

What Is a Granulator?


A granulator is a compacting device that solidifies powders, fine particles, or solutions into spheres or granules.

It is also called a pelletizer because it can produce granular pellets. In many cases, granulation rather than the powder itself, which is the raw material, is more advantageous for commercialization and other purposes. For this reason, it is often applied in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, foodstuffs, and other products.

Granulators are available in agitating and extruding types, depending on the type, nature, and size of the raw material. Basically, a binder, represented by a dispersion, is required for granulation.

Uses of Granulators

Granulators are widely used in pharmaceuticals, color materials, and other industrial applications because they can form fine particles into uniformly sized spheres or granules.

1. Pharmaceuticals

In the pharmaceutical field, Granulators are used to produce tablet granules from raw drug materials. In the case of colored materials, the advantage is that they are easier to handle after granulation rather than being sold as powder when sold as a product.

Granulators are also used in the production of desiccants to prevent agglomeration and moisture.

2. Food Industry

In the food industry, granulation is commonly used to prevent powdering, improve quick dissolution, and enhance shelf life. Granulators are also used in detergents to improve solubility in water and hot water and to facilitate weighing.

3. Industrial Fields

In the steel and glass industries, granulation is used to ensure stable blending and uniform reaction conditions. Granulators are also used in the chemical industry to improve flowability, prevent adhesion, and prevent contamination. They are also used to produce pellets for resin molding and processing.

Principle of Granulators

1. Granulation Mechanism

When raw materials are dispersed in a gas or liquid, mechanical operations such as rotors cause the raw materials and fluid to react, and particle agglomeration begins to occur due to inter-particle bonding. When dispersed droplets are used, the fine particles within the droplets undergo synthesis, polymerization, and agglomeration, and granulation proceeds within the droplets.

To facilitate these reactions, the mechanical manipulation of the powder is mixing or agitation. Since the effects of agglomeration are more likely to occur in a humid environment, granulation is performed in combination with humidification, aeration, and drying.

Since it is difficult to obtain the intended particle shape for relatively brittle powders with plasticity, molding methods such as extrusion and injection are used for granulation. Granulators using either method should be selected according to the type, size, and properties of the powder.

2. Classification of Granulation

Various classifications can be made based on the granulation mechanism. Classification of granulation methods includes dry granulation and wet granulation.

Dry Granulation
Dry granulation is a method of granulation that does not use water or binders, but instead increases the cohesive force of the material. Compression granulation, in which powder is compressed using rolls, is an example.

Wet Granulation
Wet granulation is a method of granulation that utilizes the adhesive force of water and binders. Examples include rolling granulation and extrusion granulation.

Wet granulation can also be classified into mixed granulation, forced granulation, and heat-assisted granulation.

  • Mixed Granulation
    Rolling granulation, agitation granulation, etc.
  • Forced Granulation
    Extrusion granulation, dry granulation, etc.
  • Heat-Utilized Granulation
    Melt granulation, dry granulation, etc.

Types of Granulators

There are various types of granulators, depending on the granulation method. Typical granulation operations include agitation, extrusion, rolling, and dry granulation.

1. Agitated Granulator

In the agitating type, the powder is agitated while the binder is dropped to granulate it into spherical particles. It is characterized by the high density of the granulated particles.

2. Extrusion Granulator

In the extrusion method, binder is added to the powder, mixed with water and other ingredients, and pressure is applied to extrude the powder through a number of holes to granulate it. Uniformity can be obtained, costs are favorable, and it is suitable for mass production.

Specifically, plunger extrusion, screw extrusion, and roller extrusion are available. 

3. Rolling Granulator

In rolling granulators, powder is continuously fed into a granulation container, such as a drum, and sprayed with water or other liquids to create granules. It is characterized by its easy control of particle size.

4. Dry Granulator

Dry granulator methods include compression granulation and briquette granulation. Compression granulation is a method in which the granules are compressed with rolls and then crushed into granules. It is used for the granulation of water-sensitive pharmaceuticals. 

5. Melt Granulation

In the melt granulation method, raw materials with a low melting point are melted by heat, and then cooled and solidified to form granules. It is not commonly used for pharmaceuticals.


