
Inside Diameter Gauge

What Is an Inside Diameter Gauge?

Inside Diameter Gauges

An inside diameter gauge is a versatile device used for measuring the internal diameter of a cylinder or hole.

Many products feature holes for mounting or tubes for wiring. Inside diameter gauges are employed to accurately measure their size and dimensions. While devices like calipers and micrometers can measure inside diameters, a tool specifically designed for this purpose is referred to as a “hole test.”

An accurate reading can be obtained by adjusting the thickness with a dial and matching it to the inside diameter. Measurements can be made with precision down to several micrometers. There are two types available: an “analog type” that visually displays the value and a “digital type” that calculates the value automatically.

Uses of Inside Diameter Gauges

Inside diameter gauges find applications in a wide range of situations, particularly in measuring the inside diameter of products manufactured or processed in factories. The manufacturing process often requires holes of various sizes for connecting parts and routing wiring.

Accurate measurements are crucial because even slight variations in hole sizes can lead to connection problems, malfunctions, or defects. Hole tests excel at providing precise measurements with an accuracy of a few micrometers, making them suitable for rapid measurement of hole and tube inside diameters. They are also valuable for accurately measuring threaded holes to ensure strong connections and enhance safety.

Principles of Inside Diameter Gauges

Numerous devices are available for measuring inside diameters. We will explain the structure and features of the Hole Test as an example.

The Hole Test is an instrument used to measure inside diameter by inserting it into a hole and employing two or three measuring elements. As the dial is turned, the measuring elements gradually expand and stop when they contact the inside of the hole. By measuring this position, the inside diameter can be determined. The advantages of the Hole Test include:

  • Highly accurate measurements that are relatively easy to obtain.
  • Consistent measurements with minimal variation.
  • Stable measurements, especially for larger inside diameters (greater than a specific size), due to measurements at three points.

However, there are also disadvantages, such as:

  • High cost.
  • Calibration requirements.
  • A limited measurement range, necessitating multiple units for various needs.

The Hole Test is a sensitive device with a higher price point. It requires calibration before measurement, which can be time-consuming. Furthermore, it has limitations on the types and sizes of holes it can measure, often necessitating the use of multiple Hole Tests depending on the application.

Types of Inside Diameter Gauges

Inside diameter gauges can be broadly classified into three types: Hole Test / Borematic, Inside Micrometer, and Cylinder Gauge.

  1. Hole Test / Borematic

The Hole Test / Borematic, also known as an inside micrometer or 3-point micrometer, measures the inside diameter by contacting it at three points. For smaller bores (6 mm or less), a two-point contact is used due to structural limitations. Some digital models of borematics are referred to as ABS borematics, as they do not require origin adjustment each time the power is turned on.

  1. Inside Micrometer

An inside micrometer measures the inside diameter by touching both ends of the diameter. It measures only the length of the diameter. By adding rods, it is possible to measure larger bore diameters. However, since two points are in contact, care must be taken to prevent measuring point misalignment, especially in deep bores. Measurement must be perpendicular to the bore’s center axis.

  1. Cylinder Gauge

Similar to the inside micrometer, the cylinder gauge measures at two points. It is suitable for measuring small holes where the main body of the instrument cannot enter the hole. Only the measuring element enters the hole, and the dial and other parts displaying the measured value can be read outside the hole. These inside diameter gauges are ideal for measuring small and deep holes.


Roller Clutch

What Is a Roller Clutch?

A roller clutch, resembling a bearing in shape, functions as a clutch, allowing rotational movement in only one direction. These clutches are a specific type of one-way clutches, a broader product group.

Several bearing manufacturers in Japan produce one-way clutches, including those integrated into pulleys.

Uses of Roller Clutches

Roller clutches are commonly used in fishing rod reels, where they allow the line to move only in the reeling direction. They can also be installed in gearboxes or other key gears to prevent reverse rotation.

For installation, the clutch is incorporated into the housing component and inserted into the shaft, ensuring correct orientation for the desired rotational direction.

Principles of Roller Clutches

Comprising an outer ring, rollers, springs, and retainers, roller clutches engage smoothly in the rotatable direction like bearings. In the locked direction, rollers mechanically lock after slight rotation, preventing further rotation in the non-rotatable direction.

Bearing manufacturers offer a variety of roller clutches, catering to different applications and housings, including models with unique clutch functions or external gears and pulleys.


Screw Thread Insert

What Is a Screw Thread Insert?

