very low concentrations, the substance has a floral aroma. Natural jasmine oil is estimated to contain approximately 2.5% indole, but due to the high cost of natural oils, indole are also used in the production of synthetic jasmine oil.

The indole structure (indole ring) is also found in a variety of organic compounds, especially biological substances.

Some indole derivatives were used as components of important dyes until the end of the 19th century. The name indole are derived from “indigo,” a plant-derived dye substance. Chemically, indole are used to detect nitrite ions and as a raw material for organic synthesis (dyes, alkaloids, etc.), among other uses.

Properties of Indole

1. Properties of Indole

Indole is an organic compound consisting of a benzene ring fused with a pyrrole ring. Like pyrrole, indole are not base, since the lone electron pair of the nitrogen atom is responsible for the formation of the aromatic ring.

However, indole can be protonated by using a strong acid such as hydrochloric acid. In this case, the protonation occurs at the C3 position instead of the N1 position because it shows the same reactivity as enamine. group. Examples of indole chemistry include electrophilic substitution at the C-3 position, lithiation at the C-2 position, oxidation, and cycloaddition.

2. Group of Indole Derivatives

Indole rings are found in a variety of organic compounds. Typical examples include tryptophan and indole alkaloids.

Indole are susceptible to electrophilic substitution reactions at the 3-position, so 3-substituted derivatives are common. Typical examples are the neurotransmitters serotonin and melatonin, and alkaloids with hallucinogenic effects (eg, wheat alkaloids). Indole structures can also be seen in auxins (a type of plant hormone) such as indolyl-3-acetic acid and IAA, and in pharmaceuticals such as indomethacin (a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) and pindolol (a beta blocker).

3.Synthesis of Indole

Indole are major component of coal tar and can be obtained from distillation fractions at temperatures ranging from 220°C to 260°C. Although indoles and their derivatives can be synthesized in a variety of ways, but the main industrial synthetic route uses aniline and ethylene glycol as starting materials. The synthesis is carried out in the presence of a catalyst at temperatures between 200°C and 500°C. The reaction proceeds by gas phase reaction. Typical yields are around 60%.

Various other synthetic methods for the synthesis of indole and its derivatives has been reported, but the most famous synthetic methods include Fischer’s indole synthesis and Fukuyama’s indole synthesis.

Types of Indoles

Indole currently available in the market are mainly a reagent product for developmental research. The product is sold in capacities that are easy to handle in the laboratory, such as 1 g, 10 g, 25 g, 100 g, and 500 g. Depending on the manufacturer, indole may be stored at room temperature or handled as refrigerated storage.



What Is Inositol?

Inositol (chemical formula: C6H12O6) is a sugar alcohol biosynthesized from glucose. It is one of the bioactive substances deeply involved in cell proliferation and canceration, and is abundant in muscle and nerve cells.

Inositol is known as a vitamin-like substance and is a component of cell membranes. It exists in crystalline form at room temperature.

There are a total of nine stereoisomers, and myoinositol is usually referred to as inositol. This is because only myoinositol has biological activity and has been widely studied.

Uses of Inositol

Inositol is widely used in the production of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food additives.

1. Pharmaceuticals

Inositol is used as a liver function improver and as an antidepressant. It is also involved in calcium and lipid metabolism in the body and is used in the prevention and treatment of diabetes because of its effect on lowering blood sugar levels.

In addition, it is expected to improve polycystic ovary syndrome and panic disorder, and is being studied.

2. Supplements

Inositol binds to phosphoric acid in the body and acts on blood cholesterol and the nervous system of the brain. It has an effect of facilitating the elimination of fat, and is expected to prevent and improve lifestyle-related diseases.

In addition, inositol is often used as an additive in food supplements and foods to maintain normal nerve function and healthy hair.

Properties of Inositol

Inositol is a white crystalline powder with a molecular weight of 180.16 g/mol and a molecular formula of C6H12O6. It is well soluble in water, but its solubility in water varies greatly with temperature.

It is a sugar alcohol with half the sweetness of sucrose, and is naturally produced from glucose in the human body. The human kidneys produce about 2 g of inositol per day, and the organ in the human body with the highest concentration of inositol is the brain.

It plays an important role in binding neurotransmitters and some steroid hormones to their receptors.

Inositol was once considered a member of the B vitamin family and was called vitamin B8. However, it is not included in the essential nutrients list because it is produced from glucose in the human body.

Structure of Inositol

Inositol has a cyclohexanol structure with six hydroxy groups attached to the cyclohexane ring. This structure allows inositol to function as part of many naturally occurring biomolecules.

Inositol is a meso compound and is optically inert because of its symmetry plane. Formerly called meso-inositol, it is now commonly referred to as myo-inositol because of the existence of other meso-isomers.

Other naturally occurring stereoisomers besides myo-inositol include scyllo-, muco-, D-chiro-, L-chiro-, and neo-inositol, which occur in nature only in very small quantities. Of these, L-tyroinositol and D-tyroinositol are, as their names suggest, the only enantiomeric pairs; all others are meso compounds.

The myoinositol isomer takes the chair-shaped structure as its most stable conformation.

Other Information on Inositol

How Inositol is Produced

Inositol is widely biosynthesized in plants, animals, and bacteria. It is synthesized in plant and animal cells. Natural inositol can be extracted from plants, but industrially, microbial fermentation is the primary method used. Industrially, it is mostly produced from cornstarch and wort.

Carbohydrates such as glucose and sucrose from plant materials are used as substrates for fermentation by yeast and bacteria. The product is then extracted and purified to yield inositol.

Solvent extraction, resin adsorption, chromatography, and membrane separation are used as extraction methods.