T Wrench

What Is a T-Shaped Wrench?

A T-Shaped Wrench is a tool used to tighten or loosen a hexagonal bolt or nut. It does not need to be replaced like a spectacle wrench or a wrench, thus reducing the burden of continuous work.

Although there are ratchet wrenches that do not need to be replaced, T-shaped wrenches are faster once you learn how to turn them. Some holder type wrenches are easy to turn for DIY beginners.

Usage of T-Shaped Wrenches

T-Shaped Wrenches are used for tightening and loosening bolts or nuts during assembly and disassembly, both in daily DIY and in specialized fields such as machine maintenance. They are mainly used for tightening or loosening bolts or nuts that are located in spaces where a wrench or wrench cannot fit.

T-Shaped Wrenches are not suitable for cars with little space in the engine compartment because of the space required to turn the handle. However, it is an easy-to-use tool for maintenance of motorcycles and other vehicles with engines outside.

Principle of T-Shaped Wrenches

A T-shaped wrench has a shaft and a handle perpendicular to each other. The end of the shaft has a threaded socket for a hexagonal bolt or nut.

Some T-shaped wrenches have a pipe holder on the shaft to make it easier and faster to turn the shaft.

It is important to select the appropriate type of wrench for the situation, as they are easy to use even for DIY beginners.

Features of T-Shaped Wrenches

1. Quick Turning Leads to Improved Efficiency

Turning a T-shaped wrench quickly allows you to tighten or loosen a bolt or nut efficiently. The handle can be turned more than 360 degrees continuously, so there is no need to replace the wrench after turning it a certain degree, as is the case with other wrenches. 

2. Tightening a Bolt Or Nut In a Narrow Space

This wrench can be used for tightening bolts or nuts in places where the space to install the bolt is too narrow and there are obstacles that prevent a spectacle wrench or wrench from turning the bolt.

4. Even a Weak Person Can Tighten The Torque Relatively Easily

The T-shaped handle is easy to grip and apply pressure, making it possible for even a weak person to apply torque. Gripping the handle with both hands makes it easier to apply force.

How to select a T-Shaped Wrench

1. Standard Type

The key to selecting a T-shaped wrench is to consider the size and functionality of the wrench depending on the purpose of use.

Like a monkey wrench, a T-shaped wrench does not have a variable gripping width. Therefore, if the size is not correct, there will be a gap between the bolt and the nut, resulting in inadequate tightening.

The sizes range from 8 mm for the smallest to 28 mm for the largest, and it is convenient to have about 8 mm to 14 mm available. Shaft lengths range from 254 to 307.5 mm, and handle lengths from 200 to 300 mm. The larger the bolt size, the longer the shaft and handle.

For T-shaped wrenches, which are specialized for quicker turning than the standard type, a handle length of 130 mm is most suitable. The standard type has no moving parts, so it is less likely to break and more durable.

2. Flex Type

With this type the shaft and the screw hole part of the flex wrench are separate parts, connected by a link mechanism.

When working in tight spaces, it is sometimes difficult to get the shaft straight out from the bolt. In such a case, the flex type can tighten the bolt by pulling out the shaft at an angle. 

3. Socket Type

As with the flex type, the threaded hole at the end of the shaft is a separate part as a socket, but the socket type is used by replacing the socket to match the bolt. Since the movable part is located at the back, it is not as strong as the standard type.

Other Information on T-Shaped Wrenches

How to Use T-Shaped Wrenches

Make sure the size of the T-shaped wrench matches the size of the bolt or nut. Place the bolt in the threaded hole of the trench.

After installation, turn the shaft by hand so that the bolt is inserted 3-4 turns. One hand should lightly support the shaft while the other hand should lightly hold the handle and turn it. The key is to continue until the handle is no longer turning vigorously.

Finally, tighten the handle by grasping it firmly. When turning, support the shaft so that it is vertical, and when tightening, hold the shaft straight against the bolt or nut and tighten firmly.

Be careful not to tighten the shaft at an angle, as it will not tighten properly.


Nut Driver

What Is a Nut Driver?

Nut Drivers

A nut driver, also known as a box or socket driver, is primarily used to turn hex screws, nuts, and bolts. It features a long shaft and strong torque, making it suitable for tightening nuts and bolts in narrower and deeper spaces compared to other screwdrivers. It’s important to select a nut driver that matches the nut’s standard.