A screw thread insert is a component designed to create strong, durable threads in materials where direct threading is difficult or impractical. These inserts provide a way to strengthen or repair female threads in base materials that are too weak to support a tapped thread or where the existing thread has been damaged. Functioning much like a nut, they offer a threaded interior that mates with a corresponding male thread.

Thread inserts can also act as bushings to fill the gap between a bolt and the base material. Various types are available, often referred to by brand names such as E-sert, Helicoil, and Ensert, with specific types designed for use in metal or plastic substrates.

The drive for lighter components has led to the increased use of thread inserts, enabling the fastening of lightweight materials without sacrificing thread strength or integrity.

Applications of Screw Thread Inserts

Thread inserts are particularly useful in materials with low strength, like plastics, where creating durable internal threads for screw fastening is challenging. While self-tapping screws can be used after drilling a pilot hole, they may not support repeated disassembly and reassembly, making thread inserts a preferred solution for maintaining thread integrity.

In metal parts, thread inserts are beneficial for small-diameter threads (e.g., M3) or where minimal thread engagement is available, as they help prevent damage from over-tightening. They are also an effective solution for repairing stripped or damaged threads, allowing for the restoration of the original thread size and strength.

Principle of Screw Thread Inserts

Screw thread inserts, such as coiled E-serts and Enserts for metal, are installed into a pre-tapped hole using a special tool or directly screwed into a drilled hole, respectively. This process creates a durable female thread in the base material. E-serts, for example, may require careful handling to prevent dislodgement through repeated use, whereas Enserts offer stronger threads and are commonly used for repairs.

Types of Screw Thread Inserts

1. Coil Type

The coil type is a popular choice, made from coiled wire that easily accommodates pitch variations, providing flexibility in application.

2. Self-Tap Type

Self-tap inserts eliminate the need for pre-tapped holes, allowing direct insertion into a prepared hole, and simplifying installation.

3. Press-Fit Type

Press-fit inserts do not require screwing but are instead secured through press-fitting into the base material, offering a permanent solution.

Using Screw Thread Inserts

How to Install Screw Thread Inserts

Installation typically involves four steps, though specific procedures can vary by insert type. First, drill a hole of the correct diameter for the insert. Next, tap a thread into the hole if necessary. Then, verify the threading with a gauge to ensure compatibility. Finally, insert the thread, completing the process with any necessary finishing touches, such as removing installation tabs.


Degreasing Cleaner

What Is a Degreasing Cleaner?

Degreasing Cleaners

A degreasing Cleaner is a cleaning agent specifically formulated for powerful penetrating and degreasing abilities. They are designed to remove substances like oil and wax, and some varieties also eliminate light rust and prevent corrosion. These cleaners are safe on textiles, leaving no residue and not causing damage.

For enhanced cleaning effects, degreasing cleaners can be used with a sprayer or in conjunction with steam cleaning methods.

Applications of Degreasing Cleaner

Degreasing cleaners have broad applications across various fields:

1. Industrial Fields

Used extensively in industrial environments for cleaning metal parts and machinery. They are effective in removing oil and grease from auto engine parts, machine gears, and bearings.

2. Medical Field

Employed for cleaning and sterilizing medical equipment and instruments in hospitals and dental clinics.

3. General Household

Commonly used in households for cleaning kitchen utensils, effectively removing grease and burnt-on deposits.

Principle of Degreasing Cleaner

Degreasing Cleaners work through their composition of emulsifiers, dispersants, and surfactants:

1. Emulsifiers

Facilitate the mixing of oil or fat with water, dispersing them into tiny particles for emulsification.

2. Dispersants

Disperse contaminants into microscopic particles, detaching them from surfaces for removal.

3. Surfactants

Reduce surface tension between water and oil, enhancing the water’s ability to penetrate and effectively remove stains.

Types of Degreasing Cleaners

Degreasing cleaners vary based on their composition:

1. Hydrocarbon-Based Cleaning Agents

Mainly composed of petroleum-derived solvents like trichloroethylene, these cleaners dissolve oil and fat and are effective for cleaning metal parts. They are efficient but regulated due to environmental concerns.

2. Organic Solvent-Based Cleaning Agents

Comprising organic compounds such as alcohols, ketones, and ethers, these cleaners excel in removing oily stains and are widely used in industrial cleaning.

3. Alkaline Cleaning Agents

Consisting mainly of alkaline substances like sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide, these agents are effective but can cause rust and discoloration in metal parts.

