ADAS Testing

What Is ADAS Testing?

ADAS testing is a service that conducts developmental testing of advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS), which are automotive driver-assistance systems.

ADAS includes various automotive systems that support driving operations to enhance safety and comfort for drivers and pedestrians. While the driver remains in control, vehicle systems can be partially automated, adapted, and enhanced to minimize human error and reduce traffic accidents. ADAS testing provides an environment for testing such technologies.

Uses of ADAS Testing

ADAS testing provides simulation and testing solutions for developing automotive ADAS systems.

ADAS is a driver assistance system that uses data from various sensor technologies to understand the conditions around the vehicle. ADAS systems include testing of individual hardware functions such as millimeter-wave sensors, laser radar, and cameras, testing of the on-board ECUs connected to these sensors, testing of the entire system in a virtual space, and testing of actual vehicles on a test course or similar environment. Various tests are conducted to simulate situations that may occur in a real traffic environment.

Principle of ADAS Testing

1. Technological Elements of ADAS

The realization of ADAS requires sensor technology for the external world, an onboard ECU that controls the vehicle body and other components, a fast and accurate onboard network, and an onboard locator. The main components include the following:

  • Millimeter-wave radar: measures the relative distance to surrounding objects
  • Laser radar (LiDAR): analyzes the distance to distant objects and the nature of those objects
  • On-board cameras
  • Position measurement sensors
  • ADAS locator: Positioning system combining satellite positioning, gyro sensors, and vehicle speed measurement
  • In-vehicle ECU (electronic control unit)
  • In-vehicle networks
  • Ultrasonic sensors (sonar)

2. ADAS Functions

Typical ADAS functions realized from the above-mentioned ADAS technology elements are as follows:

  • Adaptive cruise control system (ACC)
  • Forward collision warning (FCW)
  • Collision damage mitigation braking system (AEBS: advanced emergency braking system)
  • Night vision/pedestrian detection (NV/PD: night vision/pedestrian detection)
  • Traffic sign recognition (TSR)
  • Lane departure warning (LDW: lane departure warning)
  • Lane keeping assist system (LKAS)
  • Blind-spot monitoring (BSM)
  • Rear cross traffic alert (RCTA)
  • Driver monitoring system (DMS)
  • Automatic headlamp light axis adjustment (AFS: adaptive front lighting system)
  • Advanced parking assist (APA)

3. ADAS Testing

There are three main types of ADAS testing environments, depending on the development stage:

  • Sensor simulation on a program in a virtual space
  • Driving tests using miniature models, etc.
  • Driving tests conducted on a test course or public roads by incorporating the necessary equipment in an actual vehicle

ADAS includes various sensor technologies used for each function to recognize the outside world, judgment technologies such as image recognition technology, and vehicle operation technologies such as steering wheel operation. Tests are conducted for each of these functions in the early stages of development. In the later stages of development, complex scenarios using multiple vehicles and soft targets must be created and verified in actual vehicles. A variety of weather environments are assumed, as well as pedestrians, vehicles, and other soft targets. In some cases, driving control robots are deployed to reproduce the driver’s operation with a high degree of accuracy.

Types of ADAS Tests

There are various types of ADAS tests, some of which are listed below:

1. Measuring the Distance to a Stopped Vehicle

AEBS (collision damage mitigation braking system) and FCW (forward collision warning) are important systems for avoiding accidents. These systems need to correctly monitor the road conditions ahead and the condition of the vehicle.

To test these functions, a system that can measure the distance to obstacles in real-time with an accuracy of ±2 cm using GPS is provided.

2. Indoor Test Systems

Indoor test systems are systems that simulate real-world environments with high accuracy based on actual road driving data. The system can reproduce various problematic scenes and enable evaluation on a table. Sometimes, an environment that combines the real and virtual is used.