Uses of Nut Drivers

Nut drivers are tools for tightening nuts and bolts, used across various applications.

They are commonly used for tightening hexagon nuts, which are found in numerous settings such as construction sites, industrial facilities, bicycle wheels, and behind traffic signs. Nut drivers, therefore, find their utility in diverse scenarios, including construction and bicycle maintenance.

This tool is easy to use with one hand and is widely available, even in dollar stores, making it a frequent choice for home use.

How to Select a Nut Driver

When selecting a nut driver, consider the following points:

  • Standards: Nut drivers come in millimeter-standard and inch-standard sizes. The millimeter standard is prevalent in Japan, whereas the inch standard is common for nuts produced in the United States. Choose a nut driver that matches the nut’s sizing standard.
  • Socket Depth: Nut driver sockets come in short and long depths. Short sockets fit snugly and prevent corner stripping but are not suitable for nuts with long threaded shafts. Long sockets are versatile, accommodating nuts with protruding screw shafts.
  • Shaft Shape: Nut driver shafts are either round or hexagonal. Round shafts are accurate and quick, ideal for one-handed operation. Hexagonal shafts can apply high torque and are better for tightly fitting nuts.

Solar Generator

What Is a Solar Generator?

Solar Generator

A solar generator is a power generation device that converts the sun’s light energy into electricity.

Unlike thermal power generation using fossil fuels, it is a renewable energy source with no risk of energy depletion and produces clean power without emitting greenhouse gases during generation.

While thermal, hydroelectric, nuclear, wind, and other types of power generators generate electricity by rotating turbines and other equipment to drive generators, solar generator use solar cells to convert sunlight directly into electricity.

There are two types of solar generator, grid-connected and stand-alone, and the system configuration differs depending on the type of use.

Uses of Solar Generator

Solar generators are becoming increasingly popular in various locations as a low-carbon power generation device that does not emit greenhouse gases and as a next-generation power generation device that will improve energy self-sufficiency in resource-poor Japan.

Solar generators are being used on a variety of scales and in a variety of applications, including large-scale equipment that sells all electricity generated by solar power generation as a business. They are also used for household equipment that normally consumes its own electricity and sells it to the power company when power generated exceeds power consumption. Also small-scale equipment that is not connected to power company distribution lines and provides power for traffic signs, streetlights, etc. They are used on a variety of scales and in a variety of applications.

Principle of Solar Generator

The most important part of a solar generator is the photovoltaic cell.

Currently, silicon solar cells are the most common type of photovoltaic cell, with a structure consisting of a p-type semiconductor and an n-type semiconductor junction.

When sunlight strikes the p-n junction semiconductor, the electrons in the semiconductor are excited by the light energy and become free electrons. After the free electrons leave, a positive charge, a hole, is generated, and the hole moves to the p-type semiconductor, while the free electron moves to the n-type semiconductor. This is the principle of operation of a photovoltaic cell.

The configuration of solar generator differs between the grid-connected type, which is connected to the power company’s distribution line network, and the stand-alone type, which is not connected to the grid.

Grid-connected solar generator consist of solar module, which is a package of solar cells, a power conditioner that converts the DC power generated by the solar module into AC power, a step-up transformer that raises the output voltage of the power conditioner to the voltage of the power company’s distribution line network, and a power meter that measures the amount of power bought and sold to and from the power company. The system consists of a watt-hour meter that measures the amount of electricity sold and purchased with the power company.

Stand-alone solar power generation equipment consists of solar cell modules and connection circuits. If the power is supplied to an AC load, such as a fluorescent lamp, an inverter circuit must be inserted before connecting it to the load; if the power is supplied to a DC load, such as an LED, the DC power generated by the solar cells is supplied directly.

Photovoltaic Panels Account For About 47% Of the Cost of a Photovoltaic Installation.

Photovoltaic panels account for about 47% of the cost of a photovoltaic power generation system, with installation costs closing in at 28%.