Other Information on Degreasing Cleaner

Disposal of Degreasing Cleaner

Proper disposal of degreasing cleaners, whether hydrocarbon-based or alkaline, is essential to prevent environmental harm. Recommendations often include incineration or specialized waste disposal methods.


Nitrogen Generator

What Is a Nitrogen Generator?

Nitrogen Generators

A nitrogen generator is a device designed to produce nitrogen gas, predominantly used in various industries and laboratories.

These generators are essential for processes requiring a steady supply of nitrogen gas, enhancing process stability and efficiency. They generate nitrogen from the atmosphere, offering a cost-effective alternative to other nitrogen supply methods. Additionally, the absence of high-pressure gas cylinders improves safety during handling.

It’s crucial to ensure proper ventilation when using nitrogen generators, as nitrogen gas is colorless and odorless and can accumulate in enclosed spaces.

Applications of Nitrogen Generators

Nitrogen generators are versatile and find applications in various sectors:

1. Electronics Industry

Used in semiconductor manufacturing, these generators provide an oxygen- and moisture-free environment, essential for producing high-quality electronic components.

2. Food Industry

Nitrogen gas prolongs food freshness by preventing oxidation. It’s used in packaging and storage to maintain food quality, particularly for long-term preservation.

3. Medical Field

Used for cryotherapy and biological tissue preservation, liquid nitrogen generators play a vital role in various medical applications.

4. Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industry

In chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturing, nitrogen gas helps control oxidation reactions, crucial for maintaining product quality.

Principle of Nitrogen Generators

Nitrogen generators operate using different techniques:

1. Membrane Separation

Separates nitrogen and oxygen from air using a selective membrane, extracting nitrogen molecules.

2. Ammonia Decomposition

Generates nitrogen by heating ammonia (NH3), which decomposes into nitrogen and hydrogen gases.

3. Cooling

Separates nitrogen by cooling air, leveraging the distinct boiling points of nitrogen, oxygen, and argon.

How to Select a Nitrogen Generator

Consider the following when choosing a nitrogen generator:

1. Generation Method

Choose a generation method (air separation, ammonia decomposition, etc.) that suits your application’s needs.

2. Gas Pressure

Select a generator capable of producing the required gas pressure for your process or equipment.

3. Flow Rate

Consider the nitrogen gas flow rate needed for your process or experiment, selecting a generator with an appropriate output capacity.

4. Purity

Ensure the generator can achieve the necessary purity level for your application. Nitrogen purity is typically expressed as a percentage, with higher values indicating greater purity.



What Is a Densimeter?


Specific gravity refers to the ratio of the mass of a particular substance to the mass of an equivalent volume of a standard substance.

A densimeter, also known as a specific gravity meter, is a device used to measure this specific gravity. While the term specific gravity applies to solids, liquids, and gases, this article focuses on densimeters used for measuring the specific gravity of liquids.

In simple terms, the principle involves measuring the buoyancy force acting on an object. If the specific gravity of water is considered as 1, an object will sink if its specific gravity is greater than 1 and float if it’s less. The most common device that operates based on this principle is the hydrometer.

A hydrometer is a calibrated scale that floats in a liquid, and the specific gravity is determined by reading the scale.

Modern densimeters have evolved to include various types such as load cell-based, vibration-based, differential pressure-based, and radiation-based models. Some of these newer models feature digital displays, simplifying the measurement process compared to traditional hydrometers.

Applications of Specific Gravity Meters

Densimeters find applications in a wide range of fields, including pharmaceuticals, food processing, industry, and scientific research.

Common uses include:

  • Measuring the salinity of seawater
  • Assessing the sugar content of fruits used in juice production
  • Determining the concentration of various chemical solutions in industries like semiconductors, plating, and battery electrolytes
  • Measuring fat content in milk
  • Calculating alcohol content by volume ratio in alcoholic products
  • Assessing impurity levels in petroleum products

Principles of Densimeters

The basic structure of a hydrometer is depicted in Figure 1. It consists of a body that provides buoyancy and a scale placed within it.

The lower part of the body contains an adjustable weight for buoyancy control. When immersed in the liquid to be measured, the buoyancy acting on the scale equals the weight of the liquid displaced by the scale’s volume.

As a result, the scale sinks into the liquid to a degree where its weight is balanced by the buoyancy force. The scale is graduated, and when equilibrium is reached, the reading on the scale corresponds to the liquid’s surface.

While most hydrometers are constructed from glass, plastic hydrometers are also available.