1. 薪割り機のメリット



2. 薪割り機のデメリット





1. 手動式



2. 電動薪割り機



3. エンジン式薪割り機




薪割り機を選ぶ際には、「分割力」、「作業速度」、「分割方法 」などの要素を考慮することが不可欠です。

1. 分割力



2. 作業スピード



2. 作業スピード



3. 分割方法



Pap Pen

What Is a Pap Pen?

A pap pen is used to create a water-repellent barrier around a sample on a glass slide, primarily for immunohistochemical staining and other biochemical experiments involving fluorescent antibody reactions.

Immunohistochemical staining is a biochemical technique that utilizes antibodies to identify the location of proteins and other antigens in tissue sections. After the antigen is labeled with an antibody, the antigen-antibody complex is visualized using fluorescence detection or other methods. The pap pen is used to draw a hydrophobic circle around the specimen on a glass slide, which helps prevent the loss of antibodies and specimens during the process. It is sometimes referred to as a PAP pen, named after the peroxidase anti-peroxidase (PAP) method, a common technique in fluorescent antibody staining.

Uses of a Pap Pen

Pap pens are primarily utilized in biochemical experiments such as immunohistochemical staining and in situ hybridization on glass slides under a microscope.

By drawing a water-repellent barrier around the specimen, the pen helps confine the specimen and antibodies on the glass slide, ensuring they do not wash away during processing. Although referred to as a “pen,” it is not designed for general writing but specifically for laboratory applications.

Principle of a Pap Pen

Immunohistochemical Staining

Immunohistochemical staining is a technique that specifically detects antigens in cells and tissues using antigen-antibody reactions. This method can employ fluorescent or enzymatic labeling of antibodies. The key steps include:

  • Specimen preparation
  • Antigen activation
  • Antibody application
  • Antibody detection

During specimen preparation, the pap pen is used to draw a water-repellent circle that helps contain the sample and reagents on the glass slide, preventing them from leaking during subsequent steps.

Both direct and indirect antibody labeling methods are utilized. In direct labeling, primary antibodies are directly tagged with enzymes or fluorescent probes. Indirect labeling involves a primary antibody and a secondary antibody, which specifically binds to the primary antibody and is labeled with an enzyme or fluorescent probe. Detection is achieved through colorimetric (enzyme-antibody method) or fluorescence-based methods (fluorescent antibody method).

Functions and Use of a Pap Pen

The pap pen is designed to draw repellent lines on glass slides according to the size, shape, and number of samples. Its ink is water-repellent, insoluble in alcohol and acetone, but soluble in xylene, allowing for easy removal. Most pap pens are heat-resistant up to 120°C (248°F).

To use, activate the pen by pressing the tip against a hard surface to release any trapped gas. Shake well, then press the tip on a microscope slide repeatedly until the ink flows. Draw lines around each sample, and store the pen cap-side down at room temperature after use. If excess ink flows, remove it by dabbing on an unwanted piece of paper.

Types of Pap Pens

Pap pens are available from several manufacturers and come in various line thicknesses including 2 mm, 3 mm, and 4 mm. Ink capacities range from 2.5 mL for the fine line type to 5 mL for the thick line type, with the fine line type usable approximately 500 times and the thick line type about 1000 times. Common ink colors are light green and light blue.

While pap pens generally require a surfactant-free surface, some are formulated to remain stable in buffers containing surfactants such as Tween 20 or Triton X-100.

Dyne Pen

What Is a Dyne Pen?

A dyne pen is used to measure the wetting characteristics (surface tension, dyne level) of an object’s surface.

It is sometimes referred to as a tension checker or wettability check pen. The dyne level indicates the adhesion properties of an object’s surface. Using a dyne pen, you can assess how well an ink, varnish, primer, etc., adheres to the surface of materials such as plastic or metal. It is characterized by its ease of use, similar to a highlighter pen.