Breakdown (2100 USD)

  • Solar panels: 900 USD
  • Installation cost: 500 USD
  • Power conditioner: 300 USD 
  • Frame: 250 USD 
  • Others: 150 USD



Die Head

What Is a Die Head?

Die heads, doughnut-shaped tools, are attached to pipe threading machines used in plumbing construction and similar applications. They can be easily affixed to both automatic and manual threading machines.

Equipped with threading blades (known as chasers), die heads are fastened to threading machines for cutting threads on pipes.

The advantage of using die heads is the versatility they offer: a single threading machine can handle various pipe diameters simply by swapping out the die head.

How to Use Die Heads

When using a die head, ensure it is securely attached to the pipe, aligning the chaser according to the required diameter and direction.

Once the die head with the chaser is affixed to the threading machine, double-check the fixation to ensure it’s properly secured.

For manual feed-off die heads, unlike automatic ones, the operator must closely monitor and control the feed-off timing.

How to Select a Die Head

To select the appropriate die head, consider four key factors:

  • The type of threading machine (automatic or manual).
  • The outer diameter of the pipe.
  • Whether the cut-off is automatic or manual.
  • The pipe material (such as steel pipe or stainless steel).

It’s important to use a die head that is specifically designed for the chosen automatic threading machine.

For pipe threading, “A” designations are used in the millimeter system, and “B” designations in the inch system. For instance, a 34 mm outer diameter pipe is nominally referred to as 25A (or 1B), and a corresponding die head should be selected. In the inch series, common names are also used.

Many die heads are adjustable to fit various pipe diameters, with a wide range available, from the smallest (8A to 10A) to the largest (65A to 100A). Additionally, the pipe material, especially stainless steel, may necessitate different types of die heads.



What Is a Grinder?


A grinder is a processing machine used primarily for surface finishing and other polishing processes.

Various polishing methods exist, requiring appropriate grinding wheels and abrasives. Depending on the grinding method, the workpiece may be placed close to a high-speed rotating grinding wheel, so it is necessary to work with care to avoid burns from sparks or being caught in the grinder during the operation.

Uses of Grinders

Grinders are mainly used to finish the surfaces of parts, but they can also be used for rough polishing to remove burrs. In addition to surface finishing, polishing is also used to finish the inside of cylindrical parts. This is because the smoothness of the polished surface improves the sliding properties of the parts.

Polishing is also used for cylinders, rail sliders, and many other parts that perform sliding movements. Recently, there are many desktop size grinders available, which are increasingly being used for polishing silver jewelry and removing burrs from plastic models at home, as well as in factories.

Principle of Grinders

Abrasive grains contained in grinding wheels and abrasives used for polishing exert an effect similar to that of small blades, gradually shaving off the workpiece. The most typical type of polishing is “grinding wheel polishing,” in which the workpiece is polished by placing it against a grinding wheel rotating at high speed.

Although this is a very simple polishing method, it requires a great deal of skill because the finish varies depending on small differences in the force and angle at which the workpiece is pressed against the grinding wheel. In addition, as processing proceeds, the grinding wheel itself wears out and is shaved away, so it must be replaced with a new grinding wheel at the appropriate time while monitoring the amount of wear and tear on the grinding wheel. In principle, filing with sandpaper is similar, but more efficient.

A similar procedure exists for “buffing,” in which polishing is performed using a “buff” made of soft material such as cotton or felt instead of a whetstone. It is more effective in smoothing surfaces than whetstone polishing and is used for mirror finishing. On the other hand, polishing takes time, so it is not suitable for applications that involve reducing the thickness of the workpiece.

Since grinders work by moving the workpiece close to an object rotating at high speed, care must be taken to avoid injury during operation. In particular, when polishing with gloves, there is a possibility that frayed threads could get caught in the high-speed rotating parts. Even with a small grinder, the force of entrapment is so great that it is dangerous and can lead to serious injury. Also, depending on the material of the workpiece, sparks may be generated upon contact with the grinding wheel, so care must be taken to avoid burns.

Other Information on Grinders

1. Stainless Steel Surface Treatment by Electrolytic Grinder

Stainless steel is a metallic material with rust and corrosion resistance and heat resistance due to the several-nanometer-thick passive film formed on its surface by bonding with oxygen in the atmosphere. However, if the proper surface condition is not maintained due to machining, surface finishing, transportation, or storage, the passive film will not form evenly, resulting in defective products.