Other Types of Densimeters

Non-Floating Scale Densimeters

Besides hydrometers, other types of densimeters are primarily used in industrial settings. These include load cell-based, vibration-based, differential pressure-based, and radiation-based densimeters.

A load cell densimeter converts force magnitude into an electrical signal to precisely measure the weight of a submerged object in a liquid. It calculates the specific gravity of the test liquid based on the load change.

These densimeters offer higher measurement accuracy compared to conventional hydrometer-type densimeters and are less susceptible to operator skill variations, making them ideal for analytical tasks.

Vibration-based densimeters involve injecting the test liquid into a U-tube, which is then vibrated externally. The U-tube vibrates at a frequency determined by its mass, including the liquid. Consequently, the liquid’s mass within the U-tube can be calculated from this frequency, allowing the density of the sample to be determined.

These densimeters are widely used for quality control, particularly in the food industry, due to their intuitive operation and rapid measurement capabilities.

Differential pressure densimeters utilize pressure differences between two points along a measuring tube, which are proportional to the liquid’s specific gravity.

Radiation-based densimeters rely on the variations in gamma ray transmittance emitted by radioisotopes, which are influenced by the density of the material being measured.


Angular Velocity Sensor

What Is an Angular Velocity Sensor?

Angular Velocity Sensors

An angular velocity sensor, also known as a gyro sensor, measures the rotational motion or change in orientation of an object. It converts angular velocity changes into electrical signals, capturing this information rapidly and responsively.

These sensors are small and can be easily integrated into compact devices. However, they can be affected by external factors like vibration and shock, so precautions are necessary for precise measurement applications.

Applications of Angular Velocity Sensors

Angular velocity sensors are increasingly used in various devices due to their sensitivity and compact size:

1. Automobiles

In automotive stability control systems, these sensors detect vehicle slip angle and deflection, enhancing stability by adjusting wheel torque based on road and driving conditions. They also contribute to safety in driving support systems.

2. Smartphones and Tablets

These sensors in smartphones and tablets adjust screen orientation based on device tilt and rotation. They are also used in motion-sensor games and virtual reality applications.

3. Game Controllers

Game controllers employ these sensors to detect player movements and translate them into in-game actions for interactive gameplay.

4. Industrial Robots

In robotics, angular velocity sensors provide real-time feedback on the robot’s joint and component movement, enabling precise positioning and operation.

Principle of Angular Velocity Sensors

Angular velocity sensors come in different types, including rotary mechanical, optical, and capacitive:

1. Rotational-Mechanical Type

Utilizes the Coriolis force acting on a rotating object to detect angular velocity, measuring torque generated due to angular velocity application.

2. Optical Type

Operates based on the Sagnac effect, using the time difference of light rotation in a circular path to calculate angular velocity.

3. Capacitance Type

Measures angular velocity through changes in capacitance caused by the movement of electrodes, commonly used in aerospace and industrial applications.

How to Select an Angular Velocity Sensor

Consider the following when choosing an angular velocity sensor:

1. Dimensions

Select a sensor that fits the space requirements of your application, particularly important for portable or small devices.

2. Operating Voltage

Choose a sensor with an operating voltage that matches your power supply, especially important for battery-powered devices.

3. Measurement Range

Ensure the sensor’s measurement range aligns with your required angular velocity range. Precision may decrease with overly broad ranges.

4. Output Signal

Decide between analog and digital outputs based on your control unit’s interface, with analog providing continuous values and digital offering discrete data.

Other Information on Angular Velocity Sensors

Difference Between Angular Velocity Sensor and Acceleration Sensor

While both sensors detect motion in inertial space, angular velocity sensors measure rotation or directional change, whereas acceleration sensors detect speed changes. Combining both types enhances motion detection, but be mindful of increased space and cost with multiple sensors.


Large Scale 3D Printers

What Is a Large Scale 3D Printer?

Large Scale 3D Printers

Large-scale 3D printers are 3D printers that specialize in the creation of large objects and are often used mainly for commercial purposes.

Until now, large objects have often been produced manually by craftsmen based on their experience. However, the use of large 3D printers enables manufacturing that is not limited by experience or time.

Large-scale 3D printers can also produce multiple small objects at the same time, making them more efficient than small-scale 3D printers.

Uses for Large 3D Printers


Figure 1. Uses of large 3D printers

Large-scale 3D printers have a variety of uses. For example, they are used to produce large prototypes, decorations, 3D signs, figures, interiors, and props. They are also used to produce casting molds for molding.