Uses of a Dyne Pen


Dyne pens are used to measure the surface tension and wetting properties of various materials, as well as to measure surface energy values. They are particularly prevalent in industrial fields requiring printing, painting, and adhesion. Examples of major applications include:

  • Measurement of the surface tension of plastics and other non-porous substrates.
  • Checking the surface condition (printability) of objects before printing.
  • Assessing the condition of objects after various types of cleaning, such as light cleaning.
  • Confirming adhesion and affinity of surfaces of materials after treatments like plasma surface treatment (PE, PP, plastic films, etc.)
  • Testing for oil residue after degreasing and cleaning of metalworking parts.

The main areas of application include:

  • Automotive interior and exterior parts
  • Electronic devices and components
  • Resin and ceramic products
  • Manufacturing and R&D departments of steel, nonferrous metals, etc.
  • Various types of printing (gravure printing, offset printing, UV printing, screen printing, pad printing, inkjet printers)
  • Dry laminators, extrusion laminators
  • Inflation film, T-die film sheet, stretched film
  • Coating

Principle of a Dyne Pen

What Is Wettability?

Wettability is the affinity between a liquid and a solid surface. It is evaluated based on how uniformly a liquid spreads on a solid surface due to intermolecular forces, termed “high wettability.”

Wettability is related to surface tension, primarily determined by the surface energy of the liquid and solid. For a liquid to spread on a solid surface, the surface energy of the liquid must be less than that of the solid. Thus, the higher the surface energy of the solid, the better the wettability. Surface energy is also referred to as dynes, measured in mN/m (millinewtons per meter) in the SI system and dyn/cm (dynes per centimeter) in the CGS system.

This index measures how well substances like inks, glues, and varnishes adhere to surfaces of materials such as plastics or metals.

How to Measure Wettability with a Dyne Pen

The dyne pen is available in pens for each number of dynes, allowing precise measurement. The method is as follows:

  • Apply the test pen of the desired dyne number to the material’s surface.
  • Observe the state of the liquid film approximately 2-4 seconds after application to determine suitability. If there is no breakage or shrinkage of the liquid film, the test is successful, and you should test with a higher number of dynes to determine its suitability. Conversely, if the liquid film breaks or shrinks, test with a lower number of dynes.
  • Repeat the above steps, and the highest number of dynes that does not cause breakage or shrinkage of the liquid film is the dyne level of the material’s surface.

Components of a Dyne Pen

Formamide is commonly used as a component of dyne pens. However, non-toxic and non-irritant alternatives without formamide are also available.

Types of Dyne Pens

Dyne pens are typically sold in sets of about 4 to 8 pens of different dyne numbers. The 30s and 40s dyne numbers are most commonly used, but pens with dyne numbers in the 50s, 60s, and 70s are also available.

Ink colors include red, blue, and green. In addition to regular capacity types (e.g., 50 mL), smaller quantity types (e.g., 10 mL) are available for quick use. Some products are non-toxic and non-irritant, free from formamide and other harmful organic compounds. However, it is necessary to review the material safety data sheet (SDS) for those containing substances like xylene or formamide.










1. 製造業




2. 建設業


3. 発電分野



4. 都市計画・防災








2. モデル構築


3. システム構築







2. 既存システムとの連携


3. デジタルツイン開発企業の利用












1. インフラの点検



2. 災害現場



3. 農業


また、農業用の水路トンネルの点検用途にも、点検ロボットが開発されています。農業用の水路トンネルは総延長2,000 km以上ありますが、上水、工業用水等と兼用になっているトンネルなどでは断水することが難しく、今まで人による点検が十分に出来ませんでした。高感度カメラを搭載し、通水中でもカメラが回転しない様自動制御される点検ロボットが開発され、水路トンネル内部のひび割れや漏水などを点検することが可能となっています。

4. 警備







2. カメラ


3. センサー








Surface Treatment Chemicals

What Is Surface Treatment Chemicals?

Surface treatment chemicals encompass the various substances utilized in surface treatment processes, targeting materials like metal products, parts, and certain plastics. These treatments aim to enhance mechanical performance, encompassing attributes such as hardness, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, heat resistance, adhesion, insulation, and conductivity.