Electropolishing is a process that aims to cleanly remove impurities and roughness from the surface of stainless steel and form a passivation film with high properties. In a stainless steel electropolisher, the surface is electrochemically dissolved and cleaned in microns by passing a direct current through the stainless steel to be polished as an anode in an electropolishing solution.

Rough surface convexities are preferentially dissolved to reduce surface roughness, and defects that are difficult to remove by normal polishing, such as burr coverings and underlying voids caused by polishing or machining, can be smoothed out. It is also highly productive because the processing method is simple, and depending on the size of the electrolytic solution tank, large amounts of polishing can be performed.

Passive film has excellent corrosion resistance and heat resistance, but its thickness is thin and weak at only a few nanometers, so the smoother the stainless steel surface, the more uniform and highly adherent the film will be. Electropolishing is an important process to maximize the characteristics of stainless steel.

2. Electrolytic Combined Grinder

Electrolytic combined polishing, which combines physical polishing with abrasives, is effective when an even smoother surface than electropolishing is required. A rotating polishing disc is used as a cathode, and the surface of the workpiece is subjected to electrolytic solution and electric current while it is being moved and polished.

The passive film on the convex surface is mechanically removed and the metal is eluted from it, resulting in smoother polishing than when electrolytic and mechanical polishing are performed independently. The feature of this process is that it can achieve roughness on the order of nanometers.

Because it can polish not only flat surfaces but also curved surfaces such as pipes, it is widely used for semiconductor manufacturing-related parts, piping, valves, and medical equipment that require precision and durability.


Tablet Making Press

What Is a Tablet Making Press?

The term “tablet-making press” refers to the process of tablet-making, which is widely known in the pharmaceutical industry. The equipment for this tablet-making process is a tablet-making press, also known as a rotary-forming machine.

The powder of the mixed material for tablets is automatically released and fed into the hole of a mortar which is a metal mold. A pair of metal molds called pestles presses the material from above and below to form it into the shape of tablets, which are then taken out as pills.

This process is performed continuously while the machine rotates, enabling mass production of tablets.

Uses of Tablet Making Presses

Tablet-making presses are used for a wide variety of applications, including general tablets used in pharmaceuticals and supplements, confectionery such as candy and gum, cleaning agents, magnets, batteries, and catalysts.

In addition, there is a wide variety of shapes to be formed according to the application, including not only single-layer structures but also multiple-layer structures such as two-layer and three-layer multiple-layer structures, specially shaped products, and chip-in tablets.

Principle of Tablet Making Press

A normal tablet-making press has three processes: filling raw powder, compressing and forming into tablet form, and taking out the product.

In the pharmaceutical and other industries where mass production with high production efficiency is required, rotary tablet-making presses are used because they can perform these processes seamlessly and continuously.

One of the most common problems seen with tablet-making presses in production is what is known as tablet-making press failure, where defective tablets are produced.

This can happen due to an excess or deficiency in the quantity of binder present in the raw material powder. This can lead to issues like lamination, where the intermediate layer of the tablet separates, or picking, where the tablet ingredients adhere to the surface of the pestle. These problems can result in the production of defective products, such as tablets with circular peeling.

Countermeasures against these problems include appropriate control of the material composition ratio of the raw powder, control of the amount of material fed into the mortar, and distribution of the binding agent on the tablet surface.

Furthermore, to facilitate the efficient production of a diverse range of products in small quantities, there is a wide array of tablet-making presses available. These include machines with multifunctional capabilities for tablets of various shapes, high-speed performance models, and those equipped with special containment specifications for tablets that may have toxicity concerns.


Heat Resistant Steel

What Is Heat Resistant Steel?

Heat Resistant Steel

Heat-resistant steel (SUH = Steel Use Heat) is a type of alloy steel used to maintain oxidation resistance, corrosion resistance, and strength in environments exposed to high temperatures.

It contains elements such as chromium, nickel, tungsten, and cobalt. It is classified into four types according to its structure: austenitic, martensitic, ferritic, and precipitation hardening.

Heat-resistant steel includes not only steel but also stainless steel (SUS) containing chromium.