In recent years, large 3D printers have been used to model houses and bridges, and it is expected that they will be used in even more new fields in the future.

Principles of Large 3D Printers


Figure 2. Principle of large 3D printers

There are various stacking methods used in 3D printers, and the method employed differs depending on the product.

The optical molding method is a method of layering by irradiating ultraviolet light onto light-curing resin. The thermal melting and laminating method is a method in which plasticized resin is ejected from a nozzle and laminated, and since engineering plastics can be used as materials, it is effective for modeling that requires durability.

It is important to select the appropriate product according to the application of the large-sized product you want to make.

More Information on Large 3D Printers

1. Large-Scale 3D Printer Materials

Large-scale 3D printers can model using a variety of materials. In addition to the materials listed below, nylon, which is flexible and used in end products, polypropylene, which is strong and resistant to acids and alkalis, and plaster can also be used.

ABS is strong against bending and stretching and is easy to polish and otherwise process. However, ABS has the disadvantage of being susceptible to moisture, which can cause deformation when making large products. Because of its low price, this material is suitable for use in in-house manufacturing.

A naturally occurring plastic material called PLA is also often used as a material for large 3D printers. Its hardness and stable output make it suitable for creating large products. However, it is not suitable for processing such as polishing.

Some advanced products can handle metal materials. Aluminum, copper, titanium, steel, etc. can be used as materials, but of course, these materials are expensive, so they are mainly used for industrial applications.

2. The Future of Large-Scale 3D Printers


Figure 3. The future of large-scale 3D printers

Large-scale 3D printers are expected to be used in a variety of fields. For example, in the construction industry, large 3D printers are being used to model houses and bridges. In the future, this is expected to help solve the shortage of engineers and realize more efficient construction.

In the automotive industry, large 3D printers are also being used to model bodies, tires, and other components. In recent years, with the trend toward EVs, the timing is right for the need for new equipment, and more attention is being paid to the use of 3D printers.


Rotary Tools

What Is a Rotary Tool?

A rotary tool is a tool attached to a machine tool for cutting metal.

By attaching a rotating mechanism to the cutting tool, this tool is capable of complex machining.

By using a rotary tool on a single machine tool, it is a tool that can contribute to capacity improvement by enabling machining such as flat surface machining, drilling, boring, and cylindrical grinding.

It is inefficient to use multiple machine tools for machining.
Using multiple machine tools, there are disadvantages such as inefficiency in setting up each machine, such as a machine tool for plane machining, a machine tool for drilling, and a machine tool for cylindrical grinding, as well as machining misalignment due to mounting.

This is a revolutionary machine tool that allows multiple machining operations with a single machine tool.

Applications of Rotary Tools

The rotary tool is an innovative machine tool that allows comprehensive machining by attaching a tool to a comprehensive rotary machining unit.
Rotary tools are revolutionary machine tools that enable comprehensive machining by attaching a tool to the unit of a general rotary cutter.

There are various types of rotary tools to suit different machine tools and machining conditions.

There are two main types

  • Standard Rotary Rools
    • End-face processing type
      End-face machining of clamp material
      Grooves are machined on the end faces of machined parts.
    • For Outer Diameter Machining
      Machining the outer diameter of clamping material
      Machining the outer diameter of cylinders
  • Special Rotary Tools
    • Double-headed type
      Special type can accommodate multiple tools

Features of Rotary Tools

A rotary tool is attached to a machine tool to process metal.

There are various types of machine tools.

Cutting Machine

    • A type that processes metal while replacing tools.
      • Disadvantage: Poor work setup.
    • A type that transfers workpieces from machine tool to machine tool.
      • Disadvantages: Transferring workpieces from machine tool to machine tool and mounting and dismounting them results in poor machining accuracy. Poor work setup.
  • Comprehensive Rotary Processing Machine
    Multiple tools can be mounted on the rotating unit for machining.

    • Advantages: Comprehensive machining is possible due to multiple tool mounting and machining. Machining accuracy is good because only one installation is required without transferring the workpiece from one machine tool to another.
    • Disadvantage: Comprehensive rotary processing machines are expensive.

Machined parts require flat machining, drilling, boring, cylindrical machining, and other processes to complete a part.

General machine tools are used to transfer parts from one machine to another, changing tools as they are machined.
This results in lower work efficiency and lower machining accuracy due to mounting and dismounting.