Additionally, decorative processes like polishing and coloring are often applied to surfaces to add aesthetic value.

The surface treatment process involves several steps, starting with pre-treatment measures like degreasing, acid washing, and rinsing to eliminate foreign substances from the material’s surface. Surface activation may also be necessary before applying coatings or initiating chemical reactions. Chemicals utilized in these pre-treatment and post-treatment rinsing processes are collectively known as surface treatment chemicals.

Applications of Surface Treatment Chemicals

Common surface treatment techniques include chemical reactions, plating, anodizing, and electrocoating.

1. Chemical Reactions

This method involves immersing materials in chemical solutions to induce reactions on the surface, altering material properties. For instance, blackening iron products enhance corrosion resistance by forming a ferric oxide film through chemical reactions.

2. Plating

Plating entails depositing a metallic coating onto metal substrates (and sometimes plastics) to enhance aesthetics, corrosion resistance, and mechanical properties.

3. Anodizing

Applied to aluminum substrates, anodizing forms an oxide film to improve corrosion resistance and other properties.

4. Electrocoating

Immersing materials in a water-soluble paint tank and applying direct current deposits the paint onto the surface. Methods like cationic and anionic electrodeposition coating offer superior corrosion resistance, with the former widely used in automotive undercoat painting.

Principles of Surface Treatment

Surface treatment processes necessitate proper surface preparation to remove contaminants like grease, rust, or unwanted films. Parameters such as chemical concentration, temperature, and electrical conditions must be meticulously controlled for effective and consistent treatment. Expertise in managing these parameters is critical for successful surface treatment.

Choosing Surface Treatment Chemicals

When selecting surface treatment chemicals, factors such as material type, desired performance, and treatment method must be considered. Consulting experts may be beneficial due to the broad range of available chemicals and specialized requirements.


Drilling Routers

What Is a Drilling Router?

A Drilling Router is an electric power tool designed for drilling holes in various materials.

This tool operates by attaching a drill bit to the end of the router, which then spins at high speeds to create holes. The drill bits come in different sizes, allowing for the creation of holes in various dimensions. There are also several types of drill bits specifically designed for use with routers, available for purchase online or through other channels.

The capabilities of a Drilling Router vary based on the specific model, but generally, they can be used to drill holes in wood, metals, non-ferrous metals, plastics, and other materials. This versatility makes the Drilling Router a powerful tool for substantial tasks across various applications.

Certain models, such as the mini-router, are particularly suited for household use, making them ideal for DIY projects and hole-drilling in handmade crafts.


Curing Oven

What Is a Curing Oven?

A Curing Oven, sometimes referred to as a Heat-Curing Furnace, is a specialized device designed to cure resin joints and materials such as plastics. It achieves this through a controlled heating environment.

Primarily used for heating and curing resins and plastics, Curing Ovens play an essential role in quickly solidifying welded joints and substrates. These ovens are available in various configurations, including belt conveyor, tabletop, and mesh belt styles, with the choice of oven depending on the specific material requirements. Featuring heating elements and circulating fans, Curing Ovens ensure uniform heat distribution, thereby helping maintain quality and enhance the efficiency of the production process.


3D Printer Head

What Is a 3D Printer Head?

A 3D Printer Head is the component in a 3D printer that is responsible for creating objects. It does this by precisely dispensing and shaping the building material.

This head typically uses materials such as thermoplastic filaments or resins, forming objects layer by layer from a digital design file. The 3D Printer Head consists of a nozzle, a heating element, a cooling mechanism, and a motion control device. It works by layering the material, melting it with the heat source, and then solidifying it with the cooling mechanism, thus enabling the three-dimensional fabrication of objects as per the digital design.

Diverse types of 3D Printer Heads are available, each facilitating the formation of objects with varying materials, precision levels, and speeds. These printer heads are used in numerous fields, ranging from industrial applications to personal projects, significantly influencing the realms of product development and custom manufacturing.