Uses of Heat Resistant Steel

Heat-resistant steel maintains its strength at high temperatures, making it a primary choice for applications such as engine valves, turbine blades, furnaces, burners, and other components that are consistently exposed to high heat.

It is also used in disc brakes for automobiles and motorcycles to withstand frictional heat. Furthermore, it is widely used in rotor shafts, bolts, bearings, and other indispensable components in automobile manufacturing.

Applications and properties vary depending on the chromium and nickel content.

Characteristics of Heat Resistant Steel

Heat-resistant steel has four types of structures: austenitic, martensitic, ferritic, and precipitation hardening, each of which has different applications and properties.

Austenitic steels are composed of chromium steel with nickel added. They maintain their microstructure even at room temperature and are characterized by excellent corrosion resistance. It is used in household products, construction, LNG tanks, nuclear facilities, etc.

The martensitic type is a microstructure obtained by cooling austenite rapidly and is characterized by hardness and brittleness. Due to its wear resistance, it is used for bearing components within bearings and for blades.

The ferritic type is inexpensive because it does not contain nickel, but it has the disadvantage of inferior corrosion resistance and strength compared to the austenitic type. It is used for indoor kitchen equipment that does not require much corrosion resistance.

Precipitation hardening type is characterized by low distortion due to heat treatment at low temperatures while maintaining strength, and is less prone to age-related deterioration, such as baking cracks caused after heat treatment.


Angle Vise

What Is an Angle Vise?

Angle Vises are tools used in metalworking and woodworking to hold materials firmly in place when drilling, milling, or cutting at a specific angle. They are usually mounted on a drilling or milling machine and have an adjustable mouthpiece to hold materials of different sizes and shapes.

Angle Vises feature the ability to hold material at a specific angle (usually 0 to 90 degrees). Angled holes or shapes can be accurately drilled or cut. Vises can be adjusted to different angles by rotating the base or tilting the mouthpiece, depending on the design.

Angle Vises are commonly used in metalworking and woodworking, but they are also useful in other applications such as jewelry making, electronics, and DIY.

Uses of Angle Vises

Angle Vises are used to hold material firmly at a specific angle during drilling, milling, or cutting. They are designed to provide stability and precision in drilling and cutting operations by gripping the material firmly and preventing it from moving or shifting during the operation.

Angle Vises are often used in metalworking and woodworking to precisely create angled holes and shapes. They are especially useful when working with materials that require a high degree of precision, such as in the machining of metal parts and furniture joints.

Because the angle of the vise can be adjusted, it is possible to make various angled cuts and holes in materials without using complicated and expensive machinery. This makes angle vises a versatile tool that can be used for a wide range of applications, from simple DIY work to more complex industrial applications.

Principle of Angle Vise

Angle Vises work by holding material firmly in place while drilling, milling, or cutting at a specific angle. They typically consist of an adjustable mouth that grips the material and a base that allows the mouth to be set at various angles.

Depending on the vise design, the angle is adjusted by rotating the base and tilting the mouthpiece. This allows precise and accurate drilling and cutting of angled holes and shapes.

Types of Angle Vises

There are several types of angle vises, each designed to suit specific needs and requirements.

The most common types of angle vises include the following:

1. Standard Angle Vises

The most basic type of angle vise, the angle can be adjusted by opening and closing the base and mouth sections. They are generally used for drilling and milling at angles up to 90 degrees.

2. U-Shaped Angle Vise With Tilting Function

This type of vise has a base that allows the mouthpiece to slide in a semicircle so that the mouthpiece can be set at any angle between 0 and 90 degrees.

3. Rotary Angle Vise

The rotating angle vise has a base that can rotate, allowing the mouthpiece to be tilted and rotated.

4. Multi-Angle Vise

Multi Angle Vises have a ball joint on the main body stock and can be rotated 360 degrees and can also be angled vertically.

5. Precision Angle Vises

Precision Angle Vises are designed for precision drilling and milling applications where accuracy is critical. They usually have a fine adjustment mechanism and can be angled very precisely.

How to Select an Angle Vise

When choosing an angle vise, there are several factors to consider to ensure that it is the right vise for your specific needs and requirements.