By attaching the rotary tool to the rotary unit of a general rotary machine tool, it is possible to reduce the time required to remove and replace the tool due to workpiece transfer.
This is an epoch-making machine tool that frees the operator from the need to remove and replace tools due to workpiece transfer.

Dangers of Rotary Tools and Countermeasures

Even small, handheld rotary tools have high torque, so if used incorrectly, they can be dangerous, resulting in lacerations, burns, and in the worst case, serious accidents that can result in the loss of fingers or limbs. There are many types of rotary tools, such as drills and milling machines, but they are basically divided into two hazards: the rotary tool itself and the workpiece to be processed.

Danger of the rotary tool itself
The first and foremost hazard of the rotary tool itself is entrapment in the rotating parts. Finger entrapment comes to mind immediately, but care must also be taken to avoid the entrapment of gloves and clothing. The use of military gloves is basically prohibited when using rotary tools, and name straps and neckties are worn around the neck are also extremely dangerous. Sleeves and hems of clothing are also often overlooked, so be sure to check them before using the rotary tool.

Next are injuries such as cuts, lacerations, and burns caused by contact with the rotating parts. Rotary tools cut wood, metal, and other materials, so they are characterized by being extremely hard and sharp. Even if the contact is only momentary, there is a risk of cuts and lacerations. Also, the frictional heat from prolonged contact makes the tool and the workpiece hot, so care must be taken to avoid burns.

Finally, there is a risk of the above entrapment and injury due to tool breakage, machine malfunction, or operator mishandling. It is important to inspect rotary tools before use and to take measures such as 5S in the operating environment and alert people around you.

Danger of Workpiece
Danger also lurks in the workpiece. Because rotary tools rotate with high torque, if the workpiece is not properly secured, it may be blown away, resulting in injury to the operator or damage to equipment.

Cutting chips formed during machining are also sharp and can easily be touched with bare hands or scattered during operation, posing a risk of injury. When cleaning, it is important to always wear protective equipment and use special tools to collect, store, and dispose of these materials. 

Rotary Tool Qualifications

Some grinding operations using rotary tools require qualifications. In the case of grinding wheel replacement work for hand grinders that use a rotary wheel to finish the surface, only workers who have received special safety and health training can perform this work because it falls under the category of “replacement of grinding wheels or test operation when replacing grinding wheels. Violations may result in fines, so it is necessary to take a special training course and obtain certification before performing the work.


Hydraulic Actuator

What Is a Hydraulic Actuator?

A hydraulic actuator is a device that converts the force of hydraulic fluid into mechanical kinetic energy, enabling linear and rotational motions. Linear motion is achieved through hydraulic cylinders, allowing forward and backward movement. For rotational motion, hydraulic motors facilitate rotary applications, while rotary actuators are used for oscillating movements. Compared to pneumatic actuators, hydraulic actuators offer superior output, speed, accuracy, and durability.

Applications of Hydraulic Actuators

Hydraulic actuators are integral to construction machinery like hydraulic excavators and cranes and are also employed in vehicles, aircraft, industrial machinery, and machine tools due to their powerful performance. The hydraulic unit, consisting of a hydraulic pump powered by an engine or electric motor and an oil tank, is the pressure source for hydraulic fluid, driving the actuator. Direction and speed control are managed through valves, making them versatile for various applications.

Principle of Hydraulic Actuators

In a hydraulic system, power is transmitted through hydraulic fluid in a closed circuit. The force generated by a hydraulic cylinder is the product of the pressure and the cylinder’s pressure-receiving area. System design involves determining the desired thrust and accordingly calculating the cylinder’s dimensions or the hydraulic motor’s displacement to achieve the required torque or force.

Types of Hydraulic Actuators

1. Hydraulic Cylinder

Hydraulic cylinders come in single-acting and double-acting types, with single-acting cylinders requiring an external force for return movement, and double-acting cylinders allowing for bidirectional force application. Installation methods vary based on the desired machine movement.

2. Hydraulic Motor

Hydraulic motors, including piston, gear, and vane types, differ in their operational mechanics and applications. Vane motors, for example, are available in single and double vane configurations, affecting torque and rotation angle.

How to Choose a Hydraulic Actuator

Selection of hydraulic actuators depends on required thrust or torque, pressure resistance, and, for cylinders, buckling strength. Hydraulic motors also require consideration of maximum flow rate, with flow control valves adjusting this rate as needed. By combining linear and rotational motions, hydraulic actuators can achieve complex movements.