1. Size

The size of the vise should be selected to match the size of the material to be worked. Vises that are too small will not grip the material firmly, while vises that are too large may be bulky and inconvenient to maneuver.

2. Angle Range

Consider the range of angles that the vise can be adjusted, typically from 0 to 90 degrees.

3. Material

The vise material should be selected based on the type of material being worked with. For example, a vise made of cast iron is suitable for working with wood, while a vise made of hardened steel is suitable for working with metal.

4. Width of Vise Mouth

The width of the vises mouthpiece should be selected based on the size of the material to be worked. Wider vises can handle larger materials, while narrower vises can firmly grip smaller materials.

5. Precision

For applications where precision is critical, a precision angle vise may be required. These vises have a fine adjustment mechanism that allows the angle to be set very precisely.


Bench Vise

What Is a Bench Vise?

A Bench Vise is a type of vise in which the clamp is attached to a workbench. They are used for metal and wood processing and assembly. They are similar to horizontal vises or lead vises that are bolted to a workbench, but they are completely different in use.

As it is also called a mounting vise, its advantage is that it is removable, so the mounting location can be changed according to the material, application, and work environment. Since most vises are small and lightweight, they are suitable for fixing relatively small materials.

Usage of Bench Vises

Bench Vises are used in a wide range of applications, from general DIY to professional settings such as metalworking, building and construction, and arts and crafts. By holding the material to be processed in place, these tools are used to perform metalworking and woodworking operations accurately and safely.

For detailed work such as sanding and gluing, the bench vise allows you to concentrate on your work without stress.

Compared to ordinary clamps such as C- or L-shaped clamps, which are used as stand-alone tools and hold only the material or the material and workbench, the bench vise is used by clamping the material to the mouthpiece while it is secured to the workbench.

Principle of Bench Vises

The bench vise is securely fastened to a stable workbench using the clamps  integrated into the main body. Mounting the bench vise on an unstable surface is dangerous as it may cause it to fall.

Turn the handle to open the mouthpiece. Place the material to be processed between the clamps and turn the handle again to tighten and secure. It is essential that the material between the two not wobble or lift up. If the material is soft or vulnerable to damage, place a piece of cloth between the mouthpiece and the workpiece to prevent deformation or damage to the workpiece.

Features of Bench Vise

Bench Vises are characterized by the fact that they are removable and can be mounted in different locations depending on the work environment. Steel vices are sturdy, but are inconvenient in terms of portability. Conversely, aluminum vices are lightweight but not suitable for processing heavy materials. Therefore, it is necessary to choose one that suits the material to be processed and the work environment.

How to Select a Bench Vise

When choosing a bench vise, select one that is suitable for your working environment and purpose in terms of maximum opening size, material of the main body, functionality, and maximum tightening pressure.

1. Maximum Opening Size

The maximum opening size refers to the maximum width of the mouthpiece when the handle is used to loosen all the screws and widen the mouthpiece. Since the material is secured by tightening the screws, select the one whose maximum opening size is wider than the size of the material. 

2. Material of the Body

A Bench Vise with a steel body is characterized by its sturdiness, stability, and strong clamping force for the material to be processed. However, due to their weight, they are not suitable for sites where frequent carrying is required.

Bench Vises with aluminum alloy bodies are characterized by their light weight and ease of handling and carrying. However, the main body of bench vise may be deformed if heavy workpieces are secured or strong force is applied.

Steel nature is excellent in fire resistance, making it suitable for work that generates heat or uses fire. It is important to check the fireproof temperature and select the appropriate one for the work.

3. Functionality

A rotary bench vise with a swivel base on top of a clamp attached to the workbench allows you to change the direction in which the material to be processed is fixed. This allows work to be performed at various angles, making it ideal for use when the workspace is small or special processing is required.

Since familiarity is required, the fixed type is recommended for beginners instead of the rotary type. If an anvil is attached, it is possible to use a hammer or other tool for striking work.

Some of them also have a pipe vice function to hold cylindrical workpieces such as pipes. 

4. Maximum Clamping Pressure

The maximum clamping pressure is the pressure applied to the material when the handle is turned to clamp and secure the material. Check the maximum clamping pressure according to the material to be